The Islamic Foundations Flashcards
What is Human history from the Islamic point of view?
prophetic history
From the time of Adam to Muhammad, God had sent approximately___prophets to each community.
124 000
How many prophets does the Qur’an mention by name?
Who are the most week known figures in the Qur’an?
Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Elijah, Jonah, John the Baptist, and Jesus.
What is the purpose of prophets and messengers?
The purpose: To remind every community of their obligations to the one Sovereign Lord and warn them against disobedience.
What is nabi vs rasul?
- the Islamic tradition distinguishes the prophets and messengers
- a prophet (nabi)
- a messenger (rasul)
What is a prophet (nabi) in Islamic tradition?
A prophet is one who conveys messages from god to a specific community at a specific time
What is a messenger (rasul) in Islamic tradition?
A messenger also conveys messages from God, but the divine messages he delivers are universally binding.
What is an example of a universally binding message?
the torah was meant to be delivered not only to the Israelites, but also to Egyptians.
Were Jesus and Moses messengers or prophets?
What are the five prophets known as ‘ulu al’azm (prophets of power or firm resolve)?
Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad
What place does Moses occupy in Islamic Tradition?
- the Qur’an refers to him as a messenger sent no only to his own people (Israelites), but also to the Egyptian.
What place does the Torah hold in Islamic tradition?
The Torah, the scripture revealed to Moses, is for Muslims second important to the Qur’an, and most similar to it in terms of contents and purposes.
How many times is Moses mentioned in the Qur’an?
Over 200 times, many of these verses confirm his miracles
How is Jesus presented in the Qur’an?
As a miracle in himself.
Which of Jesus’ miracles does the Qur’an confirm?
his virgin birth, his ability to hal the sick, even his ability to raise the dead
How does Jesus differ between Islam and Christianity?
- the Qur’an presents him as a messenger of God and denies his divinity and divine Sonship-status
- the Qur’an insists that Jesus did not die on the cross, but lifted up to heaven and will return at the end of times
- Muslim tradition also states that Jesus announced the coming of Muhammad, the last in the long line of prophets
True or false: Jesus’ teaching online after death is similar to the Qur’anic ideas.
Who is the ‘Prophet at the end of time’?
What are Muhammad’s actions, sayings, and approval or disapproval regarded as?
What is Muslim’s legal and ethical references?
What was the Sunnah of the Prophet reported/narrated as? Is this more important than the Qur’an?
- hadith
- second important to the Qur’an
What do Muslims add after Muhammad’s name is mentioned?
“peace be upon him” (PBUH)
Define Hadith?
Muhammad’s teaching of the Qur’an.
What is the word ‘Qur’an’ derived from?
the word q-r-a, meaning to read.
What do Muslim’s believe the Qur’an is?
It is believed to be God’s literal words revealed to Muhammad over the period of 23 years.
Describe the Qur’an physically?
It is about the same size as the New Testament, divided into 114 chapters, consisting of over 6000 verses.
What is the difference between the Meccan and Medinan verse?
- Meccan verses contain the basi idea of monotheism and social justice
- Medinan verses contain didactic arguments, discourses, and legal pronouncements as responses to questions arising in the community.
Over how many years was the Quran reveal to Muhammad?
How many legal verses does the Quran contain?
Describe the concept of God as it pertains to Islam and Judaism?
Parallel concept of God. Only difference is that Jews call their God “the name” whereas Muslims don’t hesitate to call the name of their god. They call their God “Allah”.
What do Muslim’s believe to be the eternal words of God?
The Qur’an
I which language was the Qur’an revealed?
In Arabic. Any translation is considered an interpretation, not the Qur’an itself.
What does the Qur’an contain the basic Islamic repository of?
Islamic theology, law, and morality
When is the Qur’a recited?
The Qur’an is recited in a newborn child’s ear as a blessing; during a marriage contract, it is also recited to express sorrow and give solace in times of misfortune. It became the focus of Muslim devotional life; reciting it is considered an act of piety.
How was the Qur’an preserved during Muhammad’s lifetime?
As an oral scriptures
How long did it take Muslims to compile the Qur’an?
It took Muslims 40 years from eh time the first revelation to have a fully codified verse in a single book, the Qur’an.
Explain the Qur’an concept of God? God’s essence?
- the Qur’an presents its concept of god in a simple, direct declaration of oneness
- God’s essence is unknowable, inconceivable,a nd above all categories of time, space, form, and number.
- materiality and temporality cannot be attributed to God
True or False: For Muslims, it is a sin to associate any other being with God or to ascribe divinity to any but God alone.
What is ‘iman’?
The Islamic concept of monotheism is summarized in this concept
-‘iman’ means faith or belief that there is no god but God
What i the opposite of ‘iman’? Describe?
- the opposite of iman is kufr , rejection faith.
How does iman manifest?
Iman has to be manifested in action, called jhsan (doing good or creating beauty).
What is the concept of ihsan?
The concept of insane rectifies the idea that tIslam revolves around action, not around belief.
How are actions defend in Islam?
Actions are defined in rituals (Five Pillars) and legal aspects (the Sharia).
True or False: It is not enough to believe you are Muslim, you have to act Muslim too.