The Catholic Church Flashcards
How much power did the church have in the 15th century?
A lot, they were immensely powerful.
How much land and considerable wealth did the church own?
What was the hierarchy like?
It went from Archbishops to Bishops down to poor parish priests who earned less than £15 a year.
What did the secular society mean?
Not spiritual
How many clergies were ordained during H7’s reign?
How many monks and nuns were there?
What did the Pope do?
He decided on all religious and political matters
Where did the paperwork go?
It went between England and Italy which dealt with legal cases and administrative issues.
What was the primary political focus of the Pope?
In the Papal States which were frequently in conflict with neighbouring states.
Where did the power of the church stem from?
The beliefs and fears of the people
What did the church provide for the people?
Certainties. Church walls had contrasting and lurid pictures of heaven and hell
How did priests try to explain Christian beliefs?
By using painting and statues
When did English people start to follow the teachings of the church?
At the start of the 16th century
What role did the Pope have?
He was head of the church and had supreme authority over spiritual matters. The Papacy was recognised as a court of law as well as the Papal Curia under the Pope had acted as a Court of Appeal
Who tended to the spiritual needs of the ordinary people?
The community
Who was attached to the parishes?
The clergy as well as friars and nuns
What did monks do?
They closed themselves off in order to concentrate on prayer
Where were monks active?
Often active in local community and owned large estates which they managed
What did the clergy hold in the community?
A special and powerful place. They were ordained or appointed priests and could conduct services in the church.
Who had access to the Bible?
Priests and Latin speakers. Priests interpreted the Bible for the parishioners
How was the unique role of the priesthood confirmed?
By their appearance at church services
What were priests not allowed to do?
Marry or have sex
What were the people expected to do?
Submit to the authority of the church
What were the seven essential sacraments?
1) Eucharist (commemoration of the Last Supper)
2) Baptism
3) Holy Orders (Granting of status and priests)
4) Confirmation (recipient confirming acceptance of God’s spirit in heart)
5) Marriage
6) Confession which led to the Penance
7) Unction ( anointing of sick)
What did the people have to do in order to save their souls?
Attend church regularly, believe in sacraments and show their faith in God.