The First and Second Cranial Nerves Flashcards
What are the Cranial Nerves?
I - Olfactory Nerve
II - Optic Nerve
III - Occulomotor Nerve
IV - Trochlear Nerve
V - Trigeminal Nerve
VI - Abducens Nerve
VII - Facial Nerve
VIII - Vestibulocochlear Nerve
IX - Glossopharyngeal Nerve
X - Vagus
XI - Accessory Nerve
XII - Hypoglossal Nerve
Cranial Nerve I
Function of the Olfactory Nerve
Cranial Nerve I
Components of the Olfactory System
Olfactory Epithelium
Olfactory Nerve
Olfactory Bulbs
Olfactory Tracts
Olfactory Cortex/Rhinencephalon
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Epithelium
Superior Conchae
Upper Part of Nasal Septum
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Epithelium
Cell Type
Bipolar Nerve Cells
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Epithelium
Peripheral Process
Terminate in olfactory hairs
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Epithelium
Central Processes forms the …
olfactory nerve
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Nerve
Olfactory Nerves pass through Cribiform Plate and synapse with cells of Olfactory Bulb
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Bulb
Oval mass of Gray Matter which overlies the Olfactory Sulcus
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Tract
Axons of cells in Olfactory Bulb form Olfactory Tract
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Tract
Narrow-elongated band that overlies Olfactory Sulcus
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Tract
Lateral and Medial Striae
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Tract
The Striae connect the ____ to the ____
__Olfactory Tract__
__Primary and Secondary Olfactory Areas of Cortex__
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Cortex
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Cortex
Primary Division Formation
Anterior Perforated Substance
Piriform Cortex (in Uncus)
Amygdala (in Uncus)
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Cortex
Primary Division Function
Detects odor
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Cortex
Secondary Division Formation
Entorhinal Area (Area 28): Anterior Parahipppocampal Gyrus
Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory Cortex
Secondary Division Function
Identifies and Correlates odor to past experiences
Cranial Nerve II
What are the Pathways of the Optic Nerve?
Visual Pathway
Light Reflex Pathway
Accommodation Reflex Pathway
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Overview of Visual Pathway
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Where do Rods and Cones transmit their signals?
Retinal Ganglion Cells
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Axon of the Ganglion Cell forms …
Optic Nerve
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
How does the Optic Nerve enter the Skull?
Via Optic Foramen
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Optic Nerve joins the opposite one to form the …
optic chiasma
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Which parts of the retina perceive the head of the arrow?
Right Nasal Retina
Left Temporal Retina
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Which tract do the fibers perceiving the head of the arrow run in?
Left Optic Tract
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Which parts of the retina perceive the tail of the arrow?
Left Nasal Retina
Right Temporal Retina
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Which tract do the fibers perceiving the tail of the arrow run in?
Right Optic Tract
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Which nerves cross in the chiasma?
Fibers from the nasal half of each retina
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Nerve fibers of Optic Tract synapse with …
Lateral Geniculate Body
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
What are fibers from the LGB to the Visual Cortex called?
Optic Radiation
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Which part of internal capsule does the optic radiation pass through?
The Internal Capsule is a pathway for the transmission of nerves to and from the Cerebral Cortex
Retrolentiform Part
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Splitting of Optic Radiation
Upper Half pass through Parietal Lobe
Lower Half pass through Temporal Lobe (Meyer’s Loop)
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Superior Visual Field Pathway
Superior Visual Field → Inferior Part of Retina → Inferior Part of LGB → Inferior Part of Optic Radiation (Below Calcarine Sulcus)
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Inferior Visual Field Pathway
Inferior Visual Field → Superior Part of Retina → Superior Part of LGB → Superior Part of Optic Radiation (Above Calcarine Sulcus)
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Function of Primary Visual Area (Area 17)
Interpretation colour, size, shape, motion, illumination
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Function of Secondary Visual Area (18, 19)
Object Identification
Integration of Perception with Past Experience
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Location of Damage
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Location of Damage
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Location of Damage
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Location of Damage
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Location of Damage
Cranial Nerve II: Visual Pathway
Location of Damage
What is the Light Reflex?
Optic Nerve (Afferent) detects light
Oculomotor Nerve (Efferent) constricts both eye pupils
Cranial Nerve II: Light Reflex Pathway
Pathway names
Direct Light Reflex: Pupil reflex is ipsilateral
Consensual Light Reflex: Pupil reflex is contralateral
Cranial Nerve II: Light Reflex Pathway
Direct Light Reflex
Light on One Retina → Optic Nerve → Optic Chiasma → Optic Tract → LGB → Pretectal Nucleus → EW nucleus → 3rd nerve → Ciliary Ganglion → Constrictor Pupillae
Cranial Nerve II: Light Reflex Pathway
Consensual Light Reflex
Light causes constriction of both pupils because Pretectal Nucleus is connected to both EW nuclei
Cranial Nerve II: Accommodation Reflex
Adjustments of Accommodation Reflex
Convergence of both eyes
Constriction of Pupil
Increased Refractive Power of Lens
Cranial Nerve II: Accommodation Reflex
Eye convergence caused by …
contraction of medial recti
Cranial Nerve II: Accommodation Reflex
Constriction of Pupils caused by …
contraction of constrictor pupillae
Cranial Nerve II: Accommodation Reflex
Increased Refractive Power caused by …
contraction of ciliary muscle
Cranial Nerve II: Accommodation Reflex
Retina Stimulation → Optic Nerve → Optic Chiasma → Optic Tract → LGB → Optic Radiation → Visual Cortex → Superior Longitudinal Bundle → Frontal Eye Field (Area 8) → EW nucleus → Oculomotor Nerve → Cilliary Ganglion → Sphincter Pupillae Muscle of Ciliary Muscle