the cold war Flashcards
superpower definition
country that has great military and political power making it able to project dominating power and influence anywhere in the world as to attain global hegemony
the cold war definition
the conflict of ideologies between western capitalist powers (especially USA) and the USSR and other communist countries
proxy war definition
battle between ideologies fought using other countries
origins of tension between ussr and usa
-division of Germany after WW2
- mistrust between soviet union and the West in Bolshevik Rev. of 1917
-west concern w USSR over Hitler
-west worried w USSR being totalitarian regime
tension-mistrust between soviet union and the West in Bolshevik Rev. of 1917
-Western powers anxious abt threat of worker’s revolution spreading to other countries- threat to capitalism
-western powers helped white armies in russian civil war —>communist distrust of west
communist power
gov. exerted iron control over the lives of the people
totalitarian regime
tension- west concerned w ussr rather than hitler
-stalin feared the west was more concerned w the ussr than w hitler
-nazi germany and soviet union signed secret pact before ww2
-ussr joined hitler in invasion of poland
-hitler invaded ussr- west became allies - common enemy -improved relations
-soviet armies and US supplies - defeat of hitler
-after defeat of Germany alliance put under strain
-stalin suspected america wanted ussr to be weakened by germany
yalta conference
february 1945
roosevelt (usa) , churchhill( britain) and stalin (ussr) met at yalta in the crimea to plan a post war settlement
roosevelt’s agenda at yalta conference
wanted soviet support in the US pacific war against japan (specifically for the planned invasion of japan) and soviet participation in the UN
churchill agenda at yalta conference
wanted free elections and democratic governments in eastern and central europe (specifically poland)
ussr agenda for yalta conference
wanted soviet sphere of political influence in eastern and central europe (ussr national security strategy)
would keep polish territory it annexed in 1939 but promised to compensate poland w land from germany
results of yalta conference
germany would be divided into 4 zones of occupation us,uk,ussr and last minute france (from us + uk zones)
no agreement on how zones would be controlled
allied control council representing all 4 occupying powers in berlin
berlin despite being in soviet zone would also be divided in 4
not agreed how much germany would pay in reparations
points of tension in yalta conference
berlin becomes symbol o& cold war
potsdam conference
july 1945
potsdam in south of berlin
differences between ussr and other powers become more clear
roosevelt died-replaced by harry truman
churchhill lost -replaced by clement atlee
results of potsdam
occupation zones of germany finalised- each power would take reparations from its own zone
soviet zone very rural- to receive industrial equipment from 3 western zones (has to depend on others)
stalin declared war on japan and soviet troops invaded manchuria+korea
areas of disagreement w potsdam conference
-stalin wanted to cripple germany w repayments but Truman did not want to see a repeat of the treaty of versailles and sow seeds of future resentment which would be dangerous if germany recovered
- truman+churchill see that no democratic election would take place in poland, believed stalin set on communist expansion
-stalins mistrust of capitalist west confirmed by secrecy of atomic bomb
creation of spheres of interest
-red army liberated large parts of Europe from nazis + promoted+worked w local communists while imprisoning other party leaders
-installed soviet-friendly governments in satellite states- securing interests
-buffer zone -ussr protected from invasion w protective curtain of soviet friendly states
iron curtain speech
-made by winston churchhill in Fulton,Missouri 1946.
-intended to warn of creation of satellite states + “buffer zone” by soviets
-mobilise western governments
-discussed worlwide
-outraged stalin- viewed it as declaration of war
greek civil war
-german forces retreated from greece in 1944
-greek communists and monarchists fought each against each other for control of country
-britain tried to aid monarchists but exhausted from war
-greek communists had support from albania +yugoslavia
- Feb 1947 - britain informed US they could no longer afford to continue in greece- asked US to take over
- truman stepped in
-march 1947 - truman asks congress to approve aid for greece
-aid approved + communists where defeated in greece
what prompts the truman doctrine
greek civil war
communist threat in turkey
independence issues in iran
threat of domino theory
communist threat in turkey
-soviets had made territorial claims on turkey in respect of land lost to russian empire at end of WW1
-turkey appealing for western help
-truman asked for congress for aid in mar 1947- approved
-ussr eventually abandoned its claims on turkey
independence issues in iran
-ussr +britain jointly occupied iran to prevent it falling into german hands in WW2
-britain forces withdrew after war (as agreed) but soviet forces did not
-took pressure from britain and US to make soviets withdraw
truman doctrine
-political move of policy of containment
-US presented as defensive-will “support free ppl who are resisting subjugation by armed minorities/outside pressure”
- would not seek to overthrow communist rule where it was established but instead to prevent the expansion of communism
-increased tensions between US + USSR
reaction to truman doctrine
-communist information bureau (cominform)
-stalin unhappy- ** set up to coordinate actions of communist parties worldwide ** (politically aligned)
-september 1947
-published propaganda to encourage international communist solidarity
-members-all satellite states
-aim-tighten grip on satellites and make sure followed russian-style communism:
-eastern europe to be industrialised, collectivised + centralised
-trade primarily w cominform members (contact w non-communists discouraged)
marshall plan
economic move of policy of containment
-aka European Recovery Program (ERP)
-aims: lessen attractiveness of communism ,rebuild war-devastated regions,remove trade barriers,modernise industry,make europe prosperous again,prevent spread of communism
-announced in June 1947 by US secretary of state general george marshall
