Romans Flashcards
Which book is known as Paul’s greatest?
What is Roman’s about?
Justification by faith and holiness of life
One word to describe Romans 1-11 =
One word to describe Romans 12 -> =
Where was Roman’s written?
From Corinth
Purpose of writing Romans?
Anticipate Paul’s coming, Center of the world, preach the gospel, launching point
VOCAB: Eppaggelia =
promise (the gospel is the result of a promise)
VOCAB: Dynamis =
Trinity in Romans 1:16 =
Believers (promise of the father);
Gospel (lived out in the life of Jesus);
Power (internalized by the spirit)
What is the creator law?
The law that the gentiles have. Conscience.
What is the Covenant law?
The law that the Jews have. Just b/c you are a Jew doesn’t mean you are automatically “in” with God… not exempt from becoming unrighteous.
What are the three attitudes between the law and me?
- Fear it. 2. Despise it. 3. Delight in it (7:22)
1 Who wrote romans?
1 Who is Romans written to?
All in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people.
1 Who does Paul describe himself as?
1 What is P’s “thanks” to the romans?
Their faith is being reported all over the world.
1 What it P’s prayer to romans?
That Paul can come visit.
1 Why does Paul want to visit the romans?
To impart spiritual gifts to make them strong – to encourage each toher, to have a harvest.
1 Who is P obligated to?
Greeks, and non greeks. Wise and foolish
1 Why is P not ashamed of the gospel?
It is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. 1st the jew then the gentile.
1 What is revealed in the gospel?
The righteousness of God
1 Finish: the righteous will….
Live by faith
1 Which of God’s invisible qualities have been seen since the beginning on time?
Eternal power, Divine nature
1 Why are God’s qualities revealed?
So people are without excuse
1 What made sinful humanity foolish?
Exchanged glory of God for images
1 What did “they” exchange truth for?
1 What did “they” worship instead of God?
The creation instead of the creator
1 What did God give sinful humanity over to?
Sinful desires, shameful lusts, depraved minds
2 What is chapter 2 about?
Righteous judgment and the jews and the law
2 What is God’s judgment based on?
2 What is God’s kindness, forbearance, and patience intended to do?
Lead you to repentance
2 How are you storing up wrath?
You have a stubborn and unrepentant heart
2 How will God repay each person for their sin?
According to what they have done
2 What will there be for those tho are self-seeking, reject truth and follow evil?
Wrath and anger
2 What is there for people who do good?
Glory and honor
2 What does God not show towards humanity?
2 What must a person do to be declared righteous?
Hear the word and OBEY it
2 What does righteousness bring out?
Gods righteousness more clearly
2 Which is the relationship between our unright and God’s right?
Our unright brings out God’s right more clearly.
2 What kind of argument states: I should do bad so God looks good.
A human argument
2 Why is God’s name blasphemed among the gentiles?
Because the Jews don’t practice what they preach.
3 What advantage is there to being a Jew?
Entrusted with word of God.
3 If the law doesn’t save, what does it do?
Makes us conscious of our sin.
3 How to people receive righteousness?
Through faith in JC
3 What did Jesus’ atonement demonstrate about God?
He is righteous and just.
3 Is the law nullified in Jesus?
No, it is upheld.
4 Why is righteousness not given by works?
Because then the righteousness would be obligated, and therefore not a gift.
4 When was Abraham’s righteousness credited to him?
Before he was circumscised; by faith.
4 To Abhraham, what was circumcision?
A sign, a seal of the righteousness he already had before he was circumcised.
4 Finish: it was not by the law that Abraham received the promise, it was…
through the righteousness that comes by faith
4 Finish: Where there is no law, there is…
no transgression.
4 Why was “it credited to him [Abraham] as righteousness”?
He didn’t waver in unbelief about having a son.
4 Jesus was given over to death for our _______, and raised to life for our ________ ?
Sins / Justification
5 What do we now have since we are justified through faith?
Peace with God. Access to God by faith in the peace.
5 What can we boast in?
The hope of the glory of God, and in suffering
5 Why can we glory/boast in suffering?
Produces: perseverance, character, hope.
5 Finish: God’s hope does not…
put us to shame
5 How does God demonstrate his love for us?
While we were still sinner, Christ died for us.
5 What have we received from Jesus?
5 How long did death reign?
From the time of Adam to the time of Moses
5 How is the gift [Jesus’ sacrifice], not like the trespass?
Many died because of the sin of one man (adam), the gift is for many to live b/c one man died. The act of one man (Adam) brought condemnation; the act of one man (Jesus) brings justification.
5 What did the gift [Jesus’ sacrifice] bring?
Justification instead of condemnation
5 What is increased even more when sin is increased?
5 If sin reigns in death, what does grace reign in?
6 Why is sin no longer your master?
Because you are not under the law but under grace.
6 Finish: Dead to sin….
Alive in Christ
6 What does being a slave to righteousness lead to?
Holiness, which leads to eternal life.
