Hebrews Flashcards
1 How did God speak in the past?
Through prophets
1 How does God speak now?
Through the son
1 The son is the…
Radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being
1 What did Jesus do after purifying us?
Sat down at the right hand of God
1 What are angels sent to do?
Serve those who will inherit salvation
2 How did God testify to salvation?
Signs, wonders, miracles, gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed
2 Why was Jesus made a little lower than the angels for a while?
So he might taste death for everyone
2 Why did Jesus become flesh and blood?
To break the power of death from the devil
2 Why did Jesus become fully human?
To become a faithful and merciful high priest
3 How do we acknowledge Jesus?
As our apostle and high priest
3 How is Jesus’s faithfulness compared?
Moses faithful in all gods house
3 Why should we encourage one another?
So no one gets hard by sins deceitfulness
4 When where his works finished?
Before the creation of the world
4 Since the promise of entering his rest still stands, we should?
Be careful to not fall short
4 Why was the message of no value to them?
Because they didn’t share the faith of those who obeyed
4 Who can enter the rest?
Those who believe
4 When were gods works finished?
Since the creation of the world
4 Why didn’t some enter the rest?
Their disobedience
4 What is the simile for the word of God?
Living and active, sharper than any double edge sword. Dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. Judges thoughts and attitudes of the heart
4 Who is the great high priest?
Jesus Christ
4 Why is Jesus able to empathize with us?
He was tempted in every way
4 How should we approach the throne?
Grace and confidence
5 Why was Jesus heard by God?
Because of his reverent submission
5 How did Jesus learned obedience?
Through suffering
5 under what order is Jesus Christ the high priest?
5 Why is it hard to communicate to them?
Because they no longer try to understand
5 Anyone who lives on milk is not acquainted with?
Teaching about righteousness
5 What can solid food eaters do?
Train themselves to distinguish good from evil
6 By believers falling away, what are they doing to Christ?
subjecting him to public disgrace
6 What will God not forget?
Your work and love for God and help for others
6 Who should the Hebrews imitate?
Those who through faith and patience inherit the promise
6 Who did God swear by when he promised Abraham?
6 What was God’s promise to Abraham?
Bless you, many descendents
6 When did Abraham receive the promise?
After waiting patiently
6 Why did God confirm his promise with an oath?
To make the promise clear to the heirs; to encourage
6 What is our hope compared to?
And anchor for the soul
6 Who is the forerunner?
6 What has the forerunner done for us?
Into the inner sanctuary on our behalf
7 What does Melchizedek mean?
King of righteousness, king of Salem means king of peace
7 What did Abraham give to Melchizedek ?
What did it prove? 10%. His greatness
7 What happens when the priesthood is changed?
The law must be changed
7 What tribe is Jesus from?
7 How did Jesus become a priest?
Not from ancestry but by the power of an indestructible life
7 Because of what has Jesus become the guarantor of a better covenant?
7 Why is Jesus a permanent priesthood?
He lives forever
7 How is Jesus different from other priests?
Doesn’t have to make daily sacrifices for his own sins or for others
8 Why did Moses have to, so carefully, fall instructions for building the tabernacle?
Because it is a copy and shadow of heaven
8 What is the new covenant established on?
Better promises
8 Where will the new covenant be written?
On their hearts
8 What will happen to what is obsolete and outdated?
Will soon disappear
9 Why did Jesus’s blood cleanse us?
So we may serve the living God
9 Without the shedding of blood…
There is no forgiveness
10 Below is only a shadow of…
The good things to come. Not the realities themselves
10 It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to…
Take away sins
10 Now that Jesus is at the right hand of God, what is he waiting for?
His enemies to be made his footstool
10 What are our bodies washed with?
pure water
10 What are some in the habit of doing?
Not meeting together
10 What should we do all the more as the day is approaching?
Meet together and encourage one another
10 What happens if we deliberately keep on sinning when we have had knowledge of the truth?
No sacrifice for sins is left; Just expectation of judgment
10 Why should you persevere?
So when you have done the will of God, you will receive what is promised
10 Who do we not belong to?
Those who shrink back and are destroyed
10 Who do we belong to?
Those who have faith and are saved
11 What is faith?
Confidence in what we hope for an assurance about what we do not see
11 By faith, what do we understand about the universe?
That was formed at God’s command. What is seen wasn’t made out of something visible
11 By faith Abel…
Brought a better offering
11 By faith Enoch…
Pleased God
11 By faith Noah…
In holy fear build an ark
11 By faith Abraham…
Obeyed; offered Isaac
11 By faith Sarah…
knew God was faithful to do what he had said
11 What was the same about all the heroes of the faith when they died?
They were still living by faith
11 What were the heroes of faith longing for?
Not an earthly country a heavenly one
11 How did Abraham reason sacrificing Issac?
God would raise him from the dead
11 By faith Isaac…
Bless Jacob and Esau
11 By faith Jacob…
Blessed each one of Joseph’s sons
11 In face Joseph…
At his death spoke of the Exodus and gave instructions for his burial
11 In faith Moses…
Chose to be a Hebrew and kept the Passover
11 By faith the people…
Passed through the Red Sea
11 By faith Rahab…
Welcome spies
11 What did the heroes receive?
What had been promised
Who was included in the list of heroes of faith?
Abel Enoch Noah Abraham Isaac Jacob Sarah Joseph Moses Rahab
12 Since we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, what should we do?
Throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily in tangles
12 For the joy set before him, what did Jesus do?
Endured the cross,sat at the right hand of God
12 How can we not grow weary and lose heart?
Consider him who endured opposition from sinners
12 How should we endure hardship as?
12 If you are not being disciplined…
You are not a true son or daughter
12 Why does God discipline us?
For all good so we can share in his holiness
12 What does discipline produce later on?
A harvest of righteousness and peace
12 Without holiness…
No one will see the Lord
12 even though Esau sought the blessing with ________, he could not change what he had done.
12 What did Moses say when he saw the mountain of fear?
I am trembling with fear
13 What might happen if we show hospitality to strangers?
We might entertain angels
13 How should we remember those in prison?
As if we are there with them
13 JC is the same…
yesterday, today and forever
13 Why did Jesus suffer outside the city?
Because temple sacrifices were burned outside the city
13 What sacrifice should we offer to God?
A sacrifice of praise
Who didn’t the author of Hebrew’s have time to talk about in the heroes of faith?
Gideon Barak Samson Jephthah David Samuel The Prophets