The state and globalisation focused. Flashcards
What is a nation state ?
The nation state is a political community that binds people together by citizenship and nationality
What established the legal basis of the state ?
The treaty of Westphalia in 1648. This introduced threekey principles
- The principle of Sovereignty of states.
- The principle of legal equality between states
- The principle of non state intervention in the internal affairs of another
- Links to realism as it takes a state centric view of the world
What is national sovereignty ?
National sovereignty is the states absolute power over its citizens and subjects
What are the four key features of the state ?
- Having the ability to enter into relations with other states ( this requires recognition from other states)
- A legally defined territory
- A stable population
- An effective government
What is globalisation ?
Globalisation is the widening and deepening of a complex web of interconnectedness. Which includes: Political , cultural , economic
What concepts does the state link to ?
- Selfdetermination- links to liberals
Explain the process of globalisation.
The globalisation has created a shrinking world that is increasingly interconnected which has resulted in geographical location to lose its value which means that decisions that take place at great distance can affect different nation states eg conflict in syria has increased the number of migrants and asylum seekrs across europe
- Also globalisation has lessened the importance of territorial boarders of the nation state , the process has seen the rise in non state actors such as transitional corporates and on governmental organisations and international institutions such as the world bank
Give some possible for and against answers to he extent to which the impact of globalisation on the state system has been exaggerated.
1. Sceptics- sceptics would argue that globalisation has been exaggerated
- States are still the main global actors sates still are the main global actors. With vetos in UN of P5 members and UK leaving EU has made nation states have the authority above international organisation. A further EXAMPLE WOULD BE with the UK leaving the EU
3. Hypergloablisaers would argue that globalisation has not been exaggerated example economic globalisation which has been highlighted by Bretton wood organisations ie the world trade organisation further ..- Global financial crash in 2007-2008 which penetrated boarders and increased interdependence of states
- State sovereignty has declined. this can be seen through the formation of IGOS and regional bodies has meant that sovereignty is in decline Especially through EU and their diplomatic structure in ECJ to implement policies above nation state authority. e.g. Arrest Warrant etc.
What are the factors driving globalisation ? Give a brief explanation.
Technology- ie the internet etc
- Culture- Gloabl culture has been homoginised by global brands ,
- Economics
- Politics
- People and countries
- Institutions
What are the divisions between sceptics and hyper globalisers ?
- Hyper gloablisers see globalisation as inevitable where as Sceptics reject this idea
- Sceptics argue that globalisation has been exaggerated evidence for this can be seen in the south which are increasingly marginalised and not apart of a globalised economy where as H gloablisers see gobalisation as a process that is happening which can be seen
Explain the key ideas of transformanlists
- They argue that the state has been transformed in many different ways in different countries in a:
- National security state to protect against global terrorism ie UK
- A competition state that gets ahead in a globalised economy by boosting educational skills , and training
- A modernising state like china that mixes the free market and high levels of state control
- In some cases it has lead to a failed state ie Libya
Summarise the transformationalists perspective.
- They argue that the nation of the state has changed and the state has transformed in many different ways in different countries
- In some cases it has transformed has extended the political , cultural and ecominic functions of the world on the other hand it is uneven in its impact and can be dividing as much as it integrates
- it may mean a shrinking world for some but creates a sense of distance
What are the three main ideas of sceptics regarding globalisation ?
. Economic activities take place within the state suggesting that national economic policy is still relevant. Furthermore a large majority of the globes population is still marginalised specifically in the south they aren’t linked to the global market example ..
- Regionalisation and global governance remain weak as sovereignty still resides within states. Regional and international institutions are not a sign of weakness but are bodies that states use to grow their power and objectives
- The idea that globalisation is inevitable is a constructed view used by states such as the US and the west to peruse their objectives and goals. Therefore show that globalisation is exaggerated
What is the Hyper globaliser perspective on globalisation and the nation state.
Hyper globalisers argue that globalisation will create a borderless world due to technological progress.
- Globalisation is creating a new era where the authority of the nation state is decreasing due to the economic logic of a global market
- The states autonomy is in decline because its ability to manage strategic economic activities decreases due to the rise of global finance and TNCS aw well as the rise of regionalism and global governance
Explain the state of globalisation and the challenge to state control over citizens
The growth in international law in the 20th century has challenged state sovereignty and the control over citzens in three ways
- Individuals are now the subjects of international law as well as states eg the development of international human rights law such as the universal declaration of human rights
- International law not only looks at regulating between states but also mange nation states act within their own territorial border. Example R2P ( the responsibility to protect)
- International law is now about more than just international order it now includes a moral component example 1951 convention relating to the status of refugees that is about global justice, ie France and kicking out immogrants