1 Timothy Flashcards
1 By what is Paul writing?
The command of God
1 Where does P urge Tim to stay?
1 Why should Tim stay in Ephesus?
False teachers / command people not to false teach
1 What had false teachers devoted themselves to?
Myths, endless genealogies
1 What is the goal of P’s command?
1 Where does love come from?
Pure heart, good conscience, sincere faith
1 When is the law “good”?
if it is used properly
1 who is the law for?
Lawbreakers, rebels, ungodly, etc.
1 Why was Paul shown mercy?
b/c he acted in ignorance and unbelief
1 What is the trustworthy saying that P shares in chapter 1?
Christ came to save sinners; of whom I am the worst
1 How will Tim fight the battle well?
Keep with the promises made about him
1 How have people been shipwrecked?
They rejected faith and good conscience
1 Who has been shipwrecked/handed over to Satan?
Hymaneaus and Alexander
1 Why have the two been shipwrecked/handed over to Satan?
To be taught not to blaspheme
2 What should we pray for all people?
That we all may live peaceful and quiet lives in godliness and holiness
2 What does God want for all people?
All to be saved and know the truth.
2 Who is the mediator between God and mankind?
Jesus Christ
2 How should we lived holy hands?
Without anger or disputing
3 What is the trustworthy saying in chapter 3?
And over seer is a noble task
3 Why shouldn’t an overseer be a recent convert?
Might become conceited like the devil.
3 Why should an overseer have a good reputation with outsiders?
So won’t fall into disgrace
3 What must happen before someone is made a deacon?
Be tested
3 why is call instructing Timothy?
In case Paul is delayed Timothy will know how people should conduct themselves
4 What will happen in the latter times?
Some Abandon faith and follow deceiving spirits
4 What has happened to hypocritical liars?
The conscience seared with a hot iron
4 By what will you be a good minister?
That the good things of God should be received with thanksgiving
4 What should we have nothing to do?
Myths and old wives tales
4 What should we rather do?
Train yourselves to be godly
4 What does godliness has value for?
All things (now and come)
4 Why do we labor and drive?
Because we have our hope in God
4 how should we set an example for other believers?
In speech, conduct, love, faith, purity
4 what should we watch closely?
Your life and doctrine
4 What will happen if you persevere in preaching and teaching?
You will save yourselves and the hearer
5 What are people doing who don’t provide for their relatives and household?
Denied faith and are unbelievers
5 What does Paul order for younger windows?
Marry and have kids
5 what are elders worthy of?
Double honor
5 When should you entertain an accusation?
When there are two or three witnesses
5 what should happen to elders who are sinning?
Be reproved before everyone so others take warning
5 Do not be hasty in…
Laying on of hands
6 How should slaves consider their masters?
Worthy of full respect
6 How does Paul describe those who don’t follow the instruction?
Conceited and understand nothing
6 When will we be content?
If we have food and clothing
6 The love of money is…
The root of all evil
6 How does Paul describe God?
Only ruler, king of kings, Lord of lords
6 How does God live?
In unapproachable light
6 What is the reward for the rich who do good?
Treasure in coming age
what should the rich do?
Not be arrogant or put their hope in wealth