Test #1 (GEPC12P) Flashcards
Sections of Galatians
Received message by revelation of God
Church in Galatia
No other gospel - Grace/Promise
Shared Testimony/Visited Apostles/Opposed Cephas
Justified by faith, not works
Freedom in Christ vs. Slavery (Sarah vs. Hagar)
Vices/Sin – Sexual, Spiritual, Social
Live by the Spirit
Evidence of Spiritual Growth (Fruit of the Spirit)
Seed of Abraham
Sections of Ephesians
Mystery - Revelation Saints and Faithful in Christ Praise for Spiritual Blessing Chosen/Possession/Pre-destined/inheritance Saved by faith Alive in Christ Dead to Sin Power (armor of God) Sing and Make Music/Light Trinity Unity of the Church/fellow citizens/One/submission
Ephesians 5:15-16 (NIV):
5 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
Theme of Galatians
Justification; Live by the Spirit
Theme of Ephesians
Unity of the Church; Power
Theme of Philippians
Thank you; Joy
Theme of Colossians
Refuting False Teaching; Supremacy of Christ
Theme of 1 Thess
Thanksgiving for Endurance
Theme of 2 Thess
Theme of Philemon
What was the jewish argument in galatians
- Jewish Argument (based faith on do rather than be = ritual saves)
o Required Circumcision
o Observe Special Jewish Holidays
o Food Restrictions
What is the south galatians theory
the letter was written to the churches in south galatia
What is the progressive promise in Gal
o Starts with Abraham’s seed (not the law) – adoption – children of promise – fulfillment of the Law
What is the promise vs law in Gal
Promise Law
Spirit by believing // Spirit by works of law
Faith –children of Abraham // Rely on law are under a curse
Justified by faith // Not justified by the law
Gospel through Abraham // Law not based on faith
Rely on faith are blessed // Law came later (430 yrs.)
Christ redeems from curse of the law Law does not cancel the promise (covenant) //
Christ’s work bring Abraham’s blessing to the Gentiles, which results in receiving the promise of the Spirit // Law added to deal with sin (gift of grace, including sacrifices) till Christ came
Promise through “seed” not seeds // Law given through mediator, but God is one
Adoption (4:5-7) // Law not opposed to God’s promise
Children of promise (5:28) // A guardian until…(4:4)
Which two letters are similar
Ephesians and Colossians
What is a cyclical letter
meant to be shared among other churches (eph and col)
How do we see unity in eph
o 2:14-16: Jesus is our peace
o 2:19-22: fellow citizens
o 4:3-6: One body, Spirit, hope, Lord, faith, baptism, God and Father of All
o 4:11-13: gifts are to build one another up to reach unity in faith
o 4:15-16: build up in love
o 5:21-6:9: submission
How do we see power in eph
o 1:19: same power that raised Jesus o 1:21: dominion o 3:7: testimony o 3:16: from Holy Spirit o 3:18: love (not self-serving) o 3:20: exceeds our request and comprehension o 6:10: relationship
vocab: power
Sections in Philippians
Thank you; joy Advance the Gospel Humility Like-mindedness (Christ) Death to self/Confidence in Christ Citizenship in Heaven Stand firm
Sections in colossians
Refuting false teaching, supremacy of Christ
Suffer for the sake of the body, Church
Reconciled, encouraged, mystery
Death to self; alive in Christ (Freedom from human rules)
God’s chosen people
Stand Firm
Which are the prison letters?
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon
Order of date written
Gal, 1 Thes, 2 Thes, Col/Philemon, Eph, Phil
Pauls proof of his background (in phil)
o Circumcised on the eight day (Genesis 17:9-12) of the people of Israel
o Tribe of Benjamin (King Saul & Mordecai (Esther 2:5)
o Hebrew of Hebrews [cream of the crop, A1]
o Pharisee sect (understood the theology [Acts 23:6-8)
o Persecuted the church
o Legalism (righteousness by works) faultless
According to philippians, how can we live worthy of the gospel?
o Stand firm in one spirit (1:27-30) o Have the same attitude as Christ – humility (2:5-10) o Be glad and rejoice (2:17-18) o Watch out for false teaching (3:2-3) o Keep Christ first (3:7-14) o Be content (4:10-13)
What can we have joy IN, in philippians
o joy in prayer o joy in faith o joy in unity o joy in effort o joy in relationships
Qualities of Epaphrus, in Colossian
Our dear fellow servant (1:7)
Faithful minister of Christ on our behalf
Church Planter (1:7) – Along with Timothy (1:1)
Messenger: reports of their love in the Spirit
One of you (4:12) – ill
Fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus (Phm. 23)
What is the colossian heresy?
o Jewish element – legalism, ritualism, observance of holy days (2:11-14, 16-17)
o Pagan element – human philosophy, worship of angels, asceticism (2:8, 16-23)
o “Christian” element – gave Christ a place but not the supreme place (2:9-10)
What three elements in the colossian heresy?
Jewish, Pagan, “Christian”
What journey did Paul plant the thess church?
What is a parenetic letter?
moral teaching on how one should live
o integrity of character “faultless”
o purity of heart “blameless”
o behavior in community “holy”
o long term plan “kept pure (Doctrine 10)
What kind of letter in philemon?
What are the roman rules of slavery?
o No right of asylum but could appeal o Could flee to master’s friend for aid o Could be loaned to friends o Could be adopted as sons o Subjected to terrible punishment: beaten, mutilated, crucified, fed to wild beasts
Who is the son of philemon and apphia?
o Archippus
What does onesimus mean?
What is onesimus’ story?
Met in prison Considered “son” Thief – stole from Philemon Paul proposes to him to welcome Onesimus back • Paul will pay back his debt • Paul expects that Philemon will follow through and will do even more o Forgiveness o Hospitality
sections in 1 thess
Thanksgiving for endurance Virtues (faith, hope, love) Model: welcome message in midst of suffering Encouragement Holiness Day of the Lord Light Rejoice/Pray/God is faithful
sections in 2 thess
Eschatology Thanksgiving (growth) Model: hard work Encouragement Man of lawlessness Judgment Stand Firm God is faithful (strength/protect)
sections in philemon
Restoration Thanksgiving Plea for Onesimus (pardon) Fellow man Useful for gospel Obedience