6 What are the wages of sin?
6 What is the gift of God?
Eternal life in JC
7 What example does Paul use about being released from the law and bound to Christ?
A person is married as long as their spouse is alive. When they spouse dies, they are freed from the law. You also died to the law through Christ.
7 Finish: What I want to do…
I do not do
7 What does not dwell in us?
7 What are you a slave to in your sinful nature?
the law of sin
8 Why is there now no condemnation in Christ Jesus?
Because you are set free from the law of sin and death
8 What was the law weakened by?
8 Finish: The mind governed by the Spirit is…
life and peace
8 Finish: The mind governed by the flesh is..
hostile to God
8 What does the Spirit you received bring about?
Adoption to sonship
8 Describe how we are heirs.
We are heirs of God because of sonship. And therefore co-heirs with Christ.
8 What are our present sufferings not worth comparing with?
With the glory that will be revealed in us.
8 What does creation wait in eager expectation for?
For the children of God to be revealed.
8 What has creation been doing up until now?
Groaning, as in childbirth.
8 What do we groan for?
Adoption to sonship; redemption of our bodies
8 How should we wait for the hope?
8 What happens when we don’t know what to pray for?
The spirit intercedes for us with wordless groans.
8 What is God working in all things?
The good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.
8 What should we say in response to the future glory?
If god is for us, who can be against us?
8 What is Jesus doing for us at the right hand of God?
Interceding for us
8 Finish: In all things we are…
more than conquerors through him who loved us
9 What is P’s argument that he is not lying?
His conscience confirms it through the Holy Spirit.
9 Why does P have sorrow and anguish in his heart?
The Israelites (his people) aren’t accepting teir sonship thru jc
9 What does God’s sovereign choice not depend on?
What does it depend on? Human desire or effort. God’s mercy.
9 What illustration does P use about questioning God’s will.
Potter and clay
10 What’s is P’s heart desire and prayer for the Israelites?
That they may be saved.
10 What does P testify about the Israelites?
They are zealous for God but their zeal isn’t based on knowledge
10 Christ is the ______________ of the law.
10 It is by your __________ that you believe and are _____________.
10 It is by your ____________ that you profess your faith and are _____________.
10 Finish: Anyone who believes in him ___________________.
Will not be put to shame
10 What does faith come by?
Hearing the message.
11 What tribe is Saul from?
11 How is the remnant chosen?
And what does that, therefore, mean? By grace. Therefore it’s not by works.
11 Why has salvation come to the gentiles?
To make Israel jealous enough that they would come to Jesus
11 What does the ingrafted branches lesson teach?
That the branches (gentiles) that have been grafted onto the tree (Israel) are not better than the original branches (Israel). Don’t be arrogant.
11 What is irrevocable?
God’s gifts and call
11 Why has God bound everyone over disobedience?
So he can have mercy on everyone.
12 What does urge us to offer to God?
Our bodies as living sacrifices
12 What is true and proper worship?
Offering your body as a willing sacrifice
12 How can you test and approve what God’s will is?
Being transformed by the renewing of the mind
12 How should we think of ourselves?
With sober judgment. Not too highly.
12 Finish: Hate what is evil….
Cling to what is good
12 Never be lacking in …..
12 Be joyful in….
12 Be patient in ….
12 Be faithful in ….
12 What should you do to those who persecute you?
Bless them
12 Finish: do not be overcome with evil, but…..
overcome evil with good
13 Why should we be subject to governing authorities?
God established them there.
13Who are you also rebelling against when you rebel against authorities?
13 What is the only debt that can remain?
A debt of love.
13 Finish: Put aside the deeds of darkness and…
put on the armor or light
13 What should we clothe ourselves with?
The Lord Jesus Christ
14 What should we make up our mind to not do?
Put a stumbling block in the way of another.
14 What is the stumbling block in reference to?
Everyone having different convictions (food choices, holy days, etc) and being able to worship God in their own way.
14 Finish: if your brother or sister is distressed because of what you eat, you are…
no longer acting in love
14 Finish: The kingdom of God is not a matter or eating and drinking, but…
of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
14 Finish: let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to…
peace and to mutual edification.
14 If something you do doesn’t come from faith, where does it come from?
14 Why was everything from the past written?
To teach, give encouragement, and hope.
14 What should we do with one voice and one mind?
Glorify God
14 What has Christ become for the Jews?
A servant
14 What will God fill you with when you trust him?
All joy and peace so you can overflow with hope
14 What is Paul convinced of about the Romans?
They are full of goodness, knowledge and are competent to teach each other.
14 What has always been Paul’s ambition?
To preach where Christ is unknown so he wouldn’t be building on anyone else’s foundation.
14 What is P’s prayer request?
For his safety with the people of Judea; that the contribution he is taking will be received well; so I can come to you in joy.
16 Who delivered Romans?
Our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae.
16 What has Phoebe done for Paul.?
She was a benefactor to many people, including Paul
16 What does P say of Priscilla and Aquila?
They risked their lives for him.
