Politics in Europe and Imperialism in Africa (1860-1914) Flashcards
What are Mass Politics?
the participation, in increasingly aggressive yet unstable ways, of the masses in the governing if european nations
Mass Politics in Great Britain
-1860: Britain already felt mass politics
Great Reform Bill of 1832
- the threat of violence from the masses caused this
- it changed the electoral process in England and enfranchised most of the adult, male middle class
Chartism (1837-1842)
- demonstrated the degree to which the lower-middle and working classes desired further reform
- Chartists organized massive demonstrations
People’s Charter petition called for…
- universal manhood suffrage
- annual parliaments
- voting by secret ballot
- equal electoral districts
- abolition of property qualifications
- payment of members of parliament
Causes of New Imperialism
- need for raw materials
- need for new markets to sell manufactured goods
- technological innovations encouraged adventures
- nationality that unified european nations
- Political Elite competed for fame and glory through conquest
- P.E. wanted support of the newly politicized and enfranchised masses
Effects of People’s Charter
- if enacted, it would have had the effect of creating a completely democratic House of Commons
- parliament rejected the charter on numerous occasions
Reform Bill of 1867
- Benjamin Disraeli (Conservative) said reform was inevitable
- the bill doubled amount of people eligible to vote and extended it to lower middle class
- conservatives regulated working hours and conditions
Reform Bill of 1884
- William Gladstone passed the bill
- it extended the right to vote to 2/3 of males
- primary education was available to all
- military and civil service was more democratic
Midlothian Campaign
- 1879: Gladstone embarked on political campaign (Liberal)
- Disraeli countered with “Church, Monarchy and Empire” (conservative)
Paris Commune
- France’s defeat in the Franco-Prussian ended Napoleon’s III Second Empire
- people of Paris set up own democratic government (commune)
- they were crushed in 1871
France’s Divided Rule
- monarchists initially ruled gvmt of 3rd Republic
- 1870: france was ruled by an elected liberal government
- 1880: conservative nationalists supported an attempted coup by General George Boulanger
Boulanger Affair
- General George Boulanger’s attempted coup in France
- it failed but underscored the fragility of french democracy and the volatility of mass politics in France
Kulturkampf (war for civilization)
- Bismarck restricted religious freedom of Catholics in Germany
- he did it to appeal the strong sense of nationalism
- the ultimate result was to revive and strengthen the catholic political party (Roman Catholic Center Party)
Bismarck’s Defeat
- 1878: repealed much of the anti-catholic legislation in order to get catholic support for his war against german socialist party
- he was unable to remove socialists so he tried to undermine their working class political base by passing a system of social insurance
- socialists continue & Bismarck was dismissed by William II
Mass Politics in Austria-Hungary
the introduction of universal manhood suffrage in 1907 made Austria-Hungary so hard to govern that the emperor began bypassing the parliament and ruling by decree
Mass Politics in Russia
- mass politics were terrorism
- radical groups like The People’s Will carried out acts of violent opposition (like bombing Alexander II)
- Alex II successor’s Alex III, waged war on liberalism and democracy
- he began the program to standardize language and religion throughout Russian empire
Events that led to the Scramble For Africa
- British takeover of the sues canal
- belgium’s aggressive expansion in the Congo
Britain’s control of Egypt led to
- British expansion farther south to provide better security for Egypt
- British support for french expansion into northwest Africa in return for France’s acceptance of British occupation in Egypt
Berlin Conference of 1885
- Belgians explored Congo, french expanded into Western Africa and Bismarck claimed parts of Eastern Africa
- at the conference representatives established free trade zones and set up guidelines for partitioning of Africa
Guidelines for Partition of Africa
- nation needed to establish enough physical presence to control and develop a territory before it could be claimed
- claimants must treat Africans humanely