Test #2 Flashcards
Memory Verses
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses,
let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.
For the joy set before him he endured the cross,
scorning its shame,
and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:1-2 (NIV) – 74 words
Which are the pastoral epistles?
1 & 2 Timothy and Titus
What do pastoral epistles do?
- Give instructions concerning pastoral responsibilities
o Defend Sound Doctrine
o Maintain Sound Discipline
Describe Timothy (the man)
(Circumcised, Church discipleship, Lystra, Important, Family, Partner, Prophesied, 4th)
- Timothy plays an important part in the NT beyond Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.
- Disciple from Lystra (Jewish mother and a Greek father) – 2nd journey
o Well-spoken of in Lystra and Iconium
o Circumcised by Paul to take him along (visiting synagogues) - Family: mother is Eunice, grandmother, Lois
o Believers, Godly influence - Partner in spreading the kingdom of God to the “ends of the earth”
- Just from the times he is mentioned, he is next to Paul perhaps in church discipleship
- Other than Jesus and Judas, Timothy is the only person prophesied about in the NT
- Remained in Berea with Silas to calm events
- Paul may have gone on a 4th missionary journey
o Tim stayed in Ephesus while Paul went on to Macedonia
Describe Tim’s Family
Mother (Eunice) was a Jew
G’ma (Lois) [believers, godly influence]
Father was a Greek
Where is Timothy’s hometown?
What journey was Tim picked up on?
How does Lystra and Iconium view Tim?
Speak well of him
What other people were prophesied about?
Jesus and Judas
Why did Tim stay in Berea? Who whom?
To calm events; with Silas
Where did Tim stay while Paul went to Macedonia?
Where was 1 Tim written?
Macedonia (possibly in 4th journey)
Theme of 1 Tim?
Stop the false teachers
What were the controversial speculations in 1 tim?1
o False doctrine + Myth + Endless genealogies
What is the aim of 1 Tim?
Remind the people of what to do
1 Tim: Love is generated from?
1) pure heart, 2) good conscience, and 3) sincere faith
What is the mans duty in 1 Tim?
pray without quarreling
What is the womans duty in 1 Tim?
pray with modesty
What is the context of the women speaking in church passage in 1 Tim?
Orderly worship.
They came form pagan worship/improper worship
What is the lesson of the women speaking in church passage in 1 Tim?
don’t be a distraction in worship – keep order – keep focus on God alone
Lesson from the “women will be saved through childbirth” passage
o The act of giving birth does not bring salvation
o Adam and Eve sinned wanting to be like God but He gives grace/mercy when death was deserved and through Eve (childbirth) mercy comes
o Birth of Jesus – Savior = Salvation
Vocab: Elders
Vocab: Overseers
Vocab: Deacon
Requirements for Elders
Requirements for Overseers and Deacons
- Not open to criticism
- Married only once (monogamy)
- Sober and watchful
- Set an example in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity
- Publically Ordained
- Period of Testing
- Paid
- Liable to Censure
- Teachers and Administrators
- Not a recent convert
- Well run home
- Prudent and well behaved – self controlled
- Hospitable
- Gentle and Peaceable
- Good Reputation outside the church
Where was 2 Tim written?
From maritime prison
What is the thanksgiving in 2 tim?
Recall Jewish heritage: faithfully serve God
Theme of 2 tim
Reflection on Suffering
How is suffering seen in 2 tim?
Invitation: Join Paul in Suffering Explanation of suffering Desertion but help Enduring hardship Terrible Times are coming persevere in faith in his word
What are the trustworthy sayings in 2 tim?
o absolute truth, objective truth, established truth
If we died with him, we will also live with him - salvation experienced, present experience
If we endure with him, we will also reign with him -present experience with future results
If we disown him, he will also disown us - Serious warning
If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself - We can backslide, but…
Vocab: Grace
Vocab: Mercy
Vocab: Peace
Who is Titus?
My true son in common faith
What does servant of God mean?
Vocab: Servant of God/Bondserant
Marks of a Bondservant
- One who freely gives his life over to the master
- One who bears the mark(s) of servanthood
- One who lives on behalf of the master
- One who represents, in all details, the master
- One who declares “servant for life” to the master
Reasons for writing Titus?
