Relations Between East and West: Rome vs. Constantinople Flashcards
True or False: By the end of the second century, the Church was developing an institutional form, but it did not yet have a clearly defined system of doctrine and belief.
How did the Church’s normative theological position eventually develop?
- the establishment of scriptural canon
- the compilation of rules of faith
- the use of council to settle disputes
Why did the early Church only recognize as “scripture” writings that were associated with an Apostle.
To guarantee the integrity and legitimacy of the early Church as the successors to the Church of the Apostles, the early Church only recognized as “scripture” the writings that we associated with an Apostle.
Which writings must be “orthodox” in doctrine?
early scripture
How many books were eventually canonized as the official canon of the new Testament?
How many agnostic gospels are not included in the New testament?
What is CANON?
guideline…measuring stick of the content and teaching which are coherent with the teachings of the apostleistic fathers.
What are “rules of faith”
Early Christian leaders collected the main teaching of the bishops and compiled them as rules of faith. The practice was grounded on the idea that the “monarchical bishops” are the guarantor of an oral tradition that could be relied upon.
Who took on roles as leaders of the early Christian communities after the Apostolic period?
What are synods?
councils bishops gather in to discuss problems and find out solution
When did synods begin?
2nd century CE
Which five churches acquired autonomous statues governed by the heads (patriarchs)?
- Rome
- Constantinople
- Alexandria
- Antioch
- Jerusalem
What was the purpose of Ecumenical Councils?
To solve Christological disputes
What are 3 important Ecumenical Councils?
- Council of Nicaea 324, 382
- Council of Ephesus 431
- Council of Chalcedon 451
What happened at the 2 councils of Nicaea?
Condemned Arianism and produced the Nicene Creed to define the Christian faith .
What did the Council of Ephesus condemn?
Nestorianism and affirmed the Blessed Virgin Mary to be Theotokos (“Mother of God”), and not Christokokos (“Mother of Christ”).
What happened at the Council of Chalcedon?
Affirmed that Christ had two natures, fully God and fully man, at the same time. The western and the Eastern Orthodox churches belong to the Chalcedonies churches
Monophysitism, that was condemned in the Council of Chalcedon, survived in which churches?
Oriental Orthodox churches.
What two churches belong to the Chalcedonies churches?
Both the Roman (Western) and Greek Orthodox (Eastern) churches.
What do both the Western and Eastern churches accept?
The Nicene Creed, which affirms the humanity and divinity of Jesus in one person, as the second person of the trinity.
What caused conflict between he East and West?
The Roman churches, without consulting the Eastern church, added “and from the Son” to the Nicene Creed. The additional words created controversy, leading to a schism between Rome and Constantinople. Greek and Latin Christianity grew further apart.
What is the main reason for the split between the East and West?
The addition of the words “and from the Son” to the Nicene Cred.
What is the notion of Filioque (6th Century)?
The controversies sparked by the additional three Latin words “and the Son” to the creed which has never been accepted by the Eastern churches.
___Church: The Holy Spirit “proceed” from God the Father alone.
___Church: The Holy Spirit “proceed” from God the Father “and the Son.”
- Greek
- Latin
What was the Chrustian church governed by?
the heads of the five major episcopal see: Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and jerusalem.
When did bishops, or popes, of Rome, steadily begin to increase?
since the 4th Century
Whose authority did the Rise of Islam undermined in the eyes of Rome and Constantinople?
Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem
In which century, did Rome stake its claim to be the centre of authority? Why was this problematic?
- 6th century
- The Greek churches view the Rome as just one among give equally important patriarchates.
What was the problem with the Roman notion of ‘papal authority’?
undermined the Greek understanding of authority.
What did the special authority given to Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem by the Umayyad dynasty afford them?
This stability afforded them an intellectual atmosphere which allowed them to produce intellectual work.
What led to Eastern-rite Catholic churches?
Rome’s effort to recruit adherents among Eastern Orthodox Christians led to the formation of new churches.
What was different about Eastern-rite Catholic churches?
These new churches, even though they were aligned with Rome rather than Constantinople, retained elements of Eastern traditions; from the use of local languages (rather than Latin), to immersion Baptism.
What is significant about the Maronite Church of Lebanon?
Has always been part of the Roman Catholic Church, rather than the Orthodox world.
Why was the Eastern Mediterranean more conducive to intellectual atmosphere than its Western counterpart in the seventh ad eighth centuries?
Was comparatively stable and prosperous region. West was still struggling after Barbarian invasions.
True or False: Even after Constantinople was under the Ottomans, the orthodox church remained a self-governing religious community with the patriarch as their civil ruler.
Who became the representative of the Christians to the Muslim Caliph?
John of Damascus
Who headed a monastery in Constantinople and wrote on the profundities of the spiritual life/
Who distinguished God’s essence and energies.?
Gregory of Palamas
Who were the Hesychasts?
They developed a mantra-like formula known as the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
When did the Orthodox missionary make significant headway among Slavic people such as Bulgarian, Serbian, Ukrainian, and Russian?
ninth century
What is significant about two missionaries, Cyril and Methodius?
they preached in vernacular language and translated eh Bible and liturgy into Slavonic language, a liturgical language used by the Orthodox Church in Bulgaria, Poland, Serbian, Ukrainian, and Russian.
True or FAsle: Croats, Slovenes, Czechs, and Slovaks were not other parts of Eastern Europe converted by Roman Catholic Missionaries.
False, they were.
What became t battleground for conversion and conflict between East and West?
Eastern Europe
What is significant about the fact that Cyril and Methodius used vernacular language?
Used vernacular language as opposed to Greek or Latin which made conversion easier.
Who introduces Christianity to the indigenous people in Siberia?
the Russian Orthodox missionaries
What became the centre of Russian Orthodoxy. When was it replaced?
In the early period, Kiev became the centre of Russian Orthodoxy, but after the Mongol invasion in 1237, Moscow replaced Kiev.
True or False: Christianity survived the Communist repression from 1917 to 1988.
What happened with the Russian Orthodox Church after 1989?
Slowly reasserted its traditional role as the church favoured by the state.