Quality Gurus Flashcards
What is Shewhart known for?
- Father of statistical quality control (SQC)
• Created PDCA Model
• Control Charts
• Merged engineering, statistics and economics
• May have even created the Quality Profession
• Statistical Quality Control (SQC)
• Quality being relevant to products AND processes - Outputs of a process have data that can be analyzed
- Three step process for mass production is specification, production, and inspection
Example sentence: Shewhart’s PDCA Model is widely used in quality management.
What is Deming known for?
- First application of SQC for non-manufacturing problems (System of Profound Knowledge)
• Statistical Process Control (SPC) on 14 points for leadership transformation
• Teach process improvement to increase quality
• Stress process variation through stat analysis
• Acknowledge workers expertise and involvement
• 7 deadly sins of management and deadly diseases for organizational success
• Applies to entire organizations around continuous improvement
• PDSA cycle
• 85% problems are from processes not employees - Taught statistical methods to engineers and designers
Additional information: Deming’s 14 points for leadership transformation are still widely used in management practices.
Define Juan’s Trilogy.
Quality Planning correlates to Financial Planning.
Quality Control correlates to Financial Control
Quality Improvement correlates to cost reduction
What is Juran known for?
- Juran’s Trilogy (3 lvl approach to QA mgmt)
- Emphasized human side of quality
- Applied Pareto principal to quality (80/20 rule)
- Project by project focus for quality
- Quality does not happen by accident it must be planned and be a part of the business goals
Noriaki Kano describes quality as?
Describe Kano’s quality for “Expected”.
Also known as ‘dissatisfiers’ this level describes what customers say they want. This level is expected and does not increase satisfaction if present.
Example sentence: Customers expect timely delivery of their orders.
Describe Kano’s quality for “Desired”.
Also known as ‘Satisfier’s’, this level of quality may not be expected, but would be nice to have. This level can add to the customers satisfaction.
Example sentence: Customers are pleasantly surprised when they receive a handwritten thank you note with their order.
Describe Kano’s quality for “Excited”.
Also known as ‘Delighters/exciters’, this level of quality is beyond what is expected or desired. If present, this level dramatically increases satisfaction, but you will not lose the customer if it is not present.
Example sentence: Customers are delighted when they receive a free upgrade to a faster shipping method.
Crosby’s definition of Quality
Do it right the first time. This definition is conformance to requirements (Form, fit, function)
Conformance to requirements means meeting the specified criteria for form, fit, and function.
Deming’s definition of Quality
Meeting customer needs and wants which change over time. Continuous improvement/reevaluation which in turn demonstrates cost savings.
Continuous improvement refers to the ongoing effort to enhance products or processes over time.
Juran’s definition of Quality
Fitness for use. Degree to which product confirms to design. Availability, reliability and maintainability
Fitness for use means the product can perform its intended function effectively.
What is Ishikawa known for?
• Took Deming and Juran’s principals and geared them towards the Japanese focusing on collecting data and presenting them as drivers for quality
• Fishbone diagram
• Promoted the use of quality tools such as flowcharts and cause and effect diagram
• Company-wide Quality Control (CWQC) and participation
• Seven basic quality tools
ASQ Notes
What is Crosby known for?
Known for Zero Defects and Quality problems can be addressed by management.
Less defects using quality products equals more money due to less rework
Quality as a key goal and quality is conformance to requirements.
Receiving training in quality.
Right first time.
14 step approach to quality improvement and DIRFT
Ohno is know for?
Known for creating how an organization can identify waste (TIMWOOD) and lean manufacturing.
Wastes identified by Ohno
Transportation, Inventory, Waiting, Motion, Overprocessing, Over producing, Defects, Non/under-utilized (human)
Known as the eighth waste and lean manufacturing
What is Feigenbaum known for?
Quality must be managed, such as with quality standards and improvements.
Developing the concept of Total Quality Control (TQC) aka systematic and total approach to quality.
Build in quality up front not after the fact.
Quality means best for customer use, not best.
10 principles of quality.
What is Quality according to Feigenbaum?
Quality must be managed
Quality is a companywide process, what the customer says it is, a sum of quality and cost, requires individual and teamwork enthusiasm, a way of managing, ethic, requires continuous improvement, and is the most cost-effective route to productivity.
How is Quality implemented according to Feigenbaum?
Quality is implemented with the total system connected with customers and suppliers
What does TIMWOOD stand for?
Over processing
Over producing
Additionally, non/under-utilized human is an eighth waste.
What are the 10 principles of quality?
Quality is a companywide process
Quality is what the customer says it is
Quality and cost are a sum, not a difference
Quality requires both individual and teamwork enthusiasm
Quality is a way of managing
Quality and innovation are mutually dependent
Quality is ethic
Quality requires continuous improvement
Quality is the most cost-effective, least capital-intensive route to productivity
Quality is implemented with the total system connected with customers and suppliers
What is Frederick Taylor known for?
Assigning factory planning to specialized engineers and craftsman as supervisors.
Quality was maintained through labored skill and audits.
Increasing productivity without increasing the number of craftsmen
Quality would tank if this happened.