Revelation Flashcards
1 Who is the revelation from?
1 What province are the 7 churches in?
1 What island was john on when he had the vision?
1 What day did John receive the vision?
The Lord’s Day
1 What was the first thing John heard?
A loud voice like a trumpet
1 What did the voice tell John to do?
Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the churches
1 What was the first thing John saw?
7 golden lampstands and someone like the son of man
1 What was in the man’s hand?
Seven stars
1 what was coming out of the man’s mouth?
A double edged sword
1 What did the man say to John?
Don’t be afraid
1 What do the 7 stars and 7 lampstands represent?
7 angels (leaders) of the church and the 7 churches
2 What was Ephesus commended for?
Don’t tolerate wicked people or false teachers
2 What does JC hold against Ephesus?
They fell from their first love
2 Smyrna is a synagogue of whom?
2 What does Smyrna need to do?
Be faithful
2 What does God have against Smyrna?
Some followed false teachers
2 What does God have against Thyatira?
They tolerate Jezebel (sexual immorality)
3 What church did God have nothing bad to say about?
3 Who will fall at Philadelphia’s feet?
The synagogue of Satan (Smyrna)
3 Who is neither hot nor cold?
4 What surrounded the throne in heaven?
24 other thrones
4 What was in front of the throne?
7 lamps and a sea of glass
4 What creatures were around the throne?
Lion, ox, face of a man, eagle
4 What were the creatures saying?
Holy, holy, holy…
4 What do the 24 elders of the 24 thrones do?
Lay their crowns at THE throne
5 How was the scroll sealed?
With 7 seals
5 Who is able to open the scroll?
The lion of the tribe of Judah
5 What are the prayers of all the people?
The golden bowls full of incense
5 How many angels were there?
10,000 x 10,000
5 What were the angels saying?
“Worthy is the lamb that was slain…”
6 What color were the horses?
White, red, black, pale
6 who rode the pale horse?
6 how did the heavens recede?
Like a scroll being rolled up
7 how many people were sealed?
144, 000
7 Which of the tribes is not a direct son of Israel?
12 Why was the dragon standing in front of the woman?
To eat her child when he was born
12 What happened when the son was born?
He was snatched up into heaven
12 Who fought against the dragon?
Michael and his angels
12 How did the woman escape?
She was given 2 wings to fly away
19 What was written on the heavenly warriors robe and thigh?
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
20 How long was Satan bound?
1000 years
20 Who reigned with Christ for 1000 years?
20 What book was opened?
The book of life
21 How many gates were in New Jerusalem?
21 What was written on the 12 gates?
Names of tribes
21 what was written on the 12 foundations?
Names of apostles
21 What were the gates made of?
A pearl
22 What did the leaves from the tree of life do?
Heal nations
22 How does revelation end?
“Come Lord Jesus, amen”