Christian Traditions Flashcards
How many Christians are there around the world?
2.2 billion
Where are the majority of Christians located?
The majority of Christians are in Europe, and the Americas, Oceania, Sub-Saharah africa, Russia, and the Philippines.
Who founded Christianity?
Founded by the followers of Jesus
What is the text of Christianity?
The Christian Bible –> the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and New Testament.
Roman Catholic and Orthodox Church includes as part of the Old Testament___?
A number of books from Septuagint (Greek version of the Old Testament)
Christianity is the product of a___year long conversation ind diversity.
Christianity is the product of___of difference in belief, practices, and ecclesiastical forms.
Who is a Christian?
He/she who has the faith commitment that Jesus was the son of God, both human and divine, that he died on the cross for the sins of all, and that he was resurrected two days later.
What do all Christians agree on, regardless?
Sacrament; Baptism, Eucharist.
Where and when was Jesus born?
Born in Palestine around the year of 3 BCE, raised as a Jew in an Arabic speaking family.
How old was Jesus when his public ministry began?
Sources: how do we know Jesus?
The main sources are the Gospels, which were written some years after Jesus’ death
What composes the sign of the Gospel?
The gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke
Where was Jesus’ city of birth? Where was he brought up?
City of Birth: Bethlehem
He was brought up in Nazareth
What was the purpose of the Bible? Why is it not historically accurate?
- the purpose was to sustain and inform later generations of Christian believers
- the authors selected certain actions, teaching, and events from the life of Jesus
- they took special care to situate Jesus amid conflicts and stories that foreshadowed his death and resurrections
- Hence: the questions of what is real and what is faith (the tension between fact and faith) became a perennial debate among Christians and scholars of the religion
What did attempts to reconcile diversity create?
further religious split in Christianity
What are the Pauline Epistles?
A series of letters written by the Apostle Paul to various early Christian communities around the Mediterranean world.
Did the Apostle Paul meet the historical Jesus?
What did the Apostle Paul do in his early life?
During his early life, he persecuted Christians on behalf of the Pharisees.
How did the Apostle Paul become Christian?
One day he experienced the risen Christ that lead him to belief that Jesus was the messiah that many Jews had been waiting for. Jesus, the son of God, had been raised from the dead in order to extend the promises that God made to Israel to the Gentiles.
How did the letters shape the religion of Christianity?
- he was trying to moderate practice…to reconcile practice
What are the contents of the Pauline letters?
- contain instructions, guidance; what constitutes the right belief and practices
What do the contents of the pauline letters imply?
That there were different understandings of Jesus’ messages and diversity in religious practices.
What is the basis for Christian theology?
The letter of Paul, together with the Old Testament, the Gospels, and other New Testament materials.
What does the Didache contain?
A set of instructions for organization and worship in the early church (church orders)
When was the Didache written?
in the mid to late first century
Who discovered the Didache and when?
Philotheos Bryennios in 1873
What is the significance of the apostolic tradition?
It tells us that there was still no fixed liturgical form at the time when it was written (215 CE)
What did the apostolic tradition document exemplify?
Eucharistic prayer
Who is the apostolic tradition attributed to?
A bishop of Rome named Hippolytus
What does the apostolic constitution contain?
Contains treatises relating to Church orders, including teaching on discipline, worship, and doctrine
Who was the Apostolic constitution written by?
Written by an anonymous bishop in Antioch in the late fourth Century.
Approximately how long did it take for Christianity to evolve from a movement within Judaism to an organized religion in its own right?
What was one fundamental question over the 400 years that Christianity evolved?
Was the matter of inclusion: Was Jesus movement only for Jews? Could it accommodate the Gentiles?
What resulted in a radical reformulation of the idea that God’s covenant only applied to Jews?
Even though Jesus conceived of himself as an emissary sent to Israel alone, Jesus’ reinterpretation of the Torah resulted in this idea.
How dramatically expanded Jesus teaching by interpreting them along with his crucifixion and resurrection as part of Christian faith?
What lead to the transformation of Christianity into a faith distinct from Judaism?
Some early Christians believing that they should expand their teaching and baptize the Gentiles.
What question did inclusion of the Gentiles pose?
If the Gentiles were to be included, should they be required to follow Jewish Law? (e.g., circumcision, law of food, ritual purity, etc.)
What was Paul’s answer to the question of Gentiles being required to follow Jewish Law?
Neither circumcision, nor law of food and ritual purity are required.
What was the state of religion and religious practices before Christianity prevailed in the Roman empire?
What was the difference between Jews and Christians and the head of the pantheon in the Roman Empire?
- at the head of the pantheon stood the state gods of Rome, most notably the emperor himself
- civilizations of the eastern mediterranean had venerated their rulers as gods for millennia
- not the case with jews and christians
- christians and jews could not acknowledge any god by theirs
- they could not accept the emperor’s demand that all inhabitant of the empire make sacrifices to the pagan gods
What led to Christian persecution in the roman empire?
the fact that they could accept the emperor’s demand that all inhabitants of the empire make sacrifices to the pagan gods.
What happen do Christianity once Constantine came into power (c. 272-337)?
- beginning in 313, he introduced favourable policies: toleration of Christians to practice religion, donation of imperial money to enlarge church, gave bishop powers as magistrates
- Christianity as a persecuted sect transformed into power holder in Western culture.
How did Constantine convert to Christianity?
He is said to have seen in his dream the image of Cross over his head before he went to a battle which he won. He interpreted the symbol as God’s favour, which led him to maintain loyalty to the Christian God. Constantine was baptized shortly before his death.
How did Orthodoxy develop?
The Churches normative theological position eventually developed through:
- the establishment of scriptural canon
- the compilation rules of faith
- the use of council to settle disputes
The all happened after the end of the 2nd C.
What were the only recognized scriptures of the early church? Why?
To guarantee the integrity and legitimacy of the early Church as the successor to the Church of the Apostles, the early Church only recognized as “scripture” the writings that were associated with an Apostle.
How many books were canonized as the official canon of the New Testament?
What are rules of faith?
- early Christian leaders collected therein teaching of the Bishops and complied them s rules of faith
- the practice was grounded on the idea that the “monarchical bishops” are the guarantor of an oral tradition that could be relied upon.
What are synods?
Since the early second CE, bishops gather in councils known as synods to discuss problems and work out solutions.
Where and when did the first synod take place?
In Asia between 160-175 CE.
Which five churches acquired autonomous status?
- Rome
- Alexandria
- Constantinople
- Antioch
- Jerusalem
What are the 4 ecumenical (worldwide) councils and their years?
- Council of Nicaea 325
- Council of Antioch 341 & 381
- Council of Ephesus 431
- Council of Chalcedon 451