The Enlightenment (1700s) Flashcards
Public Opinion
New social force created by expanding the literate public causing changes in the cultural and political climates.
Print Culture
The culture that is transmitted through books, pamphlets, newspapers, journals
Adam Smith
Wrote "Wealth of Nations" (1776) Law of supply and demand (invisible hand guided economy) Taxing foreign objects would fail Advocated laissez-faire economics Rejected the mercantile system
Wrote ‘On Crimes and Punishments’
Attacks torture and capital punishment.
Advocates speedy trials and fair punishment.
The belief that regarded God as a ‘divine watchmaker’
Believed that entrance to heaven was granted based on merit.
Refers to an 17th century cultural movement which argued that society and its laws should be based on human reason instead of custom or tradition
Thomas Hobbes
Author of Leviathan
Asserted that self interest motivated nearly all human behavior
Concluded that the natural state of man was one of war
Claimed that government required absolute power for peace which could be acquired through a sacred covenant with the people
John Locke
Wrote Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Humans are born tabula rasa (blank slate) which contradicted Christian notion that’s humans were born corrupt and sinful
Wrote Second Treatise which emphasizes private property
Mary Wollstonecraft
Published The Vindication of the Rights of Women
Argued that reason was the basis of moral behavior in all humans
Challenged men to acknowledge equality and human rights of all men and women
Supported the traditional power and privilege of the aristocracy and the King
Were seeking to limit the power and privilege of the aristocracy and King
Baron de Montesquieu
Spirit of the Laws (1748): stresses importance of the rule of law and made a system of a divided government for checks and balances
Thomas Jefferson
Claimed that the only role of government was to guarantee citizens unalienable rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness
A new breed of philosopher dedicated to educating broader public
Enlightened Despotism
Absolute rulers that would use their power to reform and rationalize society
Frederick II of Prussia
Enlightened despot
Abolished serfdom
Religious tolerance
Remained militaristic under absolutist regime
Joseph II of Austria
Enlightened despot
Tolerance for Lutherans and Calvinists
Abolished serfdom
Liberalized rules for governing press
Salons in Paris
Rooms where men and women gathered to educate themselves about and discuss the new ideas of the age on privacy and safety.
David Hume
Rejected Christianity
Argued that miracles contradicted human reason
Claimed that religion was based on hope and fear
Newtonian Analysis
- Setting up experiments and drawing conclusions
2. Resolving math problems by reducing them to equations
Descartes philosophy
Characterized by intelligibility
Artistic style of the 18th century
Diderot and D’alembert
Wanted to contribute to progress of human knowledge