temp Flashcards
what bld does the green code apply to?
residential new construction or remodels
ALL…but alterations/additions have really small sections
non residential new construction or remodels
non residential additions of 1,000 sf or more
non residential alterations of $200,000 or more
things the OPR does?
adopts general plan guidelines
CEQA drafting
CEQA (state clearing house) state level review
B202 admin
B202 procedures to get info
B202 important info
B202 report
B202 supplemental services
B203 admin
B203 important info
B203 report
- B202 administration
1. coord your work with owners consultants
2. schedule your work
3. opinion on owners budget & schedule
B202 procedures to determine report items
- admin process
- owner goals
- data gather
- data analysis
- initial and final report
B202 important info for report
1. Space, sound,light (eff, relations, looks)
2, Security/communication
3. equipment
B202 report
- owner goals
- methods/facts
- summary/conclusions
- diagrams, flows, photos of site, matrices showing space allowcation/relations
B202 supplemental services
- B203 (including detail facility eval &. prelim design, cost, scheduling/hearings)
- site/master
- market
- questionnaires/surveys, FF&E inventory and program
B203 administration
1. coord your work with owners consultants
2. schedule your work
B203 important info for report
- review owner objectives
- site eval (codes, utilities, circ, conditions)
- bld eval (codes, utilities, circ, conditions)
- context/historic.
- environmental requirements
- concept/cost of work/ hearings
B203 report
- owner goals
- methods/facts
- summary/conclusions
- Definition of Covered Multi-Family housing:
- Definition of Townhouse:
- Can a townhouse also be multi-family?
- (2) apt / (3) condo townhouse
- code version
- acc version
- acc details - (3) apt / (4) condo townhouse (or more)
- code version
- acc version
- acc details - (3) apt / (4) condo, flats, no elev
- code version
- acc version
- acc details - (3) apt / (4) condo, flats, elev
- code version
- acc version
- acc details - (3) apt / (4) condo, multi unit, no elev
- code version
- acc version
- acc details - (3) apt / (4) condo, multi unit, elev
- code version
- acc version
- acc details - can mobility units be multi-story?
- max stories for 11a building w/o elevator?
- max stories for 11b building w/o elevator?
- how can 11b units exits in bld without elevators.
1102A.3 Multistory dwellings.
1102A.3.1 Multistory apartment or condominium dwellings in buildings with no elevator.
what bld does this apply to?
how many need to be accessible?
What parts of these units need to be accessible?
Requirements for UNITS not on entry level?
1102A.3.2 Multistory dwelling units in buildings with
11A covered multi-family bld units require to be accessible in bld without elevator?
11B- Multistory residential dwelling
units in buildings with one or more elevators
11B- Multistory residential dwelling
units in buildings with no elevator.
tie together……
-what counts as a covered multi-family unit?
-do all covered muti-family units need to be on an accessible route
helpful fact…townhouses can be coverd…all covered on 1st foor or elevator floor to be adaptable //EXCPECT code says multi-story units can comply with diff section…
- Definition of Covered Multi-Family housing:
- (3) apt/ (4) condos (fire walls dont count). only ground floor units count in on elev buildings - Definition of Townhouse:
- single family foundation to roof f, own egress, open space 2+ sides, attached - Can a townhouse also be multi-family?
yes–90% sure - (2) apt / (3) condo townhouse
- code version: CRC
- acc version: CRC ….so like none
- acc details: CRC…. so like none - (3) apt / (4) condo townhouse (or more)
- code version: CRC
- acc version: 11a (cause multi-fam)
- acc details: 10% ground floor units acc + powder room - (3) apt / (4) condo, flats, no elev
- code version: CBC
- acc version: 11a
- acc details: all ground floor units 11a adaptable (bc ground = covered) - (3) apt / (4) condo, flats, elev
- code version: CBC
- acc version: 11a
- acc details: all units (bc covered) - (3) apt / (4) condo, multi unit, no elev
- code version: CBC
- acc version: 11a
- acc details: 10% units acc ground floor + power room - (3) apt / (4) condo, multi unit, elev
- code version: CBC
- acc version: 11a
- acc details: all units = acc 1st level + power + kitchen - can mobility units be multi-story…not without its own elevator. all room accessible.
