Medieval Time Flashcards
Birthplace of the Black Plague
Mini Ice Age
Change in climate led to crop failure, starvation, and death.
**Hits the peasant class the most
Symptoms of the plague
Bulbous Septicemic form (100% mortality)
What spread the plague?
Typically found on rats.
Treatment for the Black Death
Lancing buboes, cutting it and draining the liquid from it.
University training.
Administered herbs and potions.
Also served as surgeons, did any kind of lancing or incisions.
Theories about the Plague
Demonic forces.
God was punishing people for their sins.
Programs against Jews
Jewish communities were offer plague free because they had better hygiene. Jews were Christ-killers and thus the cause of the plague.
Forced them to wear Jew-indicators such as badges and often purged Jewish communities.
Galen’s Theory
Health depends on the balance of 4 humors:
Blood, Phlegm, Yellow bile, Black bile
Basis of medicine until 17th century.
Self inflicted “penance” for the forgiveness of society’s sins.
Deaths as a result of the bubonic plague
Doctors Robe
Long tunics that covered a person from the neck down, typically accompanied by a face mask in which spices and flowers were kept in order to breathe “clean air”
The Decameron
Written by Boccaccio
“The victims ate lunch with their friends and dinner with their ancestors”
Semi-fictional 1st hand account of how people dealt with the plague.
Lack of Plague in Poland
They had better hygiene and bathed regularly.
Cultural impact of plague
Church looses authority because even clergy became infected and to society this symbolized corruption.
Social Effect of the Plague
Population plummets.
Supply and demand starts to affect labor, now farmers can demand higher wages.
Social mobility becomes slightly more possible kinda.
Cause of the War: Succession
King Phillip IV of France dies without heir. Nobles compete and Philip of Valois (his cousin) is appointed King.
Edward III of England claims he is the rightful heir because he is the grandson of Phillip IV.
Cause of the War: Flanders
French territory which sought independence from France.
Received aid from England.
Cause of the war: Land dispute
1056- Norman invasions in England and Duke of Normandy becomes king,
French claim that Edward III was a vassal in France and couldn’t be King.
French advantages in the hundred years war
Strength in numbers, larger population (16,000,000 people)
English advantage in the Hundred Years’ War
Superior weaponry (welsh longbow) Avoided pitched battles, used guerrilla warfare. All fought in France
Capture of John II
The English capture John II of France.
This leaves the Estates General in control of France
Welsh Longbow
Could penetrate Knights armor
More powerful than crossbow, fired more rapidly (6 arrows per minute)
Needed a lot of space.
Peasant uprising of 1358
In response to economic & political grievances.
Crushed by aristocratic armies.
Trouble in England
Peasant uprising in 1381 and put down by King Robert II.
He is forced to abdicate leaving Henry IV of Lancaster as King.
Henry IV makes peace with France.
King Henry V
Reclaims French throne and goads French into starting the war again.
Burgundy helped to gain control of Normandy, Paris, and Northern France.
Treaty of Troyes
Henry V forces Charles VI to disown his son.
Henry V will then marry Charles VI’s daughter Catherine making Henry V the heir.
But, they both die leaving Henry VI (the baby) as King of England and France with mummy Catherine as a regent.
The Return of Charles the Bastard
Starts a war claiming he is the rightful heir to the throne and not baby Henry.
Joan of Arc
Saw visions from God to fight for France.
Led the Siege of Orleans and gained the throne for Charles VII.
Created French identity.
The end of Joan
Charles turns her in!
She is tried for heresy by the English and burned at the stake.
War continues and the French win (no treaty)