Muslim Traditions Flashcards
Where did Islam originate?
The Arabian peninsula
Where are the largest Muslim populations today?
Indonesia, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh
- over 8 hundred million
There are approximately___billion Muslims around the world.
___in Canada
___million in the USA
- 1.6
- 600 000 (2001) and 1 million in 2017, as a side note.
- 6-7
What are the two major branches of Islam?
Sunni and Shi’a
How many Muslims are in China?
80 million
What is the difference and similarity between Sunni and Shi’a?
- Both Sunni and Shi’a consider Muhammad as the last prophet in the Abrahamic traditions
- Shia community recognize Ali (Muhammad’s son inlay) and his descendant as the only legitimate successors to the Prophet
When was the essential text, the Qur’an, believed to have been revealed by God to Muhammad?
Between the years 610 to 632 CE
What is the second most important text in Islam?
the saying of Muhammad, known collectively as the Hadith.
The Qur’an characterized pre-Islamic Arabia as the age of___.
What is Jahiliyya?
lack of moral consciousness
- meeans ignorance. Not ignorant in the sense of anything except in that they do not believe in life after death
- they indulged in world goods
Did pre-islamic arabia believe in life after death?
In pre-Islamic arabia, what behaviour was common?
Infanticide, polygamy for the sake of dowry, blood feauds
What was Allah in pre-islamic arabia?
They recognized the concept of God as the supreme creator called ‘Allah’ (the God), but worshipped multiple deities.
In pre-islamic arabia, what was the ka’ba?
center for worship located in Mecca
Who is believed mohave built Ka’ba?
Biblical patriarch Abraham and his son Ishmael.
Where is the focal of the annual hajj?
Approximately over___millionMuslims visit Ka’ba?
In what direction do Muslims face when they pray
Where is the centre of pilgrimage?
What were the ‘hanif’?
they were individuals who shared ethical values of judaism and christianity. they believed in one god, the god of abraham, but they did not follow either judaic or christian teachings
What are ‘Bedouin’
desert people in the arabian society…tribal society…many of them were nomads.
When and where was Muhammad born?
Muhammad was born into the Quraysh tribe around 570 CE.
How did Muhammad begin his career?
He began his career as a caravan trader, from Mecca to Syria.
What happened to Muhammad at some point before his 0s?
He bagan to sucledue himself in a cave on Mount Hira, and to engage in meditation and contemplation over the meaning of human existence in general.
True or False: Muhammad was the founder of Islam.
What was the first revelation
It was a basic message to call the Arab people to worship on god…Abrahamic monotheism.
What was Muhammad’s role as a messenger?
Muhammad summoned the Arabs into monotheism and to have a belief in the life after death.
True or False: Muhammad did not gain followers except for a few among his family and friends.
Why did the Meccans reject Muhammad’s message?
- The Meccans reject Muhammad’s message as he brought about economic disadvantage to them; threatening take and pilgrims to Mecca.
What forced Muhammad and early Muslims to migrate across the Red Sea to Ethiopia? What happened once they crossed?
- Meccan persecution
- they were received by the King of Abyssinia and were received as “fellow monotheists.”
What is the “night journey? What is associated with this event?
In times of crisis while in Mecca, Muhammad experienced what came to be known as the “night journey,” travelling from Mecca to Jerusalem in the course of a single night.
- While is Jerusalem, he ascended to heaven where he met some of the Prophets who had gone before him, and was granted audience with God.
- The obligation to perform 5 daily prayers is associated with this event.
What happen after constant persecution from Meccans in 622?
Muhammad and his followers migrated to Medina
What is Hira?
the migration to Medina
When did Muslims create the first Muslim community, Umma
in Media
What was the relationship like between Muslims and Jews in Medina?
In Medina, the early Muslim and Jewish communities shared certain rituals such as the fasting of Yom Kippur and the direction of prayer to Jerusalem.
What did Muhammad order Muslims to do with Quranic revelations in Medina?
He order Muslim community to perform daily prayer, fasting in the month of Ramadan, pay alms-tax, and perform pilgrimage to Mecca.
Explain the conquest of Mecca.
- in 628 Muhammad and around 1400 of his followers arrived in the vicinity of Mecca to perform pilgrimage.
- after several negotiations with the Meccans, the city was surrendered this
- in return for their peaceful surrender, Muhammad granted general amnesty to all Meccans.
When did Muhammad die?
year of 632
What is the difference between Sunni and Shi’a in terms of Muhammad’s successor?
- the majority of Sunni (those who follow the Suna, i.e., traditions of the Prophet) believed that he did not appoint any successor.
- the Shi’a (from the Arabic word ‘party’) believed that hammed had appointed his cousin and son in law Ali to succeed him.
Who became the leader of the slim community after Muhammad’s death?
Muhammad’s close companion. Abu Bakar
What is a caliph?
successor or representative of the prophet
What created the Shi’a community?
Some members of the community disagreed with Abu Bakar’s appointment, which later manifested into tensions that created the Shi’a community.
How many caliphs ruled after Muhammad, from 632-661?
What happened after 661 with the rule of the Muslim world?
After 661, the Muslim world was ruled by two hereditary dynasties, the Umayyad and Abbasids.