test 5 inhalation anesthetics Flashcards
Inhalation Anesthetics
- Maintenance AFTER administration of an IV agent
- Depth of anesthesia rapidly altered by changing concentration
- Very narrow therapeutic indices
* Difference between surgical anesthesia and severe cardiac and respiratory depression is small - No antagonists exist
Inhalation Anesthetics Mechanism of Action
- Variety of molecular mechanisms may contribute
* Increase sensitivity (affinity for GABA) of GABA receptors to inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA
* CNS activity diminished
* Block excitatory postsynaptic currents of nicotinic receptors
* Increased activity of inhibitory glycine receptors in spinal motor neurons
Inhalation Anesthetics- Common Features
- Nonflammable
- Nonexpolosive
- Volatile (Except nitrous oxide, which is gaseous)
- Decrease cerebral vascular resistance= increased brain perfusion
- Bronchodilation with decreased spontaneous respiration
- Depress normal cardiac contractility
Volatile Anesthetics
- require a precision vaporizer for inhalation
• Often incorporated into CPB circuits!
MAC- Minimal Alveolar Concentration
- Median effective dose (ED50) = concentration of the anesthetic at which 50% of the patients will have no movement upon an incision being made
- Effective dose: elimination of movement during a standard incision
- Expressed as percentage of gas in a mixture
- More potent = need a lower percentage of it to reach that ED50
- More lipid soluble
High MAC
- Less potent
- Less lipid soluble
- Nitrous oxide
Factors that increase MAC
- Hyperthermia
- Drugs that ↑ CNS catecholamines
- Chronic ethanol abuse
Factors that decrease MAC
- Hypothermia
- ↑ age
- Acute intoxication
- Pregnancy
- Sepsis
- Concurrent IV anesthetics
- α2 anesthetics
Inhalation Anesthetic Uptake
• GOAL: constant and optimal brain partial pressure of inhaled anesthetic
• MECHANISM: partial pressure drives anesthetic to move => ALVEOLI → BLOOD → BRAIN
• RESULT: partial pressure between alveoli and brain equilibrate and reach a steady state
Palv = Pbld = Pbr
Rate at which equilibration is reached is dependent upo
- Ventilation
- Solubility
- Cardiac output
- Blood flow distribution
Inhalation Anesthetic Uptake: Ventilation
- Replacement of the normal lung gases with the anesthetic mixture
- Controlled by:
* Inspired concentration
* Ventilation rate
Inhalation Anesthetic Uptake: Solubility
• Blood/Gas partition coefficient
• Physical property of the gas
• Low Solubility → little dissolves into blood → few more molecules necessary to increase partial pressure → arterial tension rises rapidly
- small changes can change the anesthetic depth
• High Solubility → dissolves more completely into blood → more molecules dissolve before partial pressure changes significantly → arterial tension increases less rapidly
• Greater amount of anesthetic and longer time required to increase partial pressure in the blood
• Increased time of induction and recovery
• Slower changes in anesthetic depth with increasing concentration
Inhalation Anesthetic Uptake: Cardiac Output
• Higher pulmonary blood flow removes anesthetic from alveoli and slows the rate of rise of alveolar gas concentration
• Longer time for Palv = Pbld = Pbr
• Slower induction
- Blood flowing through the lungs pulls away the anesthetics so it’s hard to reach a high partial pressure
Inhalation Anesthetic Uptake: Blood Flow Distribution
• Alveolar-venous partial
pressure difference
• Driving force of anesthetic delivery
• Dependent on uptake of anesthesia by tissues
• The greater the A-V difference, the longer the time it will take to achieve equilibrium with the brain
- Palv = Pa = Pbr