Galatians Flashcards
1 Who sent P?
JC and God
1 Why is Paul astonished?
The G’s are quickly deserting Christ and are turning to a diff gospel
1 What are the false people doing to the G’s?
Confusing them and perverting the gospel
1 What will happen to the people sharing false gospels?
They are under Gods curse
1 How does P identify himself?
Servant of Christ
1 How did P receive the gospel?
Revelation from JC
1 What is P’s immediate response to the revelation?
Didn’t consult humans or go to Jerusalem to see the apostles; went to Arabia.
1 How long before P went to Jerusalem?
3 years
1 Who did P visit in Jerusalem?
Cephas for 15 days, James (bro of Jesus)
2 Why did P present the his gospel to the leaders in Jerusalem?
He wanted to make sure he wasn’t running the race in vein.
2 Who wasn’t compelled to be circumcised?
2 What did the false believers do?
Infiltrate the ranks to spy on the freedom they have in Christ and to make them slaves
2 Why didn’t they give into the false believers?
So the gospel could be preserved
2 What does God not show?
2 What task was Paul entrusted with?
Preaching the Gospel to the uncircumcised
2 Who were the esteemed pillars?
James, Cephas, John
2 Who did the esteemed pillars give to Paul?
2 What did the esteemed pillars tell Paul to do?
Remember the poor
2 What was Paul eager to do?
Remember the poor
2 How and why did Paul oppose Cephas?
To his face because he was condemned from separating from Gentiles because he was afraid of the circumcised group.
2 Who did the circumcised group say they were from?
2 Who was also led astray?
2 What does not justify a person?
Works of the law
2 What does justify a person?
Faith in JC
2 Why do we put faith in JC?
To be justified by grace
2 Why did Paul die to the law?
To live for God
2 Finish: If righteousness could be gained thru the law….
Christ died for nothing
3 What does P say about Abraham?
He believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness
3 Who are the children of Abraham?
Those who have faith
3 Finish: The righteous will live by…
3 How did Christ redeem us from the curse?
By becoming a curse for us
3 Why did Christ become a curse for us?
So the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentile
3 What example does Paul use to teach about God’s promise?
A human covenant that no one can add to or take away from.
3 Who is the seed?
3 Why was the law given at all?
Because we are sinners; given until the seed came.
3 How was the law given?
Thru angels, entrusted to mediator (God) [5:19-20]
3 Why were we in custody under the law?
So faith can be revealed
3 Finish: Now that this faith has come…
we are no longer under a guardian
3 Who/What was the guardian?
The law
3 How do you becomes Abraham’s seed?
If you belong to Christ (thru faith)
4 When is an heir no different than a slave?
When the heir is underage
4 What words does the Spirit cry out?
Abba Father
4 Since we are God’s children, what does that also make us?
4 Who were we slaves to when we didn’t know God?
those we were not gods
4 What does Paul fear?
That his efforts were wasted on the Galatians
4 What does Paul plead with the Galatians?
To become like Paul as he became like them.
4 What was the reason Paul first preached to them?
b/c of an illness
4 What are the other people trying to do to the Galatians?
Alienate them from Paul
4 What example does Paul use about 2 covenants?
Hagar and Sarah
4 What does Hagar represent?
The covenant on Mt. Sinai that makes us slaves
4 What foes Sarah represent?
5 Why has Christ set us free?
For freedom
5 What will happen if you let yourselves be circumcised?
Christ will be no value to you at all and you will be obligated to the law; fallen from grace
5 What is the only thing that has value?
Faith expressed through love.
5 What does Paul wish on the agitators (that encouraged circumcision)?
They would emasculate themselves.
5 What do we not use our freedom to do? What do we use our freedom to do?
Indulge in the flesh/serve humbly in love.
5 What will happen if you devour others?
You will be destroyed by each other
5 How can you make sure you don’t gratify desires of the flesh?
Walk by the spirit
5 What will happen to those who do acts of the flesh?
Not inherit the Kingdom of God
5 What is the fruit of the Spirit?
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Forbearance, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control
5 Finish: Against the fruit there is no….
5 What should we not become?
Conceited, provoking and envying
6 What should happen to the person caught in sin?
Restore them gently but don’t be tempted.
6 What will fulfill the law of Christ?
Carrying each others burdens
6 What are you doing when you think you are something you are not?
Deceiving yourselves
6 What should the one who receives instruction in the word, do?
Share all good things with their instructor
6 What cannot happen to God?
Be mocked
6 What will you reap if you sow to please the spirit?
Eternal life
6 What will you reap if you sow to please the flesh?
6 What will be reap of we don’t give up doing good?
Reap a harvest
6 Why do people get circumcised?
To avoid persecution b/c of the cross
6 If circumcision and non-circumcision means nothing, what means something?
The new creation