The Comparision 03 Flashcards
What structure do use to make the comparison when the two elements of the comparison depend on the same verb?
Noun clause 1 (NC1) + Verb (V) + comparative particle (CP) + noun clause 2 (NC2)
- My car costs more than yours.
2. más que = more than comparison ie superiority
Mi coche cuesta más que el tuyo.
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- My mother works less than my father.
2. Menos que = less than comparison ie inferiority
Mi madre trabaja menos que mi padre.
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This month’s sales have grown as much as it did last month.
Las ventas de este mes han crecido tanto como las del mes pasado.
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- I have eaten the same as you. Why aren’t you sick?
2 what is the “NC1 V CP NC2” structure?
Yo he comido lo mismo que tú. ¿Por qué tú no estás enfermo?
- He speaks Spanish like a native speaker.
Él habla español igual que un nativo.
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What words to we use to express an advantage? 5 grades
Una de las ventajas (one of the advantages) La(s) ventaja(s) La principal ventaja La ventaja más significativa Lo bueno (the good thing)
What is the structure used to express an advantage?
Advantage phrase + de + Noun clause + Verb + the type of advantage
One of the advantages of traveling by train is the comfort.
Una de las ventajas de viajar en tren es la comodidad.
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Comparative particle NC1 V Advantage
The good thing about going to work by bike is the physical exercise
Lo bueno de ir en bicicleta a trabajar es el ejercicio físico.
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Comp. part. NC1 V Advantage
What words to we use to express an disadvantage? 5 grades
Uno de los inconvenientes El (Los) inconveniente(s) El principal inconveniente (the main ...) El inconveniente más significativo Lo malo (the worst thing)
What is the structure used to express a disadvantage?
disadvantage phrase + de + Noun clause + Verb + the type of disadvantage
One of the disadvantages of this computer brand is its slow processors.
Uno de los inconvenientes de esta marca de ordenadores es la lentitud de sus procesadores.
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Comparative particle NC1 V Disadvantage
The main inconvenience of living in the city is the noise of the traffic.
El principal inconveniente de vivir en la ciudad es el ruido del tráfico.
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Comparative particle NC1 V Disadvantage
5 phrases to say “in comparison to”
En comparación con (in comparison to) Frente a Si (lo) comparamos con (if we compare) Comparándolo con/a Comparado con/a (in comparison to)