BLO: Part One: Short Answer Flashcards
Principles of BLOA
- Behavior can be innate because it is genetically based. Evolution may be a factor.
- Animal research can provide insight into human behavior.
- Thinking, emotions and behaviors are products of anatomy and physiology or our nervous and endocrine systems.
Brain localization
Specialization of particular brain areas for particular finctions
Brain lateralization
The division of tasks between the two hemispheres of the brain
Biological research methods (list)
- Experiments
- Case studies
- Postmortem studies
- Neuroimaging technologies
- Correlational studies
Ethical considerations (list)
- Informed consent
- Deception
- Debriefing
- Withdrawal
- Confidentiality
- Protection from physical and mental harm
mirror neurons
A neuron that fires both when witnessing an action and performing an action
brain plasticity
The brain’s ability to rearrange the connections between neurons
brain imaging technologies (list)
EEG: Electroencephalogram
PET: Positron Emissions Topography Scan
MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan
fMRI: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan
genetic predisposition
Behavior will not be manifested without appropriate environmental stimuli
confirmation bias
A tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one’s preconceptions
theory of evolution
The members of a species who have characteristics which are better suited to the environment will be more likely to survive, breed and pass on those traits
Electroencephalogram: Detects electrical activity
Positron Emissions Topography Scan: patient injected with radioactive glucose which maps brain activity and records biochemical changes as they occur
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan: magnetic fields and radio frequencies produce vibrations in the nuclei of atoms, which a computer picks up and converts into a picture
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan: provides 3D pictures of brain structures using magnetic fields and radio waves
nervous system
the network of nerve cells and fibers that transmits nerve impulses between parts of the body
endocrine system
collection of glands that produce hormones that regulate metabolism, sleep, mood, growth and development
ecological validity
The extent to which the same result would be found in the real world
BLOA strengths and weaknesses
Strengths: technology and scientific studies
Weaknesses: ecological validity from tests, animal testing, small samples
The process in which a chemical message travels down the body of a neuron and the axon to the synapse, the gap between two neurons, the neurotransmitters cross that gap.
Informed consent
participants must be informed about the nature of the study and agree to participate
Slight deception is allowed to not alter the results but must be explained later
True aims and purposes must be revealed at the end of the study
Participants can leave the study at any time and withdraw their results
Protection from physical and mental harm
May not humiliate a participant or force them to reveal private information
All info must be confidential
Uses a tightly controlled environment to establish a cause and effect relationship
Case studies
When scientists want to follow the case of a human with a particular type of damage or when the topic is a new field of study
Postmortem studies
Conducting an autopsy after the subject has died
Neuroimaging technologies
Using new technology like the CAT, MRI, fMRI to collect quantitative data
Correlational studies
Establishes a relationship between two variables without manipulating a variable
Using multiple methods of investigation to explore the same phenomenon