**Test 3** - Neck Flashcards
What is the first fascial layer deep to the skin in the neck?
Superficial cervical fascia
What muscle is impregnated in the superficial cervical fascia?
Platysma m.
What is just deep to the superficial cervical fascia?
Investing fascia.
What muscles are in the investing fascia and what innervates them?
Trapezius and SCM
Spinal accessory nerve innervates all three
What is just deep to the investing fascia?
Pretracheal fascia
What are the 3 subdivisions of the pretracheal fascia?
Muscular - Anterior most
Visceral - Ant to the trachea and esophagus
Buccopharyngeal - Post to esophagus and trachea
What muscle is the muscular fascia?
Infrahyoid m.
What gland is in the visceral fascia?
Thyroid gland
What fascia surrounds the vertebral column and associated muscles?
Prevertebral fascia
What mm. are in the prevertebral fascia?
Deep cervical mm. Levator scapulae m Ant scalene m Middle scalene m Post scalene m Longus coli m
What fascia is between the buccopharyngeal fascia and the prevertebral fascia?
Alar fascia
What is embedded in the alar space?
Sympathetic trunk
What is significant about the alar space?
If an oral infection breaks thru into this space, then it can travel unimpeded down to the mediastinum
What is housed in the carotid sheath?
Carotid a.
Vagus n.
Cervical plexus - look at your drawing on OneNote.
Do it. You need to know this.
What artery serves the neck and face?
What a serves the brain?
What vessels drain the head and neck?
What is the carotid sinus?
A bulge in the internal carotid a that contains baroreceptors and a carotid body that has chemoreceptors
How do you tell the ECA from the ICA?
The ECA branches extensively. If it goes straight to the brain, it is ICA.
What are the a branches off the ECA?
Sup thyroid a. Asc. Pharyngeal a. Lingual a. Facial a. Occipital a. Post. Auricular a. Maxillary a. Superficial temporal a.
What does the superior thyroid artery serve?
Ant strap muscles Thyroid cartilage Larynx Thyroid gland SCM
What does the ascending pharyngeal artery serve?
Pharyngeal mm.
Inner tympanic region
Post meningeal a.
What does the lingual artery serve?
Oral cavity and floor
Sublingual glands
What does the facial artery serve?
Superficial face and muscles Angular and dorsal nasal Infraorbital Sup and inf labial Inf alveolar Submental
What does the occipital artery serve?
Suboccipital muscles
Dorsal muscles
Skin and scalp (dorsum)
What does the posterior auricular artery serve?
Most inner/middle ear
Posterolateral scalp
What does the maxillary artery serve?
Deep facial structures (teeth, nasal cavity, TMJ, auditory canal, palate, pharynx, middle meningeal artery, muscles of mastication)
What does the superficial temporal artery serve?
Temporal and zygomatic region, muscles and bone
Which veins drain into the IJV?
Common facial vein (Facial vein + anterior division retromandibular vein)
Maxillary vein meets with superficial temporal vein to form the retromandibular vein
*Big picture: IJV drains brain and face
The IJV joins the ______________ vein to form the ______________ vein.
What drains into the EJV?
The pterygoid plexus joins with maxillary vein and feeds into the superficial temporal vein. Superficial temp vein meets with the posterior auricular vein to form the EJV.
*Big picture: EJV drains just the face
Where does the EJV drain into?
The subclavian, just lateral to the IJV.
What anastomosis allows blood to flow into EJV or IJV?
Retromandibular vein branches and goes to both the EJV and IJV.
*Also, the pterygoid plexus allows blood to drain into the cavernous sinus
What innervates SCM m.?
Spinal accessory n.
Tell me what you know about SCM m.
Clavicular and eternal heads
Turn head to opposite direction, also does head forward if contracted bilaterally.
What do the suprahyoid mm. do?
Elevate and move hyoid bone forward - this aids in swallowing
It also depresses and opens the mandible and plays roles in vocalization
The digastric m. has two bellies. Name them.
Anterior belly
Posterior belly
The anterior belly of the digastric muscle is found where and what is it innervated by?
Digastric fossa of mandible to intermediate tendon of hyoid bone. CNV-3 (Mandibular n.)
