Teach Y G - 22 - Expressing wishes & desires Flashcards
- Use the infinitive eg I want(ed) you to go.
2. Can ONLY use infinitive for personal wishes
- What tense do you use in English if want, or wanted, someone to do something?
- How is this different in Spanish?
- main clause (indic vb) + que + subordinate clause (subj vb)
- indirect orders & commands
- What construction use for wishes involving others?
2. What else does this apply to? (2)
- Él prefiere quedarse.
2. Él prefiere que yo me quede
- He wants to stay (wishes for oneself)
- He wants me to stay (wishes for someone else)
- Quiero que Vd. esté aquí a las 5.00.
2. Insisto que lo hago.
- I want you to be here at 5.00. (indirect order)
2. I insist that you do it. (order)
Tense agreement
What must you have re verb in main clause and verb in subordinate clause?
- No quiero que vayas.
- Prefiero que no lo digas nada.
- Me gustaría que tú hablaras con ella.
- ¿Dónde desea Vd. que lo dejemos?
- What do these illustrate?
- I don’t want you to go.
- I’d prefer you not to tell him anything.
- I’d like you to speak to her.
- Where to you wish us to leave it?
- Tense agreement present ind-present subj & conditional-imperfect subj
- Ellos querían que yo les ayudara.
- Marta quería que tú le escribieras.
- ¿Qué querías que yo respondiera?
- Quería que le contaras la verdad.
- What do these illustrate?
- They wanted me to help them.
- Marta wanted you to write to her.
- What did you want me to reply?
- I wanted you to tell him the truth.
- Tense agreement past-imperfect subj & conditional-imperfect subj
- Le digo que no lo haga.
- Les exigí que se marcharan
- Me obligaron a que no hablara.
- What do these illustrate?
- I´m telling you not to do it.
- I ordered them to leave.
- They forced me not to speak.
- Tense agreement for indirect & direct orders.
- Yo no quería que él se marchara.
2. What is the tense agreement?
- I didn´t want him to leave.
2. Imperfect indicative -> imperfect subjunctive
- El no quiso que yo le llevara el aeropuerto.
2. What is the tense agreement?
- He didn’t want me to take him to the airport.
2. Preterit –>Imperfect subjunctive
- Ella no había pedido que la llamáramos.
2. What is the tense agreement?
- She had asked us to call her.
2. Pluperfect indicative –> imperfect subjunctive
- Yo preferiría que os quedarais.
2. What is the tense agreement?
- I´d prefer you to stay.
2. Conditional –> Imperfect subjunctive
- Yo habría preferido que os quedarais.
2. What is the tense agreement?
- I´d have preferred you to stay.
2. Conditional perfect –> imperfect subjunctive
What is the pluperfect indicative used to describe?
An event which occurred before some other past event.
Her mother had died before John was born. What is this an example of? Why?
- Pluperfect indicative.
2. Because “her mother had died” before the later past event of “John being born”
How do form pluperfect indicative?
Conjugate that verb.
- imperfect of haber + past participle.
2. había, habías, había, habíamos, habíais, habían
Which imperfect subjunctive ending is more common -ara/era or -ase/iese?
The -ara/era ending.
What 2 circs are the conditional often used?
- To express a wish or preference (politeness)
2. Verbs which express emotion.
- Sentiría que ella no viniera/viniese
- Me alegraría que lo hicieras/hicieses
- Sería una lástima que no le encontráremos.
- What is this an example of?
- I’d be sorry if she didn’t come.
- I’d be glad if you did it.
- It would be a pity if we didn’t find him.
- Use of conditional with verbs which express emotion.
diría, dirías, diría, diríamos, diríais, dirían
conjugate conditional - decir (to say) irreg
habría, habrías, habría, habríamos, habríais, habrían
conjugate conditional - haber (to have) irreg
haría, harías, haría, haríamos, haríais, harían
conjugate conditional - hacer (to do, to make) irreg
podría, podrías, podría, podríamos, podrían
conjugate conditional - poder (can, to be able) irreg
pondría, pondrías, pondría, pondríamos, pondríais, pondrían
conjugate conditional - poner (to put) irreg
querría, querrías, querría, querríamos, querríais, querrían
conjugate conditional - querer (to want) irreg
sabría, sabrías, sabría, sabríamos, sabríais, sabrían
conjugate conditional - saber (to know) irreg
saldría, saldrías, saldría, saldríamos, saldríais, saldrían
conjugate conditional - salir (to go out) Irreg
tendría, tendrías, tendría, tendríamos, tendríais, tendrían
conjugate conditional - tener (to have) irreg
vendría, vendrías, vendría, vendríamos, vendríais, vendrían
conjugate conditional - venir (to come) irreg
Yo no querría que él se marchara/marchase
I wouldn´t want him to leave
¿Qué querrías que hiciera/hiciese?
What would you want me to do?
Yo no sabría qué hacer
I wouldn’t know what to do
Tú tendrías que trabajar más
You’d have to work more
Si no te importa, preferiría que lo dejáramos para mañana.
If you don´t mind I´d prefer if we left it for tomorrow.
Si no te importa
If you don´t mind
Podríamos ir a X como lo hicimos la última vez que …
We could go to X like we did last time that …
DE MANERA QUE si estás libre …
SO if you are free …
puedes venirte LO ANTES POSIBLE
can you come AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
- Me encantaría que … pasaras X conmigo.
- Me gustaría mucho que … nos visitaran.
- Sería bueno que .. vinieras conmigo.
- Sería estupendo que … nos encontráramos allí.
- Sería magnifico que …
- I´d love it if … you´d spend X with me.
- I´d very much like it if … you visited us.
- It would be good if … you came with me.
- It would be great if … we could meet there.
- It would be great if …
- Me ordenó que fuera.
- Quiero que esté aquí a las 4.00.
- What are these sentences examples of?
- He ordered me to leave.
- I want you to be here at 4.00.
3, The 2 most common ways to express indirect wishes (I want) and commands (I order)
- Me mandó que terminara el trabajo. (mandar)
- Nos exigió que no dijéramos nada. (exigir)
- Les obligó que volvieran a España. (obligar)
- Nos encargaron que saliéramos temprano. (encargar)
- What are these sentences examples of?
- He ordered me to finish the work. (to order)
- He ordered us not to tell anything. (to order, to demand)
- He forced them to return to Spain. (to force)
- They instructed us to leave early. (to instruct)
- 5 verbs which are less commonly used for commands.