Ephesians Flashcards
1 How does P address the Ephesians?
God’s holy people
1 What did God choose for us?
To be holy and blameless in his sight; adoption
1 What does Jesus offer us?
Redemption, forgiveness
1 What happens when you believe?
Marked with a seal (the HS)
1 What does the HS seal do for us?
Is a deposit for our eternal inheritance
1 What is P’s prayer for the E’s?
For God to give them the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to know Him better; to know hope; know their inheritance; to know the power
1 Where, in relation to Christ, did God put all things?
Under his feet
2 When we were disobedient, what did we deserve?
2 By what have we been saved?
Grace thru faith
2 Where did God raise us up to?
With Christ, seated in the heavenly realms
2 How is grace given?
Not by works so no one can boast
2 What are we created in CJ for?
To do good works prepared in advance for us
2 What has Jesus done to bring the two groups together?
Destroyed the barrier; created one humanity
2 Who are the 2 divided groups?
Jews and Gentiles
2 You are not foreigner and stranger; what are you?
Citizens and members of His household
2 What does the building rise to become?
A holy temple in the Lord
3 How was God’s grace made known to P?
3 How has the mystery been known to the world?
By the Spirit to the apostles and prophets
3 What is the mystery?
Thru the gospel the Gentiles are heirs of the promise with Israel.
3 What allowed P to be a servant?
God’s grace through his power
3 Now that we have Jesus, how can we approach God?
With freedom and confidence
3 What is P’s prayer for the E’s?
they would be strengthened; they would grasp how great God’s love is; they may be filled.
4 What does P urge them?
To live worthy of the calling you have received
4 Where does unity of the spirit come through?
The bond of peace
4 Who apportioned grace?
4 What does “he ascended” assume?
He also descended.
4 What happened when Christ ascended?
Took captives, gave gifts
4 What are gifts given?
To build up the church -> unity
4 What happens to infants?
Tossed by the waves by wrong teaching
4 What is your old life corrupted by?
Deceitful desires
4 What are the characteristics of our new self?
Righteousness and holiness
4 In your anger, do not:
sin, let the sun do down, let the devil get a foothold
4 What should someone who used to steal do instead?
Work at something with their hands and share with those in need.
4 What is the only thing that should come out of your mouth?
words helpful for building others up
5 What is God’s example that we should follow?
Walk in the way of love
5 Instead of bad talk, what should come out of our mouths?
5 What does the fruit of the light consist of?
All goodness, righteousness, and truth
5 What should we do to the deeds of darkness?
Expose them
5 Why should we live as wise?
Because the days are evil (5:16)
5 What does drunkenness lead to?
5 Submit to one another out of _______________ for Christ.
5 Husband love your wives as ____________ .
Your own body
5 What is the divine mystery about Christian households?
That two become one flesh
5 What are Christian households an example of?
Christ and the church
6 What is the first commandment with a promise?
Honor mother and father so it will go well with you and you will enjoy long life
6 What should fathers do?
Train and instruct them in the lord
6 Why should slaves obey?
To win favor and to do the will of God from your heart
6 Why put on the full armor?
To take a stand against the devils schemes; so when day of evil comes you can stand
6 Belt =
6 Breastplate =
6 Feet =
readiness of gospel of peace
6 Shield =
faith to extinguish flaming arrows
6 Helmet =
6 Sword =
of the Spirit which is the Word
6 What is P’s prayer request for the E’s?
That he will speak fearlessly to make known the mystery of the gospel
6 How does P identify himself in relationship to the gospel?
Ambassador in chains
6 Who delivers Ephesians?
6 What will Tychius do?
Let them know how Paul is. Encourage them.
6 What kind of love is Jesus’ love?