odds Flashcards
ways to mitigate radon
- increase under floor ventilation
- install radon sump pump in basement (cover for sump pump)
- install vent system in basements and raised floor foundations
ideal air filter level?
typical MERV ratings for the follwoing
- window AC
- good residential
- superior residential
- Hospital
- clean rooms
MERV rating of HEPA filter
Merv 13 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 1. window AC 1-4 2. good residential 5-8 3. superior residential 9-12 4. Hospital 13-16 5. clean rooms 17-20
HEPA filter = 17-20
Indoor air quality things to do? 5
- low VOC
- balance HVAC
- Fresh are and passive ventilation
- Vent wet rooms
- Vent radon
topo conditions? 5
Horological conditions? 1
Geological conditions? 2
Climate conditions? 5
is solar orientation a climate condition?
- grading
- vehicular access
- utility access
- bodies of water
- views
1. water stuff…duh
Geological (under the surface)
- soil
- foundation types
Climate conditions
- temperature
- Humidity
- Rainfall
- Wind
- Snowfall
solar orientation is NOT a climate conditions..rather it is a condition of the specific site.
4 types of seismic zone maps
- shaking (seismic zoens)
- fault rupture (Alquise priolo zones)
- seismic hazard zones for liquefaction and landslides (seismic hazard zones)
- tsunami inundation
how many seismic shaking zones are there?
Which zones occur in CA?
What causes over 90% of earthquake damage?
scale of earthquake fault maps
average width of fault zones?
4 zones
Ca is all zones 3 and 4
-ground shaking causes over 90% of earthquake damage
1” = 2,000’
-approx 1/4 mile wide
name of seismic activity when shaking causes soil to break into block and move apart from each other?
lateral spreading
what act tries to keep bld away from faults?
How far from the fault (usually)?
specifically from what part of the fault is this measured?
What is considered an active fault?
Alquist-Priolo Act
- 50’ min (typ)
- from trace line (line on the surface of a fault)
- ruptured in last 11,000 years
what are the fire zones in CA?
what are these zones based on? 3
medium, high, very high
- fuel
- slope
- fire weather
distance of defensible zone around house for fire?
roofing type and wall materials required for hazard zones?
Class A roof, fire resistance walls etc
What areas get high winds?
-deserts, mountains, coastal
what state “agency” deals with flood forecasting, operations, and emergencies
do they fix dams and levees?
Natural resource Agency
Dpt of Natural resources
Division of floor management
federal program to clean sites that are not considered super fund / NPL sites
State program to clean sites that are not considered super fund / NPL sites
how do these work?
Federal EPA Brownfields Program
California EPA Brownfields Program
grants etc to help cleanup brownfields
is CEQA and agnecy or an Act?
its and Act….you do not submit to CEQA
what must be gotten before development can commence in a coastal zone?
Who can issue this?
Coastal Development Permit
CCC or by local gov that has a CCC approved LCP
-most are given by local expect for trust lands and tidal/submerged lands
who/ what requires a SIP
federal Clean Air Act requires states are responsible to comply with ambient air quality standards and state must say how they will do this in a State Implementation Plan
emergeny generator emmision exemptions
50 hp
<500 hours a year
<1 Billion BTU fuel a year
How is the CA health and safety code related to the CCR?
Who admins Ca Building Code?
Who creates CA 11a and 11b
Health and Saftey codes has a CA Building Standards Law section that requires a mixture of ppl representing the public to administer the CA building codes..
CA Building Standards Commission
DSA takes care or 11a and 11b
occupancy types in CBC? 10
types of A occupancies
type of R occupancies
- Assembly
- Business
- Education
- Factory
- Hazard
- Institutional
- Mercantile
- Residential
- Storage
10 Utility/misc
A-1 fix seating A-2 restaurants/bars/night clubs A-3 assembly A-4 indoor sporting (with viewing) A-5 outdoor sport (with viewing)
R-1 hotels/ motels
R-2 more than 2 dwelling units
R-3 some types of assisted living
R-4 some types of assisted living (main type)
what CBC chapter is Materials and Construction Methods for Exterior Wildfire Exposure
do other model codes have this chapter?
CBC 7a
no..unique to CA
CBC chapter for:
Interior finishes:
Fire protective systems:
Energy Efficiency:
Exterior walls:
Roof assemblies:
Structural stuff:
Which chapter deals with flame spread index of interior finishes
Interior finishes: 8
Fire protective systems: 9
Energy Efficiency: 13
Exterior walls: 14
Roof assemblies: 15
Structural stuff: 16-23
Chapter 8 deals with flame spread index of finished (sandwiched between chapter 7 and 9..this makes sence)
what part of the California Building Standards Code is the residential code
part 2.5 (out of 12 parts)
what kind of bld does the Residential code apply to?
detached one and two family dwellings
town houses 3 stories or less with separate means of egress
- What is CHBC?
- how are expansions/additions treated?
- who interprets and hears appeals regarding historic blds?