- Further Faith
- Knowledge of the truth (leads to Godliness)
- Hope of eternal life
o God, who does not lie
o Promised before the beginning of time
Titus’ responsibilities
- Appoint elders (DC)
- Teach what is appropriate: sound doctrine (Teacher)
o Plan, Small Groups, Grace teaches, Remind, Stress these things, Warn, Learn
What is the reality check in Titus?
Rebellious people causing disruption
Cultural distinctions
Outward holiness only
What are the general epistles?
(Hebrews – Jude)
How are the general epistles arranged?
- Longest to shortest
Who are Gen Epis. written to?
General audiences
What format did Gen. Epis. follow?
Not the format of letter writing
Common topics in Gen. Epis’.
o Support through suffering/persecution
o Encouragement for holy living
o Warnings against false teaching
Author of Hebrews
Possibly pricilla
- Tent maker
- Jewish
- Ties to italy
- learned
Characteristics of the Hebrews Author:
– Hellenistic Jewish Christian – Familiar with OT Scriptures (LXX) – Familiar with religious ideas of Jews – Command of Greek language – Contact with Philo’s system of thought – Familiar with rules of Greek rhetoric – Covenant Theologian
Covenant in Hebrews
– Guarantor of a better covenant
– superior to the old/better promises
– First covenant was limited in scope
– God will make a new covenant
– Not like the first covenant – external application
– Internalized Covenant
– New covenant replaces the old covenant (obsolete)
– First (Old) Covenant: regulations and location
– Ten Commandments
– Christ is the Mediator of the New Covenant
– First Covenant used animal blood
– Christ’s death establishes the new covenant
– Warning against the new covenant
Format of Hebrews
Sermon (HBLT + benediction)
Who was Hebrews written to?
Jewish Christians (a house church in Rome)
Theme of Hebrews
Primacy of Christ/Superiority of Jesus Christ: better, greater, superior
How is Primacy of Christ/Superiority of Jesus Christ seen in hebrews?
- He is the Son speaking with greater authority than the prophets
- He is the Creator and Heir of all things
- He is full Divinity
- He sustains all things by His powerful Word
- He is the full payment for all sin
- He rightfully sits at God’s right hand
What is the call to action in Hebrews (2 words)
Let us
What are the let us passages?
- Approaching God…mercy
- Mature Teaching
- Approaching God…holiness
- Hold on to hope
- Spur one another on
- Through off…
- Be thankful
What are the Art of Persuasion: Greek Rhetoric: Figures of Speech
- Inclusion
- Synkrisis (comparison)
- Chiasm (ABC, CBA)
- Antithesis (opposite)
- Word Play
- Alliteration
- Anaphora (repetition)
- Exempla (examples)
- Midrash : Lesser to Greater Arguments (Rabinical Instruction)
- Verbal Analogy: Same wording that applies between passages means that the same application
What is Synkrisis
What is chaism
What is Antithesis
What is anaphora
What is exempla
What is midrash
Lesser to Greater Arguments (Rabinical Instruction)
What is verbal analogy
Same wording that applies between passages means that the same application
Describe Melchizedek
King of Salem = peace
Priest of God most high
Blessed Abraham
Abraham tithed tenth – recognized his greatness
Not of tribe of Levi
No family/no sons = no identifiable ancestry; no information on birth or death
Not on ancestry, but power of an indestructible life – not based on lineage
Previous regulation no longer works
Christ’s priesthood is more like Melchizedek than Aaron – thus better
How is Christ a Superior High Priest?
- Became a high priest with an oath: Jesus become the guarantor of a better covenant
- Lives forever: permanent priesthood
- Always lives to intercede for them
- Truly meets our needs – one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart, exalted
- Does not need to offer sacrifices day after day: sacrificed once for all
- Been made perfect forever
- Mediator of the superior covenant, which is established on better promises
Why is the Levitical Priesthood Imperfect?
- Greater priesthood: Jesus is better
- Less than Melchizedek
- Powerless to overcome death (8,16,23)
- Sinners as well – make sacrifices
- Jesus is from tribe of Judah – priesthood from power (16) = resurrection
Vocab: Perfect
Definition of Telio
completed action with continuing results
What is the heroes of faith listed for?
encouragement to those who are suffering
What is important to remember about the heroes of faith
they are not superior to Christ.
It is not an issue of: what would _______ do? Rather…
Jesus is alive now.