-offered money,equipment and goods
-required states receiving aid to lessen interstate trading barriers + drop many regulations
-encouraged increase in productivity,labour union membership +adoption of modern business procedures
-offered to germany (would reduce soviet influence there)
-implemented in 1948
reaction to marshall plan
-ussr saw marshall plan as bribery aimed at containing communism
-denounced it as US attempt to enslave weakened countries
- satellite states ordered not accept marshall aid
-molotov plan- COMECON - Council of Mutual Economic Assistance
-institutionalised in January 1949
-involved soviet subsidies trade w central and eastern europe
-aimed to create an economic alliance of socialist countries
-aid allowed countries not to rely on marshall aid +reorganise trade to ussr
-plan contradictory - gave aid to but also demanded reparations from countries who were members of axis powers that fought w the nazis
result of marshall plan
-ended in 1953
-malnutrition disappeared from western europe +economies were recovering
-popularity of communist parties lessened
-recovering european countries provided market for US goods-increased national trade
-tension between ussr + US increased
fate of germany + berlin crisis
-crisis in 1948 due to issue of german economy + status of berlin
-early US plans to dismantle german industry +abolish uni edu. to return country to agrarian stage- abandoned (would require death of many)
-1947- US decided that strong german economy was important for germans not to starve + for european economy-vital to marshall plan
-UK agreed, French reluctant , USSR opposed
-Britain + US united occupation zones under single economic system Bizonia -1947 - provided marshall aid to germany-planning on re-establishing gov
- german communists put in power in soviet zones+ given instructions by cominfirm to expand their influence in the west
-june 1948- French zone joined- became Trizone
german economy
-June 1948 US implemented plan to restore economy of western zones by introducing new currency to replace worthless Reichmark
-opposed by USSR
-soviets opposed plans to distribute new Deutschmark in west
-useless Reichmarks flood into east -force soviets to accept deutschmark or introduce their own new currency
-cause of berlin blockade
the berlin blockade
1948 -1949
-Deutschmark introduced in western berlin despite soviet objections
-soviet occupation forces causing difficulties for western forces travelling to and from berlin
-Potsdam agreement made no provisions for access from german+british zones to berlin- west relied on soviet goodwill
-stalin argued that allied countril council was useless( no one had his back +other3 had abandoned occupation agreement) so therefore - other3 no longer had reason to remain in berlin
-stalin demanded that western forces leave berlin
-new currency introduced,road+rail access to berlin blocked for 11 more months
-US general in Germany wanted to force convoy through to berlin+ fight soviet forces that tried to stop them BUT gov realised it would be an attack by US in soviet zone-did not want to be aggressors or start nuclear war
-plan supply berlin by air as could only be stopped by attacking western aircraft- soviets the aggressors
-soviets realsed airlift could supply berlin
-blockade lifted may 1949
results of berlin blockade
-unification of western zones- Federal Republic of Germany (FRG/West Germany) as a mostly sovereign state in may 1949
-soviet zone made independent as German Democratic Republic (GDR/East Germany) in October 1949
-success of airlift victory- for US + propaganda coup
-improved relations 2 Germans + other3-seen as protectors rather than occupiers
-north atlantic treaty organisation
military move of policy of containment
-US led defensive designed to protect western europe from soviet invasion
-“attack on one NATO country considered an attack on all”
-created in attempt to balance power - soviet forces in east larger than combined armies of western european + US support
-1955 - FRG established military forces- NATO needed manpower of West Germany
-soviets worried
“reaction” to NATO
-initially soviets did not respond to NATO
-6 years later-created own military alliance in response to rearming of west germany
-Warsaw Pact
-alliance of communist satellite states of eastern europe including GDR
-led by USSR -had right to base troops in any member nation
berlin as symbol of the war
-highlighted tensions between east +west
-soldiers came in contact daily
-showed diff between 2 economies -western economy recovered, east economy stagnated
when did stalin die
Krushchev Ultimatum
-demanded west leave berlin
-workers in east on strike after gov. increased working hours for no increase in pay
-strikes for better conditions became protests for more political freedom+ end of communism
-demonstrators killed
-east berliners fled to west
-economy of GDR losing its youngest,best educated ppl (12% fled since 1949)
-embarrassing + threatened to destabilise GDR
-1958- Nikita Krushchev gave west powers 6 months to leave Berlin (ultimatum)
-tensions rose but west ignored deadline and nothing happened
Berlin wall
-13 aug 1961
-east german police sealed off border between east+ west w roadblocks + barbed wire (too many fleeing, GDR could not sustain losses)
-next few months-wall w guard towers built
-buildings close to wall demolished
-minefields laid-if attempting to cross into west -shot
-symbol of communist oppression
-kept east berliners from leaving- stabilising GDR
- propaganda opportunity for capitalism
-stabilises cold war as no risk of physical war
-physically+ ideologically divided berlin
-symbol of oppression
-Kennedy accepted action + only verbally condemned it
brinkmanship definition
the tactic of seeming to approach the verge of war in order to persuade one’s opposition to retreat
cuba background
-small island 150km of USA
-spanish colony until defeated by USA - made nominally independent in 1898
-agricultural economy (tobacco,sugar,fruit)
-most land owned by small group of wealthy landowners
-most population- poor peasants
- half of economy dependent on US -big companies and much industry american owned (freed but not free-don’t like americans)
-US controlled naval base at Guantanamo Bay
-US dependency
Colonel Fulgencio Batista
-reforming president from 1933
-lost elections in 1944
-seized power by force in 1953 + ruled as dictator
-no regard for the poor (majority of pop.)