- max stories for 11a building w/o elevator? 4 stores (chapter 10 egress requires one or some tricks for more than 4 stories above level of exit)
- all 11b need an elevator with a few exceptions
- private funds, 2 story
- private funds, 3000 sf max floors
- few other private fund less common - 11B mobility units only apply to the mobility units and spaces serving the unit. so if mobility units are on the ground floor and there are no common spaces above the bld would not need an elevator (the all 11b bld need an elevator does not apply here because its only the mobility units that need to comply with very specific portions of 11 b and an accessible route to those units)
California Natural Resource Agency:
Departments I care about?
CEQA trustee agencies
- Dpt of Fish and Wildlife
- Department of parks and Rec
- Department of Water resources
- Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
CEQA trustee
- Dpt of Fish and Wildlife
- Department of parks and Rec
- State Lands Commission
What kind of projects are design professional liens not available on?
single family owner occupied under $100,000 construction cost
Steps to file a mechanics lien?
What is the timing on enforcing the mechanics lien?
- Send Preliminary notice to preserve lien right within 20days of proving labor or material (for everyone except GC and Architect)
- Send owner notice of Mechanics lien (certified mail)
- Record mechanics lien County Recorders office in county of PROJECT (can come immediately after owner notice)
- Enforce mechanics lien file filing a lawsuit to force foreclosure.
before owner files “notice of cessation”: 90 days
After owner files “notice of cessation”
- 60 days for Prime contracts (and Architect I assume)
- 30 days for subcontractors
LAWSUIT ENFORCEMENT 90 days after filing but can be mutually extended to no more than 1 year
National standards tests you should know about
ANSI . A117.1 accessibility stantards (now ANSI/ICC)
ASTM E84 . flame spread index tunnel test
ASTM E119. fire resistance rating test for walls, doors, etc (1hr-4hr)
NFPA 252 . doors
NFPA 257 . windows
NFPA 265. corner burn test for textiles
NFPA 285 . exterior non bearing wall components
NFPA 286 . corner burn test for walls/ceilings
UL 263 comp to ASTM E119
UL 10B and 10C comp to NFPA 252
Health and Safety Code:
What sub codes is Arch mostly concerned with? 5
Health and Safety Code:
- Essential Services Buildings Seismic Safety Act
- Hospital Facilities Seismic Safety Act
- California Code of Regulations Title 24
- Air resources
- CA Retail Food Code
Health and Safety Code:
Air Resources..what does this code section do?
Health and Safety Code:
it gives responsibility to the State Air resource board. and also is where it is specified the regional AQMD are in control of air polution of everything excpet vehicles which are handled by the State Air Resources Board
CCA is under what code:
CEQA is under what code:
Air Resources is under what code:
CCA is under what code: public resource code
CEQA is under what code: public resource code
Air Resources is under what code: Health and Saftey
California Coastal Act:
Who has permitting authority for most coastal projects?
Who can overturn this?
What types of projects are permitted by a different authority and which authority is that? 5
California Coastal Act:
Local government under the LCP.
The CCC has appeal authority of the local govs
CCC directly permits projects that:
- greatest disrtance of the following…to 1st public road, 300’ from beach edge, 300’ from top edge of bluff, 300’ from mean high tide (because sometimes there is no beach)
- tidelands
- submerged lands
- public trust lands
- Major pubic works or Energy facility
State Land Commission stops were at sea?
-on land?
CCC area they deal with directly stops where at sea?
-on land?
State Land Commission stops were at sea? 3 miles
-on land? high tide
CCC stops where at sea? 3 miles
-on land? furthers of 300’ (tide, beach, or bluff) or 1st public road
(not same as coastal zone which goes in more)
CCA exemptions or does not require a permit:
CEQA exemptions:
CCA exemptions or does not require a permit:
- MAINTENANCE (no permit needed)
- replacement after disaster (except pubic works)
- single family repairs
- some temp events (per director)
- no impacts
- Emergencies
- Wildlife habitat aquisition
- 0.5 acre habitat restoration
CEQA trying to protect:
CCA thing trying to protect:
How big of an “inprovment” on a single family home is too big to be exempt from CCA?
- Recreation/open space
- Envi
- Agriculture
- Cultural (historic stuff, buildings, tribes)
- Noise
- public access, boating
- Envi (sensitive habitats)
- framlands/fisheries
- scenic views
- urban-rural boundaries and industrial sitting..Reduce density grow by reducing land division. cant do land division outside developed area unless 50% of site are already developed and the division cant be any smaller than average for the area.
- protection from coastal hazards
How big of an “improvement” on a single family home is too big to be exempt from CCA? 50% exerior walls removed would be too big or in special zone (300’, road etc)