AIA contracts B202 Flashcards
What is this contract for
B202: A/O programming supplemental service contract
Supplemental service: programming
AIA location
-Arch admin responsibility. 3
Supplemental service: programming
- Arch admin responsibility
1. Schedule of programming services and milestones (including owner due dates)
- Progress reports
- Final report for approval
Supplemental service: programming
AIA location?
-Arch overall duties (not detail—diff flashcard). 6 (5.5)
Supplemental service: programming
- Arch overall duties
1. Admin programming process
2. Prioritize owner goals
3. Info Gather
4. Date analysis
5. initial report
6. Final report for approval
Supplemental service: programming
AIA location?
Prioritize owners goals:
Three step process to get needed info from owner to allow Architect make a suitable program?
Owners goals/values. How should architect fulfill this part of the contract?
Supplemental service: programming
- Vision meeting
- Priorities, values, and goals report and priority meeting
- Owner objective confirmation
Supplemental service: programming
AIA location?
Vision meeting. How does arch do this?
What step come after this?
Supplemental service: programming
AIA location?
- Vision meeting. meet with owner to get general thoughts, cultures, likes, etc.
- written report of priorities, values and goals- review with owner
Supplemental service: programming
AIA location?
- priorities, values, goals. How does the Arch do this?
- what is the final step for confirmation? 4
- What step comes before?
- What step comes after?
Supplemental service: programming
priorities, values, goals.
-get feel for owner with a vision meeting
- write report with the following to review with owner
1. looks/feel
2. efficiency
3. saftry
4. enviro
- functional efficiency
- building economics
- user comfort
- safety
- environmental sustainability
- aesthetics
- final step for confirmation is to confirm owners
1. function
2. efficiency
3. schedule
4. budget
5. image - vision meeting
- owner objective and confirmation
Supplemental service: programming
AIA location?
-Owner objectives for the project. How does the Arch do this?
Supplemental service: programming
Owner objectives for the project
- use info from vision meeting and info from prioritizes, values, and goals report to write owner objectives
- review with owner for confirmation
Supplemental service: programming
AIA location?
- Info Gather. what is involved? 5
- What step in programming comes before this?
- What step comes after this?
Supplemental service: programming
- info gather:
1. documents
2. codes
3. site visits/studies/ inventories
4. interviews
5. review with owner - establish owner goals
- data analysis
Supplemental service: programming
AIA location?
- Data analysis. what is involved. 4
- What step in programming comes before this?
- What step comes after this?
Supplemental service: programming
-Data analysis
using gathered info prepare recommendations for
- space requirements, feel, flexibility
- circulation
- saftey
- furnishing
- space requirements/ relations
- circulation
- feel of space
- flexibility of space
- saftey / securtiy
- furnishing
- Info gather
- initial report
Supplemental service: programming
AIA location?
Final programming report. what is included. 6
-What step comes before this?
Supplemental service: programming
Final programming report:
- space requirements
- lighting requirements
- sound requirements
- equipment requirements
- security requirements
- aesthetic requirements
-initial report (after analysis data)
Supplemental service: programming
AIA location?
Final programming report space requirements. what things shall be considered? 3
Supplemental service: programming
spacial requirements that shall be considered:
- size/relationship/ type
- net/gross efficiency
- equipment space requirements
Supplemental service: programming
AIA location?
Budget. what is the architects responsibility in regards to budget during the programming phase?
Supplemental service: programming
Arch shall give OPINION on owners bugets in relation to program
AIA change order contact?
AIA pay app
AIA cert of substantial completion
AIA supplemental instructions?
AIA construction change directive
AIA site evaluations and Planning contract
programming additional services owner can select on B202-6
- site planning, master planing, or suitability (including environmental suitablity)
- multiple site or detail facility evaluation
- prelim design or cost estimating
- scheduling
- market analysis
- owner consult coord (for programming)
What type of things would Arch do under a B203? 5
- Zoning
- Site, context,, Culture
- Utility study
- Concept design
- Presentation meetings
site evaluation:
- site analysis, selection, & context
- planning and zoning analysis
- meetings and presentations
- cultural analysis
- conceptual site development drawings
- utility studies