Philippians Flashcards
1 Who addresses Phillipans?
Paul and Timothy
1 How to they address themselves?
Servants of Christ Jesus
1 What does Paul pray with?
1 Why does Paul pray with joy?
The Phil’s are partners in the gospel; that God will keep working in them
1 Who can testify that Paul longs for the Philippians?
1 What is Paul’s prayer for the Phils?
That their love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight so they will know what is best and they will stay pure
1 Why does Paul say he is in chains? And for who?
To advance the gospel; Christ
1 Who knows that Paul is in chains for Christ?
The whole palace and guard
1 What is the result of his chains (in the lives of others)?
They are more confident to proclaim the gospel without fear
1 What is the most important thing?
That Christ be preached
1 Finish: to live is Christ….
To die is gain
1 How should the Phil’s conduct themselves?
In a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ
1 When we believe in Christ, what also must we expect?
To suffer with him
2 Finish: do nothing out of…
selfish ambition or vein conceit
2 How did Jesus view equality with God?
Not as something to be used to his own advantage
2 How did Jesus make himself nothing?
Took on the nature of a servant
2 How should we work out our salvation?
With fear and trembling
2 Finish: do everything without… so that…
grumbling or arguing; you make become blameless and pure
2 As children of God in a crooked generation, you will…
shine like stats in the sky
2 Who does Paul want to send to them soon?
2 What will Timothy show to the Phils?
Genuine concern for their welfare
2 How has timothy proved himself?
He serve with Paul in the work of the gospel
2 Who does Paul want to send back to them?
2 What did Epaphroditus do for Paul?
Took care of Pauls needs
2 Why should the people accept an honor Epaphroditus?
He risked his life to make up for the help the 2 Phils could not give Paul.
3 Who should the Phil’s watch out for?
The dogs, evildoers, mutilators of the flesh
3 What were Paul’s earthy “gains”?
Circumcised on 8th day, Hebrew of Hebrews, Pharisee, Benjamin, Zealous, righteous, flawless
3 How does Paul not consider his earthy gains?
A loss compare to knowing Christ
3 How does Paul want to know Christ?
To know the power of His resurrection, participate in His sufferings, become like Him in death
3 Where is the Christian’s citizenship?
4 Who does he plead with the have the same mind as him?
Eurodia and Syntyche
4 What have Eurodia and Syntyche done for Paul?
They contended at Paul’s side for the gospel with clement and P’s coworkers.
4 Where are P’s co-workers names?
In the book of life
4 What should be evident to all people?
Your gentleness
4 What should we do instead of be anxious?
Through prayer, petition and thanksgiving we should give our requests to God
4 What should they do with what they have learned from Paul?
Put it into practice
4 What will happen when they put what they have learned into practice?
Peace of God will be with them
4 How can Paul be content in all situations?
He knows he can do all things through Christ who strengthens him
4 What does Paul desire for the Philippians since they gave so much to him?
That more would be credited to their account.
4 What were the gifts that Epaphroditus?
A fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.
4 Who sends the Phils greetings?
Everyone, especially Caesar’s household.