Anarchal society Flashcards
Explain what is meant by anarchical society ?
- This is the idea that there is anarchy in the international system suggesting that there is no higher power than the state ( realist/ conservative view)
What is meant by anarchy ?
- This is the idea that there is anarchy in the international system suggesting that there is no higher power than the state ( realist/ conservative view)
- There is no structure in the anarchical system ( realist view)
- States develop relations with each other because they exist in the same environment( liberal view because they accept that there needs to be cooperation )
- There is nothing conscious or deliberate in the relationship that states have with each other
Explain international order using an anarchal perspective.
- There is international order because there is a genera acceptance of certain values and beliefs( links to liberalism/ cooperation and harmony)
- Power drive order in an international system which involves states accepting the degree of power that other states have ( LINKS TO REALISM)
- Lots of interactions between states take place according to a set of rules
For example – war, peace, the idea of a balance of power between states, protection of territory,
Explain Bull’s argument of anarchy in the global system.
Bull shares a no realist view that the starting point of global politics is the existence of states where states are equal , independent and sovereign, they are not under any higher authority
Explain how the view of anarchical society includes liberal thinking .
- Ideas on international order ie state acceptance f certain values and beliefs in order to maintain international order - links to liberal views on cooperation and mutual beneficial ..
- Accepts a lockean view of international relations tates are judges of the rules and norms and are left to enforce them but recognise that there is more to gain from co-operation
Explain how the view of anarchical society includes conservative thinking.
- Bull uses Hobbesian views on his ideas of anarchy in the international system where there is a brutal , hard and cold struggle for power between self interested states
- Hobbesian view on human nature links to states view when suggesting that there is a lack of structure in the international system
- Conservative views on society of states,. Links to the organic analogy and gradualism
Explain ideas on society of states .
- There is a development of institutions that are bounded by national interest ie ( intergovernmental organisations ) - (ORGANIC ANALOGY )
- There is an acceptance that state cooperation provides the best chance of achieving order
- ie NATO , UN
What is a definition of society of states ?
A society of states exists when a group of states consciously form a society because they share common values and are bounded by a common set of rules
What liberal concept does society of states link to ?:
Social contract (MILL)
What is not seen as apart of society of states ?
supernatural organisations ie the EU
Explain how the view of anarchical society includes realist thinking
- Strong focus on states
- Shares the view of anarchy in the international system ( lack of structure )
- Intergovernmental organisations are intergovernmental
- States use international organisations to pursue their own interests