nov exam apartheid Flashcards
what was the defiance campaign about in simple terms
programme of civil disobedience were large groups of africans peacefully but deliberately broke the law
how did the defiance campaign come about
launched by ANC in 1952 (led by Albert Luthuli-president of ANC)
what was the aim of the defiance camapign
aimed to get arrested and flood country’s prison, drawing close attention to apartheid laws , forcing government to abolish them
how did the volunteers in the defiance campaign break the law
walked through white only entrances
sat in white only parks
broke the curfew
refused to carry passes
what was the impact of the defiance campaign on the ANC
ANC membership grew from 7000 to 100 000
what was the result of the defiance campaign
police responded with extreme violence (especially in EC)
state imposed jail sentences and heavy fines, and ANC forced to call of campaign
what are the 3 repressive government legislations
suppression of communism act of 1950
made communist party and similar organisations illegal
public safety act of 1953
enabled government to declare state of emergency if it believed public order was threatened
banning orders
placed on political activists and organisations
what are the conditions of being banned
restricted to your district
must report to police twice a day
cant be in company of more than 1 person
cant be quoted
when was the congress alliance formed
groups apart of the congress alliance
ANC, South African Indian Congress, South African Congress of Democrats(yts) , Coloured people’s organisation, South African Council of Trade Unions
what is the Congress of the People campaign
started by Congress Alliance - demands of citizens for free and just society listed in Freedom charter
when, where and to whom was the Freedom charter presented
presented to congress of the people in Kliptown 1955
what are the positive effects of the Congress of the People campaign
mobilised people for long time and helped to revive ANC (ANC formulated programme for congress of alliance for next 40 yrs)
how long did the treason trial last
1956 to 1961
whats the treason trial about
SA government regarded the Freedom charter as treasonable doc and 156 members from Congress Alliance arrested and charged with treason
why were African women at the forefront of resistance in 1940s and early 1950s
experienced less restrictions than men
how did the government try to extend control over African women in the 1950s
control women moving into cities and restrict freedom while in city by extending pass laws to them
what event took place on 9 Aug 1956
20 000 women marched to union buildings (pretoria) and gave letters of protest to prime minister J.G Strijdom
what was the result of women’s resistance
failed to achieve objectives, pass laws extended to African women in late 1950s
what does PAC stand for
Pan Africanist Congress
how was the PAC formed
formed in 1959 when group from ANC broke away and formed own organisation
who was the PAC led by
Robert Sobukwe, P.K Leballo, Zeph Mothopeng
why was the PAC opposed to the congress alliance
africanists- opposed to working with non african organisations
south african congress of democrats -white
how do the PAC and ANC differ
differ radically in conception of struggle
ANC- class struggle
PAC- national struggle (oppressed as an African Nation)
- stand for complete overthrow of white domain
why is the Sharpeville Massacre important
turning point from peaceful resistance to violent resistance
when did the Sharpeville massacre happen
21 March 1960
what happened at the sharpeville massacre
PAC organised non violent protest against pass laws
plan was to march to local police station, hand in pass laws and give selves up for arrest
large crowd gathered outside police station in Sharpeville
police fired at crowd, killing 69 and wounding 180
where is sharpeville
near Vereeniging
moderate protest
deputations or petitions
using strong pressure to achieve aims
powerful but subtle
gradual strengthening of popular opinion
put and end to
get rid of
civil disobedience
deliverately break law as part of political campaign
closed itself down
discontinued as political party
state of emergency
period of time where government suspends rule of law and takes special powers to rule country
banning orders
government order/decree leading to person being banned (jailed for 5 yrs)
act considered disloyal to country by government
punishable by execution
declared not guilty