1 Peter Flashcards
1 What will never happen to our inheritance?
Perish, spoil, fade
1 Where is our inheritance kept?
In heaven
1 What is your faith worth more than?
1 What is the end result of your faith?
Salvation for your souls
1 What were the prophets searching intently for?
To find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ was pointing them
1 How should our minds be?
Alert and fully sober
1 How does God judge our work?
1 How should we live out our time as foreigners?
With reverent fear
1 By what were you NOT redeemed?
What were you redeemed by? Silver and Gold / blood of Christ
1 What have you been born again by?
Imperishable seed, thru the Word
2 Like newborns, what should you crave?
Spiritual milk
2 Why should you crave spiritual milk?
So you will grow up in your salvation; you; taste and see that the Lord is good
2 What kind of stone is Jesus called?
Living Cornerstone
2 Why do people stumble on the cornerstone?
B/c they disobey the message
2 Why are you a royal priesthood, holy nation… etc.?
That you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness
2 What do sinful desires wage war against?
Your soul
2 Why should we live good lives amongst pagans?
They may see your good deeds and glorify god
2 what human authority should we submit to?
Emperor, governors
2 what is commendable before God?
If you suffer for doing good
3 Why should wives submit to husbands?
So they will be won to Christ w/o words
3 Where should a woman’s beauty come from?
Inner self – gentile and quiet spirit
- What OT example of a good wife is used?
3 Whose daughters are we if we do what is right and do not give way to fear?
3 Why should husbands be considerate of wives?
So nothing hinders prayers
3 What should we repay evil with?
3 what should we be prepared to give an answer for?
The reason for the hope
3 What did Jesus do after being made alive?
Made proclamation to the imprisoned
3 How many (+who) were saved through water (OT)?
8, Noah’s fam
4 above all, what should we be doing?
Loving each other deeply
4 What should we use our gifts for?
Serving others
4 Who should judgment begin with?
God’s household
5 When will you receive the crown of glory?
When the chief shepherd appears
5 What should all people clothe themselves with?
5 What does Peter describe the devil as?
A prowling lion
5 How should we greet one another?
With a kiss of love