Rise Of Sovereignty (1600-1715) Flashcards
English Civil War
parliaments response to Charles asking for more money in making it contingent to the curbing of monarchical power
Charles I
- James son
- married sister of french catholic King and always was fighting with France and Spain
- problems with parliament and had to ask for more funds for war
- victory of parliament led to execution of Charles and establishment of commonwealth
- deteriorated into a fundamentalist Protestant dictatorship under the rule of Oliver Cromwell
- parliamentarians worked to establish a restoration of English monarchy
- invited son of Charles I to take throne as Charles II
James II
- Charles brother ascended to throne
- catholic
- determined to establish religIous freedom for Catholics, to avenge his father and restore absolute monarchy
Mary (wife of William of Orange of the Netherlands)
-was called to thwart James II plan
Glorious revolution
- Mary of Orange
- bloodless uprising that coordinated parliament led uprisings with the invasion of a Protestant fleet and army from the Netherlands
- led to expulsion of James II in 1688
Constitutional monarchy
A system by which the monarch in Britain rules within the
Limits of the laws passed by a legislative body
French absolutism
The lack of religious turmoil allowed french monarchy to have an alliance with clergy and middle class and to use both administrations for a centralized government
Louis XIII
- chief minister: Cardinal Richelieu
Cardinal Richelieu
- used royal army to strip autonomy granted to few Protestant (Huguenot) towns left
- Divided franc into 30 administrative districts and out each under control of an INTENDENT
An administrative bureaucrat usually chosen from middle class who owned his position and loyalty was directly to Richelieu
Cardinal Jules Mazarin
Continued Richelieus policies
Louis XIV
- perfected Richelieus policies and added bribery
- built Versailles and gave nobles a choice: oppose him and be destroyed or join him and have all the perks
- nobles gave up any control and lived luxuriously
Peter the great
- the Romanov tsars consolidated power by buying the loyalty of the nobles
- in return for loyalty, tsars gave nobility control over classes of people below them
Law code of 1649
Converted the legal status of groups as varied as peasants and slaves into that of a single class of serfs
Baroque Style
- art of the 17th century
- emphasis on grandeur and drama
- Versailles is baroque
Sides to English Civil War
- forces LOYAL TO KING fought to defend monarchy, Church of England, noble privileges
- forces SUPPORTING PARLIAMENT fought to end official state church and notions of individual liberty