James Flashcards
How does James identify himself?
Servant of God and JC
Who is the letter addressed to?
12 scattered tribes
With what perspective should we consider trials?
Pure joy
What does testing of faith produce?
What will you be when perseverance finishes its work?
Mature, complete, not lacking
What should you do if you lack wisdom?
Ask God for it
How does God give to people (adjective)?
Generously, without finding fault
When we ask God for wisdom, what should we also do?
Believe/ not doubt
What is a person who doubts likened to?
Blown by waves, tossed by wind
A person who doubts should not expect…
to receive anything from the Lord
Who is double minded and unstable in all they do?
The doubter blown by the sea
What should a believer in humble circumstances take ride in?
their high position
What should the rich take pride in?
their humiliation
What will happen to the person who perseveres under trial?
Receive the crown of life.
What should you not say when you are being tempted?
God is testing me
When are people tempted?
When they are dragged away by their own evil desire
What is the growth timeline of desire?
Desire conceived; gives birth to sin; when full grown gives birth to death.
How and Why did he choose to give us birth?
Thru the word of truth / so we may be firstfruits
Finish: everyone should be …
quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger
What does human anger not produce?
Don’t merely listen to the word….
Do what it says
When will your religion become worthless?
No reign on tongue
What religion will God accept?
Look after orphans and widows; keep oneself from being polluted by the world
2 What must believers not show (in regards to people and positions)?
2 What illustration/parable is used to teach favoritism?
Rich man and poor man come in
2 What is the royal law in Scripture?
Love neighbor as self
2 What are you guilty of if you keep the whole law but break one part of it?
Breaking the whole law
2 What triumphs over judgment?
2 What makes faith dead?
If not accompanied by action
2 Who does James use as an example that faith w/o deeds is useless?
Abe; Rahab
2 Faith w/o leave is…
3 What will happen to teachers?
Judged more strictly
3 What common things are used as a metaphor for our tongue?
Boat rudder, bit for a horse, spark of fire
3 How does James describe the tongue (full of…)?
Restless evil; full of deadly evil.
3 What 2 things come out of the same mouth?
Praise and cursing
3 What do peacemakers who sow in peace reap?
A harvest of righteousness
4 Why do we not have what we need?
We didn’t ask
4 Why don’t we receive even if we asked?
We had wrong motivations
4 What does “friendship with the world” mean about our relationships with God?
Enmity against God
4 How can we make the devil flee from us?
Resist him
4 What is the result of coming near to God?
He will come near to you
4 What metaphor does James use for a persons life?
A mist that appears for a while and then vanishes
5 With what characteristics should we wait?
Patiently and standing firm
5 What will happen if you grumble against one another?
You will be judged
5 Where is the judge standing?
At the door
5 Who is an example of patience in the face of suffering?
The prophets (Job)
5 Instead of swearing by something, what should you say?
Yes or No
5 What should the person in trouble do?
5 What should a happy person do?
Sing songs of praise
5 What should a sick person do?
Call elders to pray and anoint
5 Why should we confess and pray?
So we will be forgiven
5 The prayer of a righteous person is…
powerful and effective
5 Whose OT prayer is referenced?