-had links to organised crime in the US
- pro capitalism- used by US
Fidel Castro
-young lawyer
-led movement to overthrow Batista in early 1950s- failed
-jailed for 2 years
-after leaving prison-went to mexico to form new army
- met Ernesto “Che” Guevara who joined him
- returned to Cuba in 1956 on boat “Granma” w 82 men w intention of starting a guerilla war
-gov forces attacked but castro’s movement supported by peasants (majority) and grew
-by 1959 castro’s movement able to seize power in cuba
- began reforms : literacy campaign, agrarian reform to seize land + redistribute to peasants(nationalised land owned by US corporations, attempts to improve education +healthcare
-declared himself not a communist- did things that bred mistrust: executed batista supporters after public trials,censored press
- led to US sanctions (oil) - “punishing cuba”
-feb 1960 cuba +ussr begin trading
-cuba supplied by
ernesto “che” guevara
- young argentinian doctor
-opposed to capitalism
joined Castro’s movement
cuba + ussr+us relationship
-feb 1960 cuba +ussr begin trading
-cuba supplied cheap crude oil by ussr
-us refineries refused to process it- castro nationalised them
- US refused to purchase cuban sugar or sell anything (except meds) to cuba
-castro seized all US property in cuba
-cuba turned to ussr for help+ ussr bought cubas entire sugar harvest + supplied cuba w arms
-cuba swapped dependency on usa for reliance on ussr
-US began planning overthrow of castro
agrarian reform act
-may 1959
-seizes foreign owned land
-if owned over 1k acres- was seized + distributed
-problem- most land in cuba owned by americans or linked to US
bay of pigs invasion
-CIA recruited+ trained cuban exiles (fled/chased by castros reforms) for an invasion to be launched from Nicaragua
-force supplied by america w aircrafts +ships
-US pretended to have no involvement in plan
- intelligence services from cuba, ussr +other countries aware of plan and US involvement (coup not a suprise)
invasion launched april 1961
- cubans did not rise to support it (as invaders had hoped)
- defeated in 4 days
result of bay of pigs invasion
- evidence that US imperialism in Latin America could be defeated
-castro sought military+economic assistance from ussr (feared full US invasion) - castro declared himself communist end of 1961
- castro felt cuba would be safer if soviet troops were based in country, Krushchev agreed ( soviets now have control over cuba)
- ussr worried US had more + longer range nuclear weapons + in Europe right by USSR border
-cuba gave krushchev solution-offset gap in nuclear capabilities + put weapons w/in easy reach of targets in US (cuba only 150km south of US)
-krushchev convinced castro (scared of making cuba target for US weapons)
-USSR deployed missiles + military aid in cuba
-for plan to work-crucial that USA didnt find out until weapons installed +operational
missile crisis- 14 days in october
- september 1962 soviet engineers building launch sites
-ussr denied placement of weapons in cuba - US suspected otherwise + publicly warned ussr
aftermath of missile crisis
-kennedy appeared as victor (deal to remove missiles was secret from public)
-kruschev seen as weak- he “backed down” , lost favour- forced into retirement
- hotline set up which allowed direct communication between washington + moscow (help defuse similar situations)
-1963- nuclear test ban treaty ended testing of nuclear weapons except underground
—**soured relations between ussr+cuba-
cuba continued to be protected from invasion, castro felt betrayed by krushchev- was not consulted abt removal of missiles
-brinkmanship brought world close to nuclear war - both sides took risks that might have resulted in war- but clear that neither side wanted it
-crisis moves US + USSR to thaw in relations by 1970s