nationalims,race,ideology booklet Flashcards
when did ww1 end and what caused the end
fighting came to end with armistice in november 1918
official end of war treaty of versailles in june 1919
what changes happens during the time ww1 ended
german empire collapsed and kaiser wilhem fled germany
monarchy replaced with democracy run by elected officials
germany became a democratic republic- weimar republic
why was the weimar republic troublesome
no party could win majority of votes
economy went through several crises
did not manage democratic leadership well
democracy not supported by big businesses or military or judiciary
weimar republic began to fall apart in 1933 when hitler became chancellor
what were the 4 key terms of the treaty of versailles
- accept responsibility and guilt
- war reparations
- military restrictions: army limited to 100 000 volunteers only. not allowed armoured vehicles,submarines and aircraft. rhineland became demilitarised zone.
- loss of land: lost all overseas territories and colonies. lost all land in europe to poland, denmark and france
what were germanys feelings towards the treaty
the treaty was a hated document in germany.
germans felt betrayed by leaders who signed it. still in shock from effects of war,economy was struggling,germans were bitter,humiliated and resentful- all worsened by treaty
what is the treaty of versailles also known as
war guilt cause
why was the league of nations created
to ensure that war never broke out again
who were the founding members of the league of nations
most european nations excluding germany -blamed for war
woodrow wilson made league of nations but usa refused to join - stay out of international affairs
what came with germany being a democratic republic
germans over 20 could vote
republic lead by chancellor and president
how did the people of germany feel towards the weimar government
government did not have loyalty and support of germans.
blamed new government for :agreeing to terms of treaty,economic,social and political failures that occurred
why were the 1920s in the weimar republic characterised by hyperinflation
finanical misjudgements during war
what is the german currency
how was the economy in 1922
germany was failing to make reparation payments
how was the economy by the end of 1923
the weimar government was able to secure loans to help the struggling economy (the loans being from the usa)
what happened in october 1929
the wall street stock exchange collapsed
, taking the us economy with it, leading to the great depression
how did the great depression affect the USA
millions of people lost their jobs,homes and possessions
banks closed- people lost all their savings
factories and businesses closed as they could no longer afford to pay workers
people became destitute- suicide rates increased
how were the affects of the collapse of the wall street stock exchange felt in germany
german businesses that relied on loans from the USA collapsed
more and more people began to suffer
the weimar government’s was unable to provide a solution and lost popularity
how did hitler make himself look like the saviour germany needed
he took advantage of the hardships of germans and through stirring up public sentiment by emotionalism and propaganda, he scapegoated the jewish population and gained power and influence
what was the holocaust
planned mass murder of 6 milly jews during nazi era
what acts are a part of genocide
killing members of group
causing serious bodily or mental harm
deliberately inflicting onto group conditions of life yo bring about physical destruction
imposing measures to prevent births
forcibly transferring children from one group to another
how many jews were in europe in 1933
9 million
true or false (motivate answer)
jewish communities are diverse
rich, poor,secular,intellectual,peasant
majority participated in intellectual,economic and cultural life
when did jews in germany get full citizenship rights
end of 19th century
how many jews were in germany at 1933
500 000 making up less than 1% of population
where did eugenics originate
scientific movement from late 19th and early 20th centuries.
derives from greek word for good stock/birth
who invented eugenics
english naturalist sir francis galton in 1883
what is eugenics
belief in natural selection (survival of the fittest) and selective breeding in human beings
what is the principle of eugenics
only “positive genes” should be continued and “negative genes” should be discouraged from breeding by sterilisation or death
who was seen as genetically inferior?