16 Who was P’s first convert in Asia? .
16 How do the people who cause divisions deceive people?
With smooth talk and flattery
16 What will the God of peace soon do?
Crush Satan under your feet
16 Who wrote down Romans?
3rd missionary journey (winter)
Anticipate his coming: desire to visit (15:23); Romans 1:8!!
Center of the world (from Jerusalem to Rome)
PREACH the “gospel”
Launching point for other locations (15:24)
Key Text: 1:17
“The righteous (just) shall live by faith” (Hab 2:4)
Key Theme: 1:16
“I am not ashamed of the gospel”
euaggelion =
good news/ gospel
What is the euaggelion in Romans
- Belonging to God
- Preach the Gospel
- Not ashamed of the Gospel
- Reveals Righteousness of God
- Promised Gospel
- Priestly duty to proclaim the Gospel
epaggelia =
What are the promises in Romans
- Promise through righteousness
- Promise comes by faith
What is the Good News & Promise
Promise comes by righteousness through faith (4:13)
Promise is worthless if one has to work for it (4:14)
Promise by faith a gift to the world (4:16)
Promise dependent of God’s faithfulness (4:20)
Promise connected to faith in God (9:8)
Promise is confirmed by God speaking (9:9
What is the connection between Promise & Gospel (Good News) in identifying the strength of Paul’s theology in Romans?
- The effectiveness and even the truthfulness of the GOOD NEWS means absolutely nothing if “salvation” can be obtained outside of God’s PROMISE
- Paul’s understanding of the Old Testament and his own salvation experience comes to full effect in his connecting good news/promise
dynamis =
What is the dynamis in Romans
Power that resides in a thing by virtue of its nature (it is God’s nature)
Power not inherited rather given – we have given sin its power to rule over us
Acts of signs and wonders
What verse in Romans bring Good News, Promise and Power together?
Rom 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
- Believes – Promise of the Father
- Gospel – Lived out in the life of Jesus
- Power – Internalized by the Spirit
What is Creator Law?
As God as Creator/Governor/Preserver (Doc2), God has built into His Creator all the attributes of a Moral Universe that reflect His Nature (1:20), thus even pagans, despite a sinful nature, have some awareness of God’s nature – though not as defined as Israel.
What is Covenant Law?
Supernatural revelation of God through Israel.
What do both the Creator Law and Covenant Law exist to demonstrate?
That no one is exempt from God’s judgement.
How does God save sinners?
(1) Justification, (2) Sanctification, and (3) Obedient Faith
What are three attitudes toward the Law?
(1) Fear It, (2) Despise it, and (3) Delight in it
What are the three possible conditions of Paul in Romans 7 (I do what I do not want to do…)?
(1) He is not a Christian (a legal Jew battling this sin with no hope);
(2) He is a normal Christian (Saved and sanctified to the best he can do in this world, Focus is on “I, Me, My” with Spirit only once, He is in despair, but confident in what God has done);
(3) He is a carnal Christian (Saved but not sanctified, there is hope).
What are some types of Practical Exhortations mentioned in Romans?
(1) Spiritual gifts,
(2) Love,
(3) Submission to authority,
(4) Stop passing judgment
Why community works?
(1) Recognizing our co-workers (1-16,21-23);
(2) Recognizing the foes (17-19); and
(3) Recognizing the Trinity (23-27)
Write out two verses that you have memorized from Romans, 1 or 2 Corinthians. You must give the reference and the version used.
Ro. 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
Ro. 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord
- What is soteriology?
Soteriology is the study of the doctrine of salvation. Soteriology discusses how Christ’s death secures the salvation of those who believe.
- Universal need (1:18 – 3:20)
- Means of salvation (3:21 – 4:25)
- Justification by faith (5)
- Refuting objections (6-7)
- Life in the Spirit (8)
- Understand letter writing in ancient times
Letters can be written to: group, individual or circular (sent to multiple groups)
Structure includes: salutation (sender, recipient, greeting), thanksgiving/prayer, body, exhortation and instructions, conclusion
Length: one papyrus sheet/scroll
Form: Opening, Thanksgiving, Body, Closing
Scribe/Secretary: (Amanuensis)
A Recorder: word for word dictation
Editor: Tidied the final copy making corrections as needed
Substitute author: wrote after giving general instructions from another – Rom 16:22 – Tertius
Paul’s letters, on the other hand, were lengthy (Philemon: 335 words to Romans: 7,114 words). For Romans, about 30 sheets!
New Literary Form: Theology and Practical Instructions for Holy Living in Community
Paul personally wrote final greeting: (1 Cor. 16:22, Gal. 6:11; Col. 4:18; 2 Thess. 3:17)
Paul’s letters often seem a rough form of Greek – breaks in thoughts but comes back. This would be challenging to the most expert scribe.
Also, using a variety of scribes – not one would have the same style
Paul’s Letters (13)
To churches (longest to shortest)
To individuals (longest to shortest)
Other Letters (8)
Arranged longest to shortest
- Five verses from Romans 8 that include the Holy Spirit
5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.
6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.
13 For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.
14 For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.
16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.
26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans