Liberalism Flashcards
What does interdependence mean ?
- Interdependent refers to the reliance on other countries
What are some concepts that surround liberalism ?
- Peace
- Prevention of conflict through diplomacy
- Supports the spread of liberal ideas through democratic governments
- Global interdependence
- Nations states should work together
- nation states are guided by rationality o appreciate that
collective global dilemmas, such as the limitation of weapons of mass
destruction and climate change,
What are the main ideas of liberalism ?
- Complex interdependence - the idea that the interests of nation states are closely connected through a diverse web of interconnectedness based on mutually beneficial outcomes ie EU
What is the significance of morality and optimism on human nature ?
- Liberals take a moral interpretation of global politics which emphasises the importance of the protection of human rights when determining foreign policy. This is significant because it shows the liberal philosophy
- Liberals argue that the world is a global community based on common humanity nation states have a duty to protect and encourage international respect for human rights. Evidence international law + UNs responsibility to protect 2005 r2p
- Liberalism is an optimistic theory in global politics which suggests that there are some links to socialism
What is meant by complex interdependence ? What institutions are an example of this
- The nation state is not the most important political actor in global relations, instead they suggests that nation states should co-operate with intergovernmental organs (IGO) such as the united nations and the world trade organisation
- Favour institutions of global governance such as the un because there can be shared problems and shared solutions to international problems and crisis
How does the EU demonstrate complex interdependence ?
Name the liberal key thinkers
- Kant
What is meant by global governance ?
Global governance is the emergence of order from institutions , norms processes that regulate action for common good
- There is an argument that may be suggested by realists arguing that global governance threatens sovereignty however liberals would argue that nation states accept the advantage of having global governance
What is the likelihood of global governance
What are the main features of liberalism ?
What is the definition of liberalism ?
Liberalism is a theory of international relations which claims that relations between states are characterised by co-operation
What are liberal ideas on the state ?
What are liberal ideas on power ?
- Support soft power
What are liberal ideas on order and security ?
What are liberal ideas on liberal organisations ?
- Liberal ideas on organisation ae positive.
- Focus on
- United nations - pools resources for common goals/ provides aq constant diplomacy between nation states
What is the likelihood of conflict according to liberalists
- ## according to liberals war and conflict are not inevitable in international relations this is because they argue that nation states can rationally solve conflict
What is the significance of the Kantian triangle ?
- The kantian triangle is a symbol of complex interdependence
- Kant developed this theory
- 4 elements
1. democracy
2. peace
3. economic interdependence
4. integra organisations
What are liberal ideas on human nature?
- Liberals believe that people are capable of altruism( the idea of selflessness and a concern for the well being of others )
- Reject realist ideas on human selfishness
- Human co-operation arguing that states have the ability to co-operate with ecah other ie the EU
Compare realist ideas on human nature with liberal ideas. What are the differences ?
- Liberals reject realist ideas on human nature specifically selfishness
What unit 1 ideas can we link to liberalism ?
- Liberal approaches on society can be compared to those views liberal views of global politics ie state harmony links to harmony in society
- Liberals hold a more progressive view on human nature , humans as rational and reasonable , driven by a desire for freedom and self improvement - can be illustrated through states acting in a similar way manner when conducting foreign policy
Compare liberalism with socialism specifically on the views on human nature.
Liberalism is an ideology that highlights the use of co-operation and harmony between nationstates which cab be achieved by working together with ngos and Igos
- Collective interdependence is the most effective
way of encouraging peace and stability.
Socialism comparison
- Marx and Engle’s ( socialist thinkers) would agree with liberalists arguing that humans are naturally communal and achiever most when they co-opearate
- Global governance closley linked with Locks philosophy
- Mary Wollstonecraft and Betty Friedan (core liberal
thinkers) emphasise the importance of equal rights,
which underpins a moral approach to foreign policy
Who developed the idea of the Kantian triangle ?
Explain the kantian triangle