The posterior belly of the digastric muscle is found where and what innervates it?
Intermediate tendon to digastric notch (mastoid notch) of temporal bone. CNVII (Facial)
Where is the stylohyoid muscle and what innervates it?
Styloid process to greater horn of hyoid bone. CN VII (Facial)
Where is the mylohyoid muscle and what innervates it?
Mylohyoid line of mandible to body of hyoid bone - this elevates base of tongue and floor of mouth. (CN V-3 - Mandibular)
What do the infrahyoids do?
Depress the hyoid bone and larynx, and when working with suprahyoid muscles, they can depress the mandible.
Also act in vocalization and swallowing
Name the infrahyoid mm. 4 of them.
Superficial: Sternohyoidm., omohyoid (sup and inf heads)
Deep: Thyrohyoid m., sternothyroid m.
What innervates the infrahyoid mm.?
Ansa cervicalis
The longus coli and longus capitus do what?
Flex the neck
Where can you find the anterior and middle scalenes?
T-verse processes of C3-C7 to 1st rib.
Where can you find posterior scalenes?
T-verse processes C3-C7 to 2nd rib.
What innervates the scalenes?
Ventral rami
What separates the anterior and middle scalenes?
The brachial plexus
What do the scalenes do?
Flex neck, aid in respiration
What is the mnemonic for remembering the branches off of the ECA?
Some - S - Sup thyroid Anatomists - D - Ascending pharyngeal Like - D - Lingual Freaking - S - Facial Out - D - Occipital Poor - S - Posterior auricular Med - D - Maxillary Students - S - Superficial temporal
Where do the cranial nerves exit?
Crib, optic, SOF, SOF, SOF/rotundum/ovale, SOF, IAM, IAM, JUG, JUG, JUG, Hypo
Olfactory - cribiform plate Optic - optic foramen Oculomotor - SOF Trochlear - SOF Trigeminal: opthalamic - SOF, maxillary - rotundum, mandibular - ovale Abducens - SOF Facial - IAM Vestibulocochlear - IAM Glossopharyngeal - JUG Vagus - JUG Accessory - JUG Hypoglossal - Hypoglossal canal
The posterior triangle is bordered by what?
Cutaneous nerves of cervical plexus and EJV
The roof of the posterior triangle is what?
Investing fascia
The floor of the posterior triangle is what?
Prevertebral fascia
What is in the posterior triangle?
Ant scalene m. Brachial plexus Mid scalene m. Post scalene m. Splenius capitis m. Lev. Scap. M. Transverse cervical a. Suprascapular a.
The anterior triangles has how many triangles in it?
4 Muscular Submental Submandibular Carotid
The muscular triangle contains what?
Sup belly of omohyoid m.
The submental triangle has what in it?
Ant digastric
Hyoid bone
The submandibular triangle has what in it?
Ant. Digastric Post. Digastric Mandible Submandibular gland Submandibular lymp nodes Lingual and facial aa. Hypoglossal nerve CNXII
What is in the carotid triangle?
Sup omohyoid
Post digastric
Carotid sheath: Common, external, and internal carotid aa.
Int jug vein
Some cervical plexus (primarily the ansa)
Tell me about the thyroid.
It is an endocrine gland.
R and L lobes connected by an isthmus
Plays roles in meta, Ca2+ regulation and talks to pit gland via hormones
What vasculature serves the thyroid, and where do these descend from?
Sup and inf thyroid aa. And veins
Foramen cecum in the tongue
**There is also a middle thyroid v.
What nerves serve the thyroid?
Sup laryngeal n.
Inf (recurrent) laryngeal n.
Where are the parathyroid glands and where do they descend from?
They are embedded in the thyroid. 4 of them total.
Pharyngeal pouches.
Maintain phosphate levels.
What does the thyrocervical trunk serve?
Inf thyroid
Ascending cervical
Transverse cervical
Where does thoracic duct empty into?
Subclavian before it meets with IJV
The subclavian gives rise to the ___________, and the thyrocervical trunk on the other side.
Regarding the thyrocervical trunk, what is the mnemonic for the branches coming off of it?
I - Inf thyroid a
am - Ascending cervical a (branch of inf thyroid)
The - Transverse cervical a
Superman - Suprascapular a