National Standards Flashcards
4 “strategic” businesses that UL provides expertise on??
overall what does UL do?
- product safety
- environment, 3rd party verification that product are sustainable
- life & health, health care products and compliance verification
- University and Verification Services
- product development and safety testing certifications.
examples of UL products/systems:
- Fire ratings
- Finish flame spread
- Plastic burning
- Fire sprinklers and alarms
- Egress related lights, hardware, signs, etc
- roof fire, hail, wind
what does UL approved mean?
What are the types of “approvals” given by UL?
nothing. ..made up deceptive term….UL does not approve anything…products can be:
1. Classified: tested for a specific thing….not all standards for a category of product…for example maybe product is UL certified to preform X and -100 degrees. Product may still need/want to get UL listed to show complaint with the category standards
2. Recognized: individual components indented to be used in a larger system. way diff looking RU looking symbol
3. Listed: stand alone finished products with specific function. Typical R symbol with “listed” on it
Can a UL assembly be modified in the field and still approved for use on a project?
yes, but it is up to the AHJ… they can either reject the work, accept the work, or call UL out to help determine if the modification is acceptable.
What standards does ANSI develop?
what are there requirements? 4
What do the designate a standard when they feel it meets the requirements of various stakeholders?
it doesn’t ..ANSI only compiles and “approved” standards other create.
- Openness
- balance,
- consensus
- due process
ANS, american national standards
What is ANS?
Who creates these?
Who decides if they get to be ANS?
American National Standards
- All kinds of mfg and industries create these standards
- ANSI designates the most universal ones as ANS
What is ISI
international standard institute. ANSI is the only U.S. representative for this..they are pretty much the international version of ANSI
what is A117.1
accessibility code put together by ANSI and the ICC it predates the ADA (which basically copied the A117.1) but is now mostly left behind by the ADA… however ADA and CA code both still reference the ICC/ANSI A117.1
what national standards does the ADAAG reference a lot?
ANSI 117.1 which used to be the accessibility go to and standard.
What does ASTM stand for?
How is ASTM sim and diff from ANSI?
Examples of ASTM construction standards?
American Society for Testing and Materials
ASTM and ANSI both collect standards, however ASTM also develops them in house.
- Adhersives
- Building standards
- cement standards
- Flammability Standards
- Insulation Standards
What is FM?
Who often requires this?
Factory Mutual Global. standards developed mostly for the insurance industry.
Insurance companies often require FM approval labels to insure a building
Primary focus of FM Global?
Primary standards?
loss prevention primarily to large corporations.
- Fire/ smoke protection equipment and hoses
- Electrical equipment
- Building materials
- wall assemblies
What is WH?
Warnock Hersey at intertek
testing inspecting and certification
- Doors
- hardware
- plumbing
- other
What mark is often found along with WH?
WH ETL mark
Warnock Hersey and Electrical Testing laboratories which are both part of intertec.
What is ASHRAE?
What do they do?
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers.
Write standards for consensus on HVAC related issues
What are examples of testing standards that would be used to evaluate building materials?
- UL
- FM
- WH
- GA
NFPA 252
Assembly test:
Door assemblies fire test
NFPA 257
Assembly test:
window / glass block assembly fire test
NFPA 285
Assembly test:
exterior non-bearing wall that has combustible material (like foam exterior insulation)
NFPA 265
Construction material test:
Room corner test…very sim to NFPA 286
NFPA 286
wall and ceiling finish contribution for room fire test. Very sim to NFPA 265….for non textiles
What are three main things that NFPA creates (they do others but these are the 3 I care about)?
- Assembly tests like doors, windows, walls
- Material tests like the corner room fire test
- codes and standards like fire code, sprinklers systems, life safety code the legal building codes will often reference.
fire resistance rating test….bld code typ requires this or UL 263
Major differance between UL263/ ASTM E119 and NFPA 252 / UL10C?
NFPA 252 and UL 10C are fire opening protection ratings
ASTM E119 and UL 263 area fire resistance ratings for walls, doors etc
Steiner Tunnel Test. test surface burning characteristics
What test is used to get a materials flame spread rating?
What flame spread class is most restrictive?
What other organization has a related test and what is it?
Class A(1) is the most restrictive
NFPA 286 ..corner test for non-textile materials.
What specific ASTM test should you know about?
ASTM E119.. this is the main fire resistance rating test for walls, doors, etc.
ASTM E84 tunnel test to test a materials flame spread
What specific NFPA test should you know about?
NFPA 252 for doors
NFPA 257 for windows
NFPA 285 for exterior non bearing walls with compustivel stuff like exterior rigid
NFPA 265 and 286 are corner room test for flame spread
National standards tests you should know about
ANSI . A117.1 accessibility stantards (now ANSI/ICC)
ASTM E84 . flame spread index tunnel test
ASTM E119. fire resistance rating test for walls, doors, etc (1hr-4hr)
NFPA 252 . doors
NFPA 257 . windows
NFPA 265. corner burn test for textiles
NFPA 285 . exterior non bearing wall components
NFPA 286 . corner burn test for walls/ceilings
UL 263 comp to ASTM E119
UL 10B and 10C comp to NFPA 252