- Rules for a historic bld to keep using existing use after sitting unoccupied for a long time? Rules for a historic bld to change us?
- How is accessibility viewed?
- How is structural safety viewed?
- How is MEP viewed
- California Historical Building Code
- non-historic expansions or additions to historic blds must follow regular code
- SHBSB.. State Historic Building Safety Board. give interpretations etc on historic bld code and exceptions.
- Must comply with CHBC to keep use or change use.
- Must follow CBC 11a/11b unless if hurts the historical significance. Exceptions exists on an item by item basis.
- must be as safe as CBC structure for given use.
- existing system can remain if AHJ does not see a safety issue.
purpose of:
California Existing Building Code
existing unreinforced masonry wall protection from earthquakes…thats it…weird.
what bld does the green code apply to?
residential new construction or remodels
non residential new construction or remodels
non residential additions of 1,000 sf or more
non residential alterations of $200,000 or more
Do building need to resist flood loads?
yes. if they are built in a flood zone
what types of buildings are exempt from CBC 11a or 11b
min. walkway width?
max nosing projection on stairs?
handrail height?
min ramp slope?
- elevator control max height for front approach and side approach?
- min corridor width?
- how often does a long corridor or walk need a passing space?
- resting area for continues gradient?
door hardware mounting height range
single family,
multi family with 3 or fewer units.
- 48” (can be 36” with hardship exception)
- 1.25” max nosing projection
- 34”-38”
- 36 and 44…44” (60” if serving 300 or more occ for egress, 36” for R occupancy with under 60 occupants)
- 48” front, 54” side
- less than 10 occ = 36”, more than 10 occ = 44”
- every 200’ max a 60”x60” space is needed
- resting area for continues gradient? 48” long flat area every 400’
- 30”-44”
what types of buildings are exempt from CBC 11a or 11b
min. walkway width?
max nosing projection on stairs?
handrail height?
min ramp width?
- elevator control max height for front approach and side approach?
- min corridor width?
- how often does a long corridor or walk need a turn around space?
door hardware mounting height range
- drinking fountain min. depth? min knee clearance? min. toe clear
- urinal clear floor space
- urinal flush control height
- max height to bottom of mirror
- grap bar dims and height
- toilet height?
tip. ..dont worry much about the dims.
single family,
multi family with 3 or fewer units.
- 48” (can be 36” with hardship exception)
- 1.5” max nosing projection
- 34”-38”
- 48” (60” if serving 300 or more occ for egress, 36” for R occupancy with under 60 occupants)
- 48” front, 54” side
- less than 10 occ = 36”, more than 10 occ = 44”
- every 200’ max a 60”x60” space is needed
- 30”-44”
Drinking fountain: 18” deep, 27” knee clear for first 8” (like sink and sloping down until its 6” max away from wall at top of to clearance), 9”x17” deep toe clearance
urinal-30”x48” forward approach
- urinal flush controls 44” max high
- mirror 40” max to bottom
- side grab bar 42” and 24” min in front of toilet. back bar 36” . 33”-36” height
- toilet height 17”-19”
tip. ..dont worry much about the dims
two types of systems/methods for providing fire-restrictive protection?
and what chapters of CBC are they under?
per cbc what 4 options to we have to proving fire resistance ratings of assemblies
passive - walls etc —chapter 7
active - fire protective systems — chapter 9
- ASTM E119
- UL 263
- CBC section 703
- Alt methods
area of refuge…of much space?
stair width over and under 50 occupants?
occupant load that 3 exits kick in?
max stories for 1hr shaft
- area of refuge 30”x48”…….2 min (unless AHJ exempts for floors with less than 200 occupants)…..and space for every 200 occupants
- stairs 44” over and 36” under 50 occupants
- 3 exits kick in at 501-1000 occupants
- 1hr shaft is 3 stories max then is must be 2hr
Who publishes the California Energy code?
Who plan checks for energy code stuff?
Two methods of complying with energy code?
How many climate zones are there?
What is TDV?
What must be submitted for energy plan check? 2
What must be provided when energy work is done?
California Energy Commission
Local bld authority (usually)
- Performance approach- flexible and complex computer, uses actual orientation, overhangs etc
- Prescriptive approach- not flexible but simple
- 16 climate zones
- Time dependent Valuation..energy efficiency model considers time of year to fully understand actual energy savings.
items to submit.
- certificate of compliance signed by person responsible for building design (usually the architect)
- plans specs etc
required to be provided when energy work is done
- installation certificate (signed by installer)
- insulation certificate (singed by installer)
- maintenance and operation info
who does the licencing for power plants 50 megawatts or larger?
What else to they do?
California Energy commission…… that same commission that publishes the CA Energy code
- plan for energy emergencies
- State energy program (invests money into energy efficiency)
what does ADA say about existing buildings and accessibility?
Alterations or modifications to existing buildings?
what is the ADAG and who publishes?
Who is ultimately responsible for ADA compliance?
