Enchilada Questions Flashcards
climate conditions vs site conditions?
climate conditions: wind, rain, temperature
site conditions: solar orientation,
seismic concerns vs topo concerns?
seismic concerns: soils, fault lines, foundation type
topo concern: utilities, vehicular access, grading
water conservation vs resource conservation?
saving water vs saving re-using materials
Alquist-Priolo Act
Alfred E. Alquist
Alquist-Priolo Act:
- disclose seimic fault zones when selling house
- prevent buidling new fualt with geo study to say its ok..still must be 50’ away from active fault
Alfred E. Alquist Hospital Seismic Safety Act
Defensible space:
Number of Cal Fire zones and distances?
30’ & 100’
remove dead stuff space beween trees/shrubs branches 10' min from house woodpiles in zone 2 only cut grasses
Liquefacation zones
alquiest priolo Eathquake Fault Zones
Landslide Zones
- stability of foundation soils must be investigated
- do not allow buildings to be built directly on faults..must be 50’ (typically) away from fault even after investigation
- stability of hilltops must be evaluated
when deep fault within the earth break through surface
surface rupture
Who is in charge of certification adn adoption of CEQA guidlines? how helps and does lots of state adim for it?
Secretary of Natural Resources for the Ca Dpt of Natural Resources
OPR helps and does lots of Admin (also…fun random tie together OPR also does general plans)
- Name of California Code? how many divisions? what type of “code is this”
- Group of regulations that the bld code is under? how many divisions, which division is the bld code
- Two common names for collection of books that we call the “code” in architecture
- how many parts does the California Building Standards Code have? are they all part of “T-24”
- What is the name of our primary code and what part of the t-24 is it?
- California Code. OR California Constitution.
- 29 divisions
- Statutory Law - CCR, California Code of Regulations
- 28 divisions (or titles)
- Title 24
- Regulations (also called administrative law) - California Building Standards Code, California code of regulations - Title 24
- 12, yes….the heirachicy is CCR, CBSC (T24), CBC
- California Building Code , part 2 of T-24
who develops and maintains accessibility codes for California?
What other accessibility codes still apply in CA?
DSA (11b)
HCD (11a) along with DSA (I think)
ADA still applies
diff between passive and active energy management?
passive energy management:
Active energy management:
Passive uses energy how it comes in without really messing with. Active converts the energy coming in to another source/type.
passive: day lighting in place of fixtures, overhangs to control solar heat gain/loss, prevailing winds for cooling. Thromb wall….basically no external help needed at all (even pumps etc)
Active: solar panels, wind turbine, geothermal, light senors, LED bulbs
items expected from owner for pedesign services
items you usually would not get for predesign?
soils, site survey, budget, schedule
-Owner/Architect Agreement for basic services (maybe one for predesign services..maybe)
Can a structural engineer run wind and earthquake analysis simultaneously?
Which one do they use?
no..they have to run them separately and they will use which ever one is more.
elements of a general plan? 7
- Land Use
- Circulation
- Housing
- Conservation
- Open Space
- Noise
- Safety
Is a conditional use permit a change in zoning?
no… a CUP is not a change in zoning.
live loads?
- Offices
- retail
- library ready
- library stack
- class room
- other assembly
- residential
- fixed seating assembly
- garage
- ———–old——————-
1. hotels
2. classrooms
3. vehicle garage
4. library reading rooms
5. retail upper stories
6. retail lower story
7. restaurant dinning
8. library stack room
- garages: 40
- residential: 40, 40/40 (this induces hospital patient rooms and jail cells (100, 100/100 at public spaces)
- class rooms: 40, 100/80
- Offices: 50, 100/80
- fixed seating assembly: 60, 100/100
- other assembly: 100, 100/100
- retail: 100/75
- library ready: 60, 100/80
- library stack: 150, 100/80
- ———–old—————–
1. hotels = 40
2. classrooms = 40
3. vehicle garage = 40
- library reading rooms = 60
- retail upper stories = 75
- retail lower story = 100
- restaurant dinning = 100
- library stack room = 150
Who does CA consider “design professionals”
- Architect
- Landscape Arch
- Engineer
- Land surveyor
interior designer—maybe…maybe not?
Statement of special in inspection shall id?
- Tests
- Inspection
- Additional seismic/wind
- Requirements for cont and period inspections
- type and extent of each test
- type and extent of special inspections
- work the requires special test/inspection
- additional requirements for seismic/wind
- requirements for continuous and/or periodic inspection
Who approved the application and certificate for paymet
not the Architect and the Owner…just the architect
what is sub asked you if the GC has been paid for work that his has already done?
show him the amounts the GC has been paid for related work…
per A201 9.6.3