Regionalism summary Flashcards
What is regionalism ?
Regionalism refers to the development of institutionalised cooperation between states from a geographical region
Wat are the different forms of cooperation ?
Regionalism can take three different forms
1. Economic regionalism- is the coming together of states from a geographical region for the purpose of cooperation in order to increase economic opportunities
- Security- Refers to institutionalised cooperation with the aim of protecting member states against their enemies
- Political- this is where there is institutionalised cooperation amongst states to protect or enhance their shared values
Further explain economic regionalism.
Economic regionalism is the coming together of states from a geographical region for the purpose of cooperation in order to increase economic opportunities
- Example= NAFTA
- The growth of economic regionalism is driven by economic globalisation
Further explain security regionalism.
- Security- Refers to institutionalised cooperation with the aim of protecting member states against their enemies
Growth= Security regionalism grew in the first phase of regionalism rom the end of the second world war in the 1990s as a response ot specific threats
Further explain political regionalism
- this is where there is institutionalised cooperation amongst states to protect or enhance their shared values
- This is driven by the desire for greater political influence
Name the different regional organisations.
This includes: - NAFTA - - AU - THE ARAB LEGAUE - ASEAN -
What is NAFTA?
NAFTA IS known as the ( North American Free Trade Agreement )
- This was created by USA, Canada and Mexico and came into force in 1994
- There aim was to eliminate tariffs and trade barriers between the three countries
- Some positives include:
1. Increased trade amongst the NAFTA countries - shows how cooperation can be beneficial and shows she impacts of liberalism
2. Has created side agreements such as the NAALC( North American Agreement on Labour and Cooperation) which has improved working conditions and living standards as well as enforce and enhance workers rights
What is the AU ?
( African Union)
- This replaced OAU in 2002 which now consist of 55 African states instead of 33.
- Its main aims were to promote peace , security and stability and democratic principles.
- Defends the sovereignty , territorial integrity and independence of its member states
- The AU has changed its principle/ aims to support Africa’s development and integration instead of the liberation of certain movements such as apartheid territories under the OAU
- Deployed its forces for peacekeeping this is evident in places such as Somali and Sudan
However, its plans for further integration is limited by its lack of finances and its members being autocratic states which causes much disagreement on the best way to develop its countries and its failure to act in Libya
What is the Arab League
- This was formed in 1945 by six states and is made up by 22 Arab- speaking states
- Its main aims are to strengthen relations between the member states
- Coordinate policies in order to achieve cooperation
- Safeguard independence and sovereignty
:) Arab league is more proactive for example its backing Libya and suspending Syria over its repression of the protests
:) Its in agreement in its support for alestine
:( However its badly split and decisions are only binding on its members who voted for them, this means that very little progress has been made
What is ASEAN?
This was founded in 1967 by five member states which has no upgraded to 10
- Its aim was to accelerate economic growth and social progress and cultural development in the region and promote regional peace and stability
:) More like the EU then any other regional bloc, ASEAN political security community , The ASEAN economic community
What are the factors which have fostered European integration
Factors which has fostered European integration have been based off the principle of federalism to tackle the conflict between sovereign states in the international system-
- European integration began in 1945 as a ..
1. the need to meet challenges presented by globalisation
2 The desire to ensure peace in Europe by expanding the EU to incorporate the states transitioning from communism to respond to crisis
3.Further political and economic integration to enable the EU to respond to crisis current and future , this includes financial , migration , health pandemics etc
What is the significance of the Eu as a global actor
- Economic influence- it has a large economic influence with the largest single market with a population of 510million people a currency that covers 19 states and accounts for 23%. e EU is the second largest economy by GDP and is one of the most significant trading partners for most states across most continents, with a particularly heavy representation in America and Africa.
- Political influence - the establishment of the common foreign and security policy .Soft power- diplomatic role in helping in helping broker the 2008 peace deal between Russia and Georgia , deploying EU monitors to observe. The development of the Paris agreement
- Military influence- Since 2003, over 30 civilian and military missions, becoming a key security.
What is the Aim of the EU
- To promote peace: one aim of the initial establishment of an economic union between European nations was to lessen the likelihood of another major conflict like that of World War One and World War Two.
What are the constraints and obstacles
Brexit - This will weaken the Eu economically with the removal of the second largest economy ( the UK) and the loss of super power
Lack of military influence- This is because the EU has a lack of army which reduces its ability to be seen as a serious global layer on the word stage
Splits over policy decision making- decisions regarding common foreign and security policy need to be unanimous representing the other member states. Further splits over policy such as recognising Kosovo as a state ie only 23 agree. And disagreements around the conflict in Iraq
What are the main aims and objectives of the EU?
How was the Eu established ?
What are the powers and key institutions of the EU
Is the EU a supranational or intergovernmental approach
What was the first step towards integration for the eu
The 1951 Treaty of Paris was the first step towards integration as it created the European coal and steel community. Which had two main aims
- To create a common market for steel and coal which ensures economic expansion , the growth of employment and a rising standard of living
- To strengthen Franco- German relations to prevent war and open the way to further intergration.
What are some of the key treaties of the EU?
This has contributed to the deepening of the EU which has seen the powers of policy areas move from economic integration towards political
- 1957 Treaty of Rome- seen as the founding treaty as it commits to a common market this established the council of ministers , the commission and parliamentry assembly
- 1986- Single European act- changed the decision making process , changed voting on the council of ministers for certain policy areas such as qualified majority vote
- 2007 Treaty of Lisbon - This explained the powers of the EU and included the creation of the post high representation for