- accessibility barriers must be removed if deemed readily achievable
- full ADA
ADA accessibility guidelines…by US Access Board
-owner..they get sued by the DOJ….then would sue Architect
What phase should drawings be in during entitlement?
should really be somewhere in the DD phase.
who creates and adopts General Plan Guidlines?
who does the actual general plans based on these guidelines?
Who checks in on the implementation on these plans and how?
Who is required to submit reports
what are the mandatory elements?
What kind of “plan” implements” the general plan?
What kind of plan often over rules a master plan?
OPR (weird)..they also help with CEQA, help set enviro goals, and set state planning grants
- each local area….
- OPR check on implementation…local plans must submit annual progress report (1 per year)
- cities and counties must submit these annual reports
- Housing
- Circulation
- Open space
- Land use
- Conservation
- Noise
- Safety
- Master Plan implements the general plan
- a specific plan often is more strict than a master plan.
NFPA codes that are often ref’d..4 examples
NFPA 1 Fire Code
NFPA 14 standpipes
NFPA 70 national electric code
NFPA 101 life safety code
who can obtain the building permit?
what is important here?
owner or the contractor…not the Architect
-the architect does not pull the permit
6 local agencies…and what do the last 3 check for?
- Planning
- Building
- Fire
- Public works - utilities, sewers, right-of-ways, street lighting
- Transportation -traffic, curb cuts near intersections, traffic signals (also concerns of public works)
- Police- site lighting, safety, security
which areas have a county floor control district?
typical concerns?
all of them…all areas have one…even if they are not in a flood area.
- storm water runoff
- pollutants entering storm drain
- habitats
two types of airports in CA
concerns of airport authorities?4
- Commercial Service Airports: major airlines
- General Aviation Airports: municipal air ports
- bld height
- marker lights on top of bld when needed
- noise/sound issues
- blast walls for jet blast
which areas have a country dpt of public health?
concerns? 5
all areas
- indoor air and chemical hazards
- pools and beaches
- septic tanks
- water wells
- food
what is the Timberland Conservation Program
CDFW may allow bridges to be built across streams when for endangered species
What is the MPA?
Marine Protection Act
marine protection areas along coastline by CDFW
what projects does CalTrans care about
What things would they be concerned with?
What kinds of things would require and encroachment permit? 5
Where do encroachment permits apply?
on or near state highway
- power and light poles
- curb cuts
- traffic signals
basically like public works
encroachment permit:
- building, poles, billboard, fence or really anything in public right of way
- utility excavation
- driveways
- vegetation adding or trimming
- special events (including filming etc)
-in, under, or over public right of way
What is DSA-SS
What is DSA-AC
What type of bld does DSA do acc for? 3
Does DSA do energy compliance plan check
How is DSA involved with testing lab facilities?
DSA-Structural Saftey
DSA-Access Compliance
- UC and Cal State
- State owned buildings
- State funded buildings
-Yes DSA does energy complace plan check if incentive is applied for (for projects under its jurisdiction…like state owned ESSB and public schools)
DSA certifies testing facilities for DSA projects.
is the Coast guard concerned with marine life stuff?
yes, they have a couple marine life and resources related programs.
Marine Environmental Protection Program
Living Marine Resources
Marine Life Protection Act
Endangered Species Act
Marine Environmental Protection Program - coast guard..
Living Marine Resources - Coast Guard..make sure militarycan keep training without messing up ocen
MPA_Marine Life Protection Act -CDFW
Endangered Species Act - US Fish and Wildlife
what is:
Permit Streamlining Act?
timing issues?
CEQA. light on light off proccess to keep CEQA process moving forward
approval or denial of CEQA stuff by state by lead or OPR
30, 60, 60, 180
development permit 30 days max to approve or deny
Exemption…approved or deny 60 days after final filing
Neg dec…approve or deny 60 days after final filing
EIR…approve or deny 180 days max after final filing of EIR.
typical total timming
Neg Deck 180 days
EIR 365 days
in the event of a conflict which wins the specs or the drawings?
neither. per A201 the are “complimentary” …meaning one does not overrule each other… contractor should send an RFI if there is a conflict
G701: change order
G704: Cert of Substantial Completion
G710: Supplemental instructions
G714: Construction Change Directive
change order process? 5
- change is proposed (GC or owner)
- Arch does G709 proposal request detailing work associated and send to GC
- GC responds with cost
- Arch prepares G701 change order
- Arch, Owner, Contractor sign
when can owner legally occupy bld
once the get certificate of occupancy……
also often the arch will give owner certificate of substantial completion to start warranty period
who submits finall apllication for paymet?
who provides punch list
who files notice of compeltion?
who pays for special inspections?
contractor- arch certifies
Contractor– arch reviews
G701 G702 G703 G704 G705 G706 G707 G708 G709 G710 G711 G712 G713 G714 G715 G716
G701: change order
G702: pay app
G703: pay app cont
G704: substantial completion
G705-708: (skip….close out stuff from surety etc)
G709: work change proposal request
G710: ASI
G711: Field report
G712: shop drawings
G713: skip
G714: constriction change directive
G716: RFI