The Fetal Spine and Musculoskeletal System Vocabulary Flashcards
Rare, lethal condition resulting in abnormal development of the bones and cartilage
A disorder that results in abnormal bone growth and dwarfism
Group of abnormalities associated with the entrapment of fetal parts in the amnion, often resulting in fetal amputations or clefting
Amniotic Band Syndrome
No amniotic fluid
Includes bones of the upper extremities, lower extremities, and pelvic girdle
Appendicular Skeleton
A way in which a disorder or trait can be inherited by a fetus; at least one of the parents has to be a carrier of the gene for the disease
Autosomal Dominant Disorder
Includes the bones of the cranium and spine
Axial Skeleton
Syndrome associated with then absence of the sacrum and coccyx; also referred to as sacral agenesis
Caudal Regression Syndrome
Protrusions of intracranial contents through a defect in the skull
The abnormal shape of the cranium caused by premature fusion of the sutures in which there is frontal bossing and a cloverleaf shape to the skull
Cloverleaf Skull
A malformation of the bones of the foot in which the foot is most often inverted and rotated medially, and the metatarsals and toes lie in the same plane as the tibia and fibula
Abnormal short stature
Denotes the abnormal development of a structure
Protrusion of brain tissue through a defect in the skull
The angling of the frontal bones that produces an unusually prominent forehead
Frontal Bossing
The anomaly of the spine in which there is absence of all or part of a vertebral body and posterior element
Most common nonlethal skeletal dysplasia that is characterized by rhizomelia
Heterozygous Achondroplasia
The fatal form of achondroplasia
Homozygous Achondroplasia
The combination of both scoliosis and kyphosis in the fetus
An abnormal posterior curvature of the spine
A group of disorders with sonographic findings including a short or absent umbilical cord, ventral wall defects, limb defects, craniofacial defects, and scoliosis
Limb-Body Wall Complex
The coverings of the brain and spinal cord
Herniation of the cranial or spinal meninges because of an open cranial or spinal defect; contains cerebrospinal fluid but no nerve tissue
Mass that results from an open spina bifida that contains the spinal cord and the meninges; also referred to as a myelomeningocele
Mass that results from open spina bifida that contains spinal cord only
A group of disorders that result in multiple fractures in utero; caused by decreased mineralization and poor ossification of the bones
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Absence or underdevelopment of the radius
Radial Ray Defect
Shortening of the proximal segment of the limb
The nondevelopment of the sacrum
Sacral Agenesis
An opening in the skin over the distal spine
Sacral Dimple
An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
A fetal abnormality characterized by fusion of the lower extremities, renal agenesis, and oligohydroamnios; may also be referred to as mermaid syndrome
Most common form of spina bifida; results in open lesions that are typically not covered by skin and a mass that protrudes from the spine; also referred to as open spina bifida
Spina Bifida Aperta
Closed spinal lesions that are completely covered by skin and can be difficult to identify sonographically; also referred to as closed spina bifida
Spina Bifida Ocuclta
A group of neural tube defects that describe some manifestation of incomplete closure of the spine
Spinal Dysraphism
Turned outward
Most common lethal skeletal dysplasia characterized by a cloverleaf skull with frontal bossing and hydrocephalus
Thanatophoric Dysplasia
A wide separation between the middle and ring finger
Trident Hand
An acronym for a combination of abnormalities that represent vertebral anomalies, anorectal atresia, cardigan anomalies, tracheoesophageal fistula, renal anomalies, and limb anomalies
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