Terms Flashcards
sensory adaptation
the reduction or disappearance of sensory responsiveness that occurs when stimulation is unchanging or repetitious
sensory deprivation
the absence of normal levels of sensory stimulation
selective attention
the focus of attention on selected aspects of the environment and the blocking out of others
signal detection theory
a psychological theory that divides the detection of a sensory signal into a sensory process and a decision process
difference threshold
the smallest difference in stimulation that can reliably be detected by on observer when two stimuli are compared; aka notable difference
vividness or purity of color; the dimension of visual experience related to the complexity of light waves
the detection of physical energy emitted or reflected by physical objects, it occurs when energy in the external environment or the body stimulates receptors in the sense organs
the process by which the brain organizes and inputs sensory information
absolute threshold
the smallest quantity of a physical energy that can be reliably detected by an observer
doctrine of specific nerve endings
theory that different sensory modalities, such as vision and hearing, exist because signals received by the sense organs stimulate different nerve pathways leading to different areas of the brain
dark adaptation
process by which visual receptors become maximally sensitive to dim light
feature detectors
cells in the visual cortex that are sensitive to specific features in the environment
trichromatic theory
theory of color perception which proposes three mechanisms in the visual system, each sensitive to a certain range of wavelengths; their interaction is assumed to produce all the difference variances of hue
opponent process theory
a theory of color perception which assumes that the visual system treats pairs of colors as opposing or asntagonistic
gastalt principles
principles that describe the brain’s organization of sensory building blocks into meaningful units and patterns
binocular cues
visual cues to depth or distance requiring two eyes
the figure is in focus and stands out and the background is blurrier
retinal disparity
slight difference in lateral separation between two objects as seen between the eyes
perceptual constancy
the accurate perception of objects as stable or unchanged despite changes in the sensory patterns they produce
perceptual set
habitual way of perceiving based on expectations
neuromatrix theory
theory that a matrix of neurons in the brain is capable of generating pain and sensation in the absence of signals from sensory nerves
gate control theory
theory that experience of pain depends in part on whether pain impulses get past a neurological gate in the spinal cord and thus reach the brain
subliminal perception
perceiving something we are not consciously aware of
visual cliff
investigate depth perception