jews, physically and mentally disabled people,criminals, alcoholics feeble minded people, destitute people, promiscuous people
why is eugenics considered a pseudoscience
because although you cant have “good” and “bad genes” and being disabled,jewish etc does not mean you have “bad genes”
eugenics is ultimately a way of justifying policies of mass murder
define anti semitism
hatred or dislike of jewish people
anti semitism unites pseudoscientific theories with old anti-jewish stereotypes
why did germans dislike jews initially
they were blamed for the death of jesus christ and associated with the devil
what racial theories stemmed from the 19th century
skin color,head size and bloodline were said to indicate character,ability and talent
what did anti semites believe
racial characteristics could not be overcome by assimilation or conversion
what party was founded in munich 1919
german workers party- anti semetic, right wing (conservative) political party
what did the german workers party change their name to in 1920
national socialist german workers party- NAZI party
what are the core principles of the nazi party
rejection of treaty of versailles
mistrust of communists
belief in eugenics
hatred for jews
who were the storm troopers and what did they do
aka SA
groups of armed supporters hitler set up who wore brown shirts
their motto was: all opposition must be stamped to the ground
they would organise marching parades and beat up people who disagreed with them
what are the key aims of the nazi party
strong germany: abolish treaty of versailles and unite german speakers
führer: single leader with complete power
eugenics & racism: aryan race-superior,jews-subhuman
autarky & dictatorship: germany should be economically self sufficient
germany is in danger: from communists and jews, must be destroyed
lebensraum- need for living space for german nation to expand
how did hitler end up in jail
in november 1923, he tried to take advantage of the hyperinflation crisis by instigating revolution in munich but poor planning and misjudgement led to failure and him and his associates being tried for treason
how long was he imprisoned for
what did he do while he was in jail
over a year
he wrote his book mein kampf, my struggle
he spent time rethinking and reorganising the structure of the nazi party
what is mein kampf about
it is an autobiography and explanation of his ideology and violent anti semetism
who was joseph goebells
what was his role
nazi party’s propaganda minister
aided hitler in crafting nazi ideology and indoctrinating population
what is indoctrination
persuasive education
teaching person or group to accept set of beliefs uncritically
what change happened in hitlers status in 1932
president hindenburg appointed hitler as chancellor with von papen as vice
what convenient event occurred after hitler became chancellor
german parliament buildings(reichstag) became target of arson attack
marinus van der lubbe,a communist, was found at the scene and blamed for the fire. hitler used this incident to demonstrate disloyalty of communist party and influenced government to institute mass arrests of all communists
events manipulated eliminate nazi’s competition
what did hindenburg sign on 24 march 1993
enabling act/ law to remedy the distress of the people and reich
gives hitler and nazis right to full authority and control of germany
how did hitler use persuasion to gain and maintain control of germany
blamed weimar government for punishment and humiliation of treaty, scapegoated jews.
what is the totalitarian state
brought all sectors of german life under his control
all political parties except nazi banned
nazi controlled groups (eg SS- schutz staffel- protection squad) made responsible for eliminating political opposition
church,education,science,arts and media directly controlled by nazi party
hitler advocated for creating pure master aryan race
what changes had hitler made by 1934 when hindenburg died
building the dachau protective custody camp, introducing racial science schools, passing the law for the prevention of genetically diseased offspring
what legal steps did the nazis take to solve their “jewish problem”
nuremburg laws- separated pure german people socially,politically and physically
laws took away rights of jews living in germany (no longer german citizens) prohibited from marrying or having sexual relations with those of german or related blood
disefranchised jews- deprived them of political rights
how did the new laws change how you define someone as jewish
why was this problematic
being jewish was now a racial classification
if your grandparents were jews- you were too
many germans had not practiced judaism for years but found themselves in nazi terror
if you had converted to christinaity- still a jew
why did hitler create the aryan race
to create a healthy racially purified performance- oriented utopian/idealistic society
what are characteristics of the aryan race
masculinity and strength, obedient,father lots of children
women: fulfill role of mothers and caregivers, producers of generations
pure german, blonde, blue eyes, tall, athletic, lutherin
what anti-jewish measures were implemented
jewish businesses boycotted, then siezed jews defined and separated from non jews jews excluded from proffesions and studies jewsih children barred from schools jews subject to publi humiliation
capitalism is means of production
business owners own businesses and employ workers and pay them salaries and earn a profit
private property
no private entrprice
everyone owns equally everything
secular definition
not religious, not belonging to a religion
extremely poor and lacking the means to provide for oneself.
define armistice
an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time; a truce.
treaty meaning
a formally concluded agreement between states.
monarchy meaning
a form of government with a monarch at the head.(royalty)
a group with a certain equality between its members.
democracy definition
control of an organization or group by the majority of its members.
what is marxism
society has no class
the process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas.
to renounce a throne
the territory which a group, state, or nation believes is needed for its natural development.
living space
a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.
a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.
the judicial authorities of a country; judges collectively.
rapid, excessive, and out-of-control general price increases in an economy.
economic independence or self-sufficiency.
what did the enabling act give hitler the power to do
rule over germany as he pleased
implement harsh and oppressive laws for those he considered undesirable
shut down parliament
became dictator