The Fetal Head and Brain Pathology Flashcards
The absence of the cranial vault above the bony orbits
The congenital absence of the corpus callosum which may be partial or complete
Agenesis of the corpus callosum
The most severe form of holoprosencephaly
Alobar holoprosencephaly
A neural tube defect that is described as the absence of the cranium and cerebral hemisphere
The absence of the eye(s)
Genetic disorder that includes craniosynostosis, midline facial hypoplasia, and syndactyly
Apert Syndrome
The abnormal narrowing of the cerebral aqueduct
Aqueductal Stenosis
Benign cysts within the brain that do not communicate with the ventricular system
Arachnoid Cysts
A group of cranial abnormalities associated with spina bifida
Arnold-Chiari II Malformation
Round skull head shape
Colse-set eyes (hypotelorism) and a nose with a single nostril
The abnormal lateral ventricle shape in which there is a small frontal horn and enlarged occipital horn
The obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid from a source outside the ventricular system
Communicating Hydrocephaly
Fusion of the orbits
A spectrum of posterior fossa abnormalities that involves the cystic dilatation of the cisterna magna and fourth ventricle
Dandy-Walker Complex
Congenital brain malformation in which there is an enlargement of the cisterna magna, agenesis of the cerebellar vermis, and dilation of the fourth ventricle
Dandy-Walker Malformation
A sonographic sign associated with ventriculomegaly when the choriod plexus is noted hanging freely within the dilated lateral ventricle
Dangling Cord Sign
An elongated, narrow head shape; may also be referred to as scaphocephaly
A form of acrania in which in which the entire cerebrum is located outside the skull
Herniation of abdominal contents through a right-sided, periumbilical abdominal wall defect
A group of brain abnormalities consisting of varying degrees of fusion of the lateral ventricles, absence of the midline structures, an associated facial anomalies
A fatal condition in which the entire cerebrum is replaced by a large sac containing cerebrospinal fluid
Refers to the dilatation of the ventricular system caused by an increased volume of cerebrospinal fluid, resulting in increased intraventricular pressure
An abnormal accumulation of fluid in at least two fetal body cavities
Incomplete growth of a structure or an organ
Reduced distance between the orbits
General term used to denote a hemorrhage within the hemorrhage
Intracranial Hemorrhage
Hemorrhage located within the ventricles of the brain
Intraventricular Hemorrhage
“Smooth brain”; condition where there is a little to no gyri or sulci within the cerebral cortex
The least severe form of the holoprosencephaly
Lobar Holoprosencephaly
An enlarged head circumference
A fetal syndrome associated with microcephaly, occipital encephalocele, polydactyly, and polycystic kidneys
Meckel-Gruber Syndrome
A subdivision within the middle of the lip
Median Cleft Lip
An enlargement of the cisterna magna as defined by as defined by a depth of more than 10mm
Mega Cisterna Magna
Herniation of the cranial or spinal meninges because of an open cranial or a spinal defect
Small head
One large ventricle within the brain associated with holoprosencephaly
Mass that results from spina bifida that contains the spinal cord and the meninges
The obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid from a source within the ventricular system
Noncommunicating Hydrocephalus
An anterior abdominal wall defect where there is herniation of the fetal bowel and other abdominal organs into the base of the umbilical cord
A condition in which a cyst, most often caused by an intraparenchymal hemorrhage, communicates with a lateral ventricle
Fleshy, tongue-like appendage that is typically located within the midline above the orbits in association with cyclopia and holoprosencephaly
A cerebral malformation associated with the development of fluid-filled clefts
A group of neural tube defects that describe some manifestation of incomplete closure of the spine
Spinal Dysraphism
The most common lethal skeletal dysplasia characterized by a cloverleaf skull with frontal bossing and hydrocephalus
Thanatophoric Dysplasia
An acronym that stands for a group of infections that may be acquired by a women during pregnancy
TORCH infections
A fetus that has three of every chromosome
Chromosomal aberration in which there is a third chromosome 8; also referred to as Warkany Syndrome 2
Trisomy 8
Chromosomal aberration in which there is a third chromosome 13; also referred to as Patau Syndrome; often associated with holoprosencephaly
Trisomy 13
Chromosomal aberration in which there is a third chromosome 18; also referred to as Edwards syndrome
Trisomy 18
Chromosomal aberration in which there is a third chromosome 21; also referred to as Down Syndrome
Trisomy 21
An arteriovenous malformation that occurs within the fetal brain and is associated with congestive heart failure
Vein of Galen Aneurysm