The second new deal Flashcards
What was the WPA?
- recruited people for public works projects
- 2 million employed by 1941 (wages kept lower than in industry)
- 20% of the workforce by 1940
- fort Knox and repository of gold reserves
What was the 1937 Wagner Act?
- guaranteed workers the right to collective bargaining and unions
- national labor relations board set up for fair play with workers and employers
What was the 1935 social security act?
- provided pension (after 1940 but had lots of catches)
- gave unemployment benefits at a maximum of $18 a week for 16 weeks only
What was the 1935 banking act?
- banks become centralized and under government control
- control moved from NY to Washington
what was the emergency relief appropriation act?
- biggest ever expenditure of 45.5 billion for public works (included WPA and NYA)
what was the national youth administration?
- part of appropriation relief appropriation along with WPA
- part time jobs to students completing studies
what was the Rural electrification act (REA)?
- low-interest loans for farmers and rural areas to get electric
- 35% of farms had it by 1941
what was the revenue act in 1935?
- increase taxes to fund the new deal
- only affected 1% of pop with income above 10,000 p/a
what were yellow dog clauses?
- banned in the 1937 Wagner act
- created to prevent workers from joining unions
how did the liberty leaguers oppose the new deal?
formed in 1934 by conservative republicans and democrats
- a believed market free of gov regulations was the best chance of recovery
had 125,000 members by 1936
how did the supreme court oppose the new deal?
- declared more legislation unconstitutional
- black Monday in 1935 where NIRA declared and 1936 when AAA was
how did FDR try to fight supreme courts opposition to the new deal?
- 1936 judicial reform bill
- supreme court judges went from 9 to 15 and replaced appointed judges above 70 for ones who would support him
- seen as an attempt to control gov so rejected
what was unemployment in 1932 and 1939?
18 million and 9 million
when was Roosevelts recession and what was it caused by?
- Roosevelts recession in 1937
- caused by reduction in government spending
what did farm income increase by?