Final S2 Flashcards
rapid eye movement; temporariliy paralyzed limbs
Stage 1
light sleep, i.e. falling asleep
Stage 2
sleep spindles and k- complexes
Stage 3
deep sleep, slow wave sleep, delta waves
Stage 4
deepest sleep, slow heart rate, blood pressure
length of sleep cycle
90 minutes
sleep cycles per night
brain activated during REM
REM sleep dreams
simulations for future possibilities
nonREM sleep dreams
help with learning
bad dreams
force us to prepare for the real world
pleasure seeking behavior, trying to meet needs in simple way
balance between id and superego, allows us to live in society
moral and ethical values
perceptions, thoughts, emotions in our awareness
emotions and thoughts not in awareness but within reach
thoughts and feelings that motivate a person but we are unaware of it
Freudian slip
subconscious feelings or thoughts accidental statement of hidden desires
Oral stage
0-2: infant achieves glorification through oral activity such as feeding, thumb sucking and babbling
Anal stage
2-3: the child learns to respond to some of the demands of society
Phallic stage
3-7: the child learns to realize the difference between males and females and becomes aware of sexuality
Latency stage
7-11: the child continues his or her development but sexual urges are relative quiet
Genital stage
11-on: the growing adolescent shakes off old dependencies and learns to deal maturely with the opposite sex
failure to acknowledge an intolerable thought, feeling, experience or reality
channeling instinctual desires into acceptable activities
an individual finds a justifiable cause and acceptable reasons just to be saved from an embarrassing and anxiety producing thoughts or situations
the process of taking one’s own traits, emotions, dispositions and ascribing them to another person. Often accompanied by denial that one has those feelings.
bolstering self-esteem by forming an imaginary or real alliance with some person or group; attributing to oneself the characteristics of another person or group.