California Coastal Act Flashcards
What is an LCP
Who prepares and who reviews
California Coastal Act:
LCP = Local Coastal Plan
Local citys/counties prepair the LCP and submit it to the Coastal commission for review/approval
California Coastal Act:
CCA is under what CA code?
California Coastal Act:
Public Resources Code (one of te 29)
California Coastal Act:
How far out to sea does the Coastal zone go?
How far inland does the coastal zone go?
How far North and South does the Coastal zone go?
What are is not included as part of the Coastal Zone and why?
California Coastal Act:
3 miles
- typical: 1000 yards from mean high tide
- Rec or habitats, first major ridge or 5 miles (which ever less)
- Urban Areas: less than 1000 yards
Oregon to Mexico
-SF Bay area has its own coastal management program
BCDC Bay Conservation Development Commision
California Coastal Act:
Who has permitting authority for most coastal projects?
Who can overturn this?
What types of projects are permitted by a different authority and which authority is that? 5
California Coastal Act:
Local government under the LCP.
The CCC has appeal authority of the local govs
CCC directly permits projects that:
- greatest disrtance of the following…to 1st public road, 300’ from beach edge, 300’ from top edge of bluff, 300’ from mean high tide (because sometimes there is no beach)
- tidelands
- submerged lands
- public trust lands
- Major pubic works or Energy facility
California Coastal Act:
examples of coastal activities that require a permit 5
What types of projects are exempt? 3
California Coastal Act:
- bld structure
- change density or use
- land divisions
- removal of major vegitation
- change of water usage.
Exempt types:
- single family repairs
- replacement after disaster
- some temporary events
California Coastal Act:
Major things the CCC is trying to protect- 7
California Coastal Act:
- public access
- sensitive habitats
- framlands/fisheries
- scenic views
- urban-rural boundaries
- siting of coastal dependent industries (power etc)
- protection from coastal hazards
California Coastal Act:
Does the CCC have authority over offshore oil and gas?
California Coastal Act:
Yes, within the 3 mile offshore area.
What is BCDC
Bay Conservation and Development Commission
SF Bay areas version of the California Coastal Commision
What are California two coastal management agencies?
California Coastal Commission (CCC)
Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC)
What is CZMA
What is important about this?
federal Coastal Zone Management Act
It give state the opportunity to review federal coastal policy in a collaborative approach
What are some differance/ overlaps between the CCC and the Ca State Lands Commision
The State Lands commission jurisdiction is the lands (submersed or not) that are sovereign to CA. Some of these areas overlap with the CCC. Marinas (redondo beach for example) must lease the sovereign land from the lands from the State lands commission (or in Redondos case it is granted in trust from the State Lands Commissions and income money must go back into the trust) . The State Lands Commision will have rule and reg that come with the least/grant and it will also have to follow any CCC requirements/permits.
Oil rigs bouys etc must lease the land and the right of way from the State Lands Commission. Those rigs must also follow CCC rules/permits etc
California Coastal Act:
What are the only situations new developments can block public access to beach
- public safety issue
- military
- fragile coastal resources
California Coastal Act:
Management policies 8
California Coastal Act:
Management policies
1. public access including distributed public parking to avoid crowding and rec lands protected (if they are coast specific)
- farming (land and water) areas shall be protected
- prioritize boating/ocean related land uses over other types
- plants, animals etc
- separation between urban and agriculture lands
- Develop in already developed areas. (including visitor-serving facilities)
- Reduce density grow by reducing land division. cant do land division outside developed area unless 50% of site are already developed and the division cant be any smaller than average for the area.
- scenic views
California Coastal Act:
Can a new development alter bluffs and cliffs to provide protection devices to prevent erosion etc from damaging property?
California Coastal Act:
NO… you can not build something the would require bluff cliffs or other natural landforms to be altered significantly to construct braces/protection.
California Coastal Act:
Does the CCA care about unique visitor locations and towns?
