30 Markers overall Flashcards
Evaluate the extent to which ‘the impact of globalisation has been exaggerated’
1. Natural economics- Sceptics would argue that hypergloablisers ignore natural economics states, even with the impact of globalisation are still the most important actors in determining the lives of their citizens through the independent economic choices they make., Example UK and its decisions of HS2 announcements of raising the national living wage, growth in energy bills etc. this shows that states are still able to make decisions that impact there citznes in spite of globalisation. Furthermore ..
2.States are still the main global actors- list view that globalisation politically has been exaggerated in the form that nation states still are the main global actors. With vetos in UN of P5 members and UK leaving EU has made nation states have the authority above international organisation. A further EXAMPLE WOULD BE with the UK leaving the EU
Against(globalisation has been impactful )
3.Economic globalisation- this refers to.. according to hyper globalisers the impact of economic globalisation today…derless’ world in which states are penetrated by external influences much more than in the past. This has been highlighted by the Bretton Woods organisations such as the World Trade Organisation which impact on state sovereignty through promoting global free markets and free trade. Furthermore Free Trade (neo-liberal thinking) dominates the world order. The UK e.g. imports 50% of its food, despitei ts large farming. Furthermore the global finacial crisis in 2008 shows how impactful economic globalisation is as is created a domino effect on other countries this is similar with the ukrain and war crisis
4.state sovereignty- because of gloablisation specifically political state sovereinty has been in decline, this can be seen through the formation of IGOS and regional bodies has meant that sovereignty is in decline Especially through EU and their diplomatic structure in ECJ to implement policies above nation state authority. e.g. Arrest Warrant etc. Furthermore ..liberals suggest that this has also created peace and cooperation between states
Evaluate the extent to which global economic governance is effective?
Evaluate the extent to which ‘state sovereignty is now an outdated concept’.
(For) sovereignty is an outdated concept
- Globalisation - the process of globalisation has contributed to sovereignty becoming outdated because of the widening and deepening of interconnectedness means that states are forced to work together. Hyper globalisers would point to how globalisation has resulted in a shrinking world where borders start to decline and a borderless world starts to dcecline for example the 2008 financial crash, covid 19 etc it has forced states to be interdependent due to the process of globalisation thus suggesting that
- Emergence of non state actors and NGO’s. liberals support the idea that sovereignty is becoming an outdated concept due to the emergence of non state actors and NGO’s. Non state actors have contributed to the decline in importance of sovereignty because it encourages cooperation between states. suggests that the EU has supranational power as they are given an amount of power to influence and input into decisions which states may make. The EU for example is said to have ‘high authority’ with supranational powers which goes against the idea that state has sovereignty
Against( sovereignty is still important
- cooperation between states does not stop sovereignty , in fact NGOs and Igos enable states to act self intreststedly interest as rational autonomous entities with aims of pursuing security, sovereignty and survival. for example e USA and Saudi Arabia are ideologically opposed but the USA have to work with them because they are dependent on them for oil.erefore, states only work to gain what is best for themselves rather than considering what is best for the world as a whole in order to grow.
- Sceptics
Evaluate the view that state sovereignty has been eroded by different regional organisations.
Evaluate the view that global order is significantly affected by the nature of government in different types of state
FOR( global order has been affected by the nature of governments)
liberals- Liberals would support the view that global order is affected by the nature of governments. They would point to the nature of international relations between states, suggesting that there has been a clear increase in the amount of cooperation between states which can be shown through the rise of democracies. Democratic states are states that … Democratic states are peaceful and predictable in there decision making ,for example… This is a key factor in driving complex interdependence.. Furthermore they also establish institutions of global governance which seeks to form trade links that are mutually beneficial for example the UK and .. Using the democratic peace thesis there can be an inference that democracies tend to be rational and don’t go to war which each other which contributes to there democratic nature.
- Rouge states/ failed states - they can have terrible consequences for international stability for example Yemen have generated regional instability this can be seen through the how much of the population is living under the poverty line 34%. Furthermore Afghanistan has caused refugee crisis where other states are forced to open borders this can be specifically seen in August of 2021 when the Taliabn took control of Kabul which triggered a refugee crisis the UK government alone took more than 15000 refugees and the US took around 113,5000. This demonstares how impactful the nature of government is on global order.
- Non democratic states
Against( Global order is not affected by the nature of governments)
- Realists- realists argue that the nature of governments have little impact on global order. They would point to the idea that all states are self interested and share the same objectives and interests. They are not interested in promoting liberal values. For example the UK and US are characterised as democratic states but there key interests are survival and security this can be seen specifically in the UK where they left the EU for there own self benefit even though tit would have been better if they stayed. The US and trade agreements between aggressive failed/ rogue states such as Iraq. They are acting in there own interest to survive and gain more power this may be the reason why states join Igo’s , Ngo’s because it brings them closer to many of there personal objectives .Therefore suggesting that the nature of governments do not matter because they all work the same
- States position in the international hierarchy
Evaluate the extent to which the IMF, WTO and World Bank have failed the world’s poor
Evaluate the extent to which cultural globalisation has had a greater impact on the world than any other form of globalisation
Intro- Cultural globalisation is the idea that values and cultures around the world are merging together to
form one global culture. This is known as homogenising culture however
FOR(cultural globalisation)
Para 1- Consumerism- Consumerism is the most significant factor of cultural globalisation and demonstrates how powerful its impact has been globally. Consumerism is associated with consumer goods depriving from the USA, America has proven to spread its cultural influence thorough the export of goods such a coca cola , McDonalds food, pizza hut etc, which have resulted in people buying into that American expereince and potentially attempting to live the american dram which has only been possible because of cultural globalisation. Furthermore this has been achieved through other cultures such as the Chinese , latin america and india which have been able to spread there ideas and food across the world and benefit the global economy
Para 2- Liberal values- because of cultural gloablisation there has been a spread of liberal values such as democracy , equal rights , justice and freedoms. These ideas have been especially seen in places such as eastern Europe , ad too many new regions and twothirds of states are now democratic or partially democratic. The spread of democracy has facilitated
the expansion of the ideas of individual rights and justice and ideas on equality. the introduction of the HRA act etc
Against ( little impact on the world)
Para 3 - Although cultural globalisation has had an impact on the world it threatens existing global order and human right issues , cultural globalisation faces many restrictions as it depends on the media and other forms of institutions that spread ideas and values. Many countries such as china and the middle east rebel against cultural globalisation because it is encouraging western values which explains the rise in religious fundamentalism from middle eastern countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan etc . Furthermore further resistance from countries like china and Al Jazeera launched non western news servcies and china has banned foreign social media that promote western ideologies ,suggesting that other forms such as political globalisation and economic are much more successful . economic globalisation is not restricted instead encouraged as countries have a mutual understanding … ie TVs, goods ther
household goods such as TVs, cars and clothing items have not faced such bans and restrictions,
and are widely available across the globe
Para 4-Poltical gloabisation would be better for the state of the world today for example international organisations such as Nato , EU and forums such as G7 and G20 nd G20 have
all grown in importance, particularly since the fall of the Soviet Union, allowing greater levels of
cooperation in areas such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. These have led to an expansion of
political alliances and networks not seen during the Cold War
Summarise the extent to which cultural globalisation has had an impact on the world
1. consumerism
2 Liberal values
- cultural globalisation possible restrictions , economic globalisation better trdae is never restricted
- Political globalisation more effective for cooperation etc