Multiple Gestations Terminology Flashcards
An abnormally developed twin that has as absent upper body and no heart; also referred to as parasitic twin; also referred to as twin-reversed arterial perfusion sequence
Acardiac Twin
The inner sac that contains the embryo and amniotic fluid; echogenic curvilinear structure that may be seen during the first trimester within the gestational sac
Related to the number of amnions in a multiple gestation
Fluid-filled space, created by the amnion, surrounding surrounding the developing embryo or fetus
Amniotic Sac
Vascular connections
The condition of having a deficient number of red blood cells
The outer membrane of a gestation that surrounds the amnion and developing embryo
Relates to the number of chorions and the type of placentation in a multiple gestation
The division of a cell
Monoamniotic, monochorionic twins that are attached at the head, thorax, abdomen, or lower body
Conjoined Twins
Twins joined at the cranium
Having two amniotic sacs
Having two placentas
Having two placentas and two amniotic sacs
Dichorionic Diamniotic
Asymmetric fetal weight between twins
Discordant Fetal Growth
Two ova are fertilized by two sperms
A treatment that uses lasers to separate abnormal placental vascular connections between twins that are suffering from twin-twin transfusion syndrome
Endoscopic-Guided Laser Photocoagulation
The death of one fetus in twin pregnancy that is maintained throughout the pregnancy; actually means paperlike fetus
Fetus Papyraceus