The Six “R’s” Flashcards
What does “Reinforce” mean in the Six “R’s”?
Positively reinforce work that is well done, thank people, more formal recognition.
Example sentence: The manager reinforced the team’s efforts by publicly recognizing their achievements.
What does “Request Information” mean in the Six “R’s”?
Hold routine discussions with all members and if needed, one on one. Follow up on blockers someone has preventing progression or success. Open communication to allow members to motivate themselves.
Additional information: Requesting information helps to ensure that all team members are on the same page and can address any issues that may arise.
What does “Resources” mean in the Six “R’s”?
Stay on top of issues needing resources, identify those resources and ensure they are made available when needed.
Resources are essential for the successful completion of tasks and projects.
What does “Responsibility” mean in the Six “R’s”?
Fosters environment of trust and respect by doing what is said will be done. Ensures all team members are responsible to the customer by remaining the focus of the team’s work.
Taking responsibility for one’s actions is a key aspect of being a reliable team member.
What does “Role” mean in the Six “R’s”?
Serves as a role model to the rest of the team so that other team members follow their examples and trust the guidance given. Educating other members when things are unclear.
Being a role model involves demonstrating the desired behavior and values for others to emulate.
What does “Repeat” mean in the Six “R’s”?
Repeat whatever is needed to continue success.
Consistency and repetition are important for reinforcing positive behaviors and habits.