Teach Y G - 20 - Giving Directions Flashcards
¿Por dónde se va a la estación, por favor?
Which is the way to the station please?
En la esquina puede doblar a la derecha …
You can turn right at the corner …
¿Puede decirme dónde está Correos, por favor?
Can you tell me where the post office is, please?
Tiene que cruzar la calle y continuar hasta el primero semáforo. Correos está justo en la esquina.
You have to cross the road and continue until the first traffic light. The post office is right on the corner.
¿Es ésta la carretera para Marbella?
Is this the road to Marbella?
Continúe por esta carretera hasta … y allí doble a la izquierda en dirección a …
Continue along this road as far as … and turn left there towards …
¿Dónde está el banco, por favor?
Where is the bank, please?
Coja la segunda calle a la derecha. El banco está al lado del ayuntamiento.
Take the second street on the right. The bank is next to the town hall.
What tense is most commonly used to give directions?
The imperative + polite form + Vd/Vdes to soften
Polite imperative
doblar -> doblo (1st p) -> doble/doblen
responder-> respondo (1st p) -> responda/respondan
subir -> subo (1st p) -> suba/suban
turn (sing)/turn (pl)
answer (sing)/answer (pl)
go up (sing)/go up (pl)
Irreg stem changers. What are the polite imperatives?
- seguir (to follow)
- cerrar (to close)
- dar (to give)
- estar (to be)
- hacer (to do, make)
- poner (to put)
- traer (to bring)
- volver (to return)
- conducir (to drive)
- decir (to say)
- oír (to hear)
- salir (to go out)
- seguir (to follow)
- venir (to come)
- -> sigo (1st p) -> siga/sigan
- ->cierro (1st p) -> cierre/cierren
- -> doy (1st p) -> dé/den
- -> estoy (1st p) -> esté/estén
- -> hago (1st p) -> haga/hagan
- -> pongo (1st p) -> ponga/pongan
- -> traigo (1st p) -> traiga/traigan
- -> vuelvo (1st p) -> vuelva/vuelvan
- -> conduzco (1st p) -> conduzca/conduzcan
- -> digo (1st p) -> diga/digan
- -> oigo (1st p) -> oiga/oigan
- ->salgo (1st p) -> salga/salgan
- ->sigo (1st p) -> siga/sigan
- -> vengo (1st p) -> venga/vengan
How are polite imp of ir, ser and saber formed?
ir -> voy (1st p) -> vaya/vayan
ser -> soy (1st p) -> sea/ sean
saber -> sé (1st p) -> sepa/sepan
vaya a la recepción
go to the reception
sépaSE que no lo haré otra ve
Let it be known that I won´t do it again
car, gar and ger polite imperatives
- buscar (to look for)
- tocar (touch, play)
- pagar (to pay)
- llegar (to arrive)
- coger (to take, catch)
- -> busco (1st p) -> busque/busquen
- -> toco (1st p) -> toque/toquen
- -> pago (1st p) -> pague/paguen
- -> llego (1st p) -> llegue/lleguen
- -> cojo (1st p) -> coja/cojan