HVII's consolidation of power Flashcards
In what year did Elizabeth of York and Henry VII get married?
18th January 1486
What did the marriage achieve?
It reconciled a divided England and united the houses of York and Lancaster. The White Rose and the Red Rose combined to create the Tudor Rose.
What did this marriage ensure?
It ensured that Henry’s kingship didn’t rely on his wife’s claim to the throne. (His wife’s claim was stronger than his. His claim came from his mothers bloodline)
What event on the 20th September 1489 secured the Tudor dynasty?
The birth of Prince Arthur. He was the embodiment of the Tudor Rose and was based on the mythical king Arthur of England
When did Henry date his reign and what did this achieve?
He dated his reign from 21st August 1485 (the day before the Battle of Bosworth). This ensures that anyone on the Yorkist side would be labelled as a traitor.
By winning the Battle, what did Henry prove?
He had proven himself to be a strong soldier and a successful soldier. People believed that he had God on his side.
What was the Act of Attainder?
The Act of Attainder was a bill that was aimed at Yorkists who fought at Bosworth. It ensured that all land that they owned went to the crown.
When did Henry’s coronation take place?
On the 30th October 1485 before his first Parliamentary meeting on 7th November. This demonstrated that his claim was based on hereditary and not due to Parliament.
What did Parliament grant Henry?
It granted him taxation on imports and exports. (Tonnage and poundage)
Why was the Tudor Rose the important emblem in Tudor history?
It indicated Henry stamping his mark on England.
When was the Tudor Sovereign released?
It was released in 1489 and had Henry’s image on the back of it. He was the first king to do this and it showed his wealth and importance. On the reverse was a Tudor Rose.
What is a Magnate?
Somebody who’s part of the higher ranking nobility.
What are Prerogative Rights?
The rights or powers which the monarch would exercise without requiring the consent of Parliament
What is a Bureaucrat?
A synonym for ‘administrator’.
What is a Courtier?
A person who is a member of the king’s court.
What is the Lord Chamberlain?
They had access to the king and was a huge privilege to be awarded this.
What is the Privy Chamber?
It was a retreat for the king and his most intimate servants. It made it difficult for those who lost the king’s favours to regain his support.
What is extraordinary revenue?
It was taxation that was granted to enable the king to wage war.
What are fifteenths and tenths?
It was a form of taxation imposed upon the alleged value of a taxpayer’s goods.
What are Feudal Dues?
All possible sources of income owed to the king
What is a bond?
A bond is an agreement with legal force.
What is a wardship?
This is when the king takes control of land when a minor inherited it and oversaw it until that minor came of age.
What are the Statute of Uses?
This was originally conceived by Henry VIII as a way to rectify his financial problems by simplifying the law of uses, which moved land outside the royal tax revenue, traditionally gathered through seisin.
When did the Battle of Bosworth occur?
22nd August 1485. Henry defeated Richard III and was declared king by Lord Stanley.
Was there a threat to Henry’s throne?
No. Richard III was extremely unlikeable and had no heir. Henry’s victory had shown him to be a very successful soldier to the people of England.
What is the divine right of kings?
It’s a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. Asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving the right to rule directly from the will of God.
What event occurred in 1503?
Henry had arranged the marriage of his daughter, Margaret Tudor, to James IV of Scotland in order to secure peace between the two countries.
What treaty with France opened up trade between the two countries and allowed Henry to consolidate his position?
Treaty of London (1518)
What was the Magnus Intercursus?
It was a treaty between the Netherlands and Britain which secured England’s textile exports.
What happened in 1502?
The 15-year-old Arthur died suddenly at Ludlow Castle.
How did HVII come into power?
He came into power through his mother’s line of royalty, Lady Margaret Beaufort.