California Coastal Act:
Yes is requires that new development protect these towns/areas unique characteristics
California Coastal Act:
Does the CCA care about earthquakes and fire hazards?
California Coastal Act:
Yes. new devlopements must mimimize risk to life and property from geo, flood, fire.
California Coastal Act:
Does the CCA care about air quality?
California Coastal Act:
Yes… it directly says new developments must comply with the State Air Resources Board requirements.
California Coastal Act:
Where does the CCC encourage coastal-depended industrial facilities to be located?
California Coastal Act:
- Expand on existing site when possible
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
improvements to single-family dwelling?
California Coastal Act:
no CCC permit needed
California Coastal Act: Does this required a CCC permit?
improvements to structures that are not single-family and are not public works buildings.
no adverse impact on the environment
no reduction of public access
no change in use
California Coastal Act:
no CCC permit needed
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
improvements to structures that are not single-family and are not public works buildings.
no adverse impact on the environment
no reduction of public access
Change in use
California Coastal Act:
yes… only because of the change in use
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
improvements to structures that are not single-family and are not public works buildings.
no adverse impact on the environment
reduction of public access
no change in use
California Coastal Act:
yes… only because of the reduction of public access
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
Maintenance dredging of existing navigation channels or moving dredged
material from those channels to a disposal area outside the coastal zone
what other major permit should be needed?
California Coastal Act:
No, however an USACE permit will be needed
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
repair or maintenance that does not
- enlarge
- expand
- impact environment
California Coastal Act:
no CCC permit needed
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
Building in a specific category of building in a specific area that the commission (along with public hearing) has decided has no significant impact on the environment
California Coastal Act:
no CCC permit needed
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
utility connection and repairs between existing service facility and a development. no significant impacts including on scenic resources
California Coastal Act:
no CCC permit needed
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
utility connection and repairs between existing service facility and a development. no significant environmental impacts but creates an unsightly building or structure
California Coastal Act:
Yes, CCC requires a permit if this impacts the scenic views
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
Replacement of a public works structure after a disaster
California Coastal Act:
Yes, CCC requires a permit for public works structure repair after disasters
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
repair of ANY structure destroyed by a disaster
California Coastal Act:
Sorta….CCC would not require a permit for any type of structure except public works structures.
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
conversion of multiple unit housing to time share
California Coastal Act:
no. this does not count as a use change as far as CCC is concerned
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
temp events that does not have significant impact on environment.
Who decides this?
California Coastal Act:
the CCC executive director
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
single family house:
immediately adjacent to beach
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
single family house:
between beach/sea and 1st public road
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
single family house:
lot merger to comply with min. lot size requirements
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
Yes. site must already be a legal lot of the min. size to be considered for an exemption from the CCC (along with lots of other requirements)
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
single family house:
in geo hazarded or floor zone
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
single family house:
400’ from an existing improved road that can be used all year
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
Yes…. to be considered for exemption single family homes must met lots of requirements…one of them is they must be within 250’ of and EXISTING improved road
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
Single family house:
well added on site for water supply
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
Maybe…. the well complies with an exemption that the site must have an adequate water supply but the house must still comply with a bunch of other requirements.
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
Single family house:
- two streets from beach
- legal lot
- no geo or flood hazards
- 250’ from an exiting all year road
- well on site or connection o water system.
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
No CCC permit is req’d
- exempt if not immediately on or adjacent to beach
- exempt if already a legal lot
- exempt if no geo or flood hazards
- exempt if existing road within 250’
- exempt adequate water can be supplied
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
Single family house:
- adjacent to beach
- legal lot
- no geo or flood hazards
- 250’ from an exiting all year road
- well on site or connection o water system.
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
Yes CCC permit is req’d because the house is immediatly adjacent to the beach
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
Single family house:
- one streets from beach on the far side
- legal lot
- flood zone
- 250’ from an exiting all year road
- well on site or connection o water system.
California Coastal Act:
Does this required a CCC permit?
Yes CCC permit is because it is in a flood zone…otherwise it meets all